
调查报告 | 新生代海归创业难的归因与对策

2016-10-29 钟云华 华东师范大学学报教育科学版


 一、问题的提出与研究述评(一)问题的提出随着高等教育国际化程度的进一步提高和经济社会的快速发展,我国出国留学人员与归国留学人员数量都在不断增长。与以往不同,近年的归国留学人员(以下简称“海归”)大多是出生于20世纪80或90年代,公费或自费在国外正规大学获得学士及以上学位的新生代海归。新生代海归既有国际视野,又掌握了国际前沿的技术与商业管理模式,是一个典型的“智力密集型群体”,其成功创业有助于我国产业升级与商业模式转型。然而笔者在问卷调查与个案访谈时发现,创业新生代海归的创业之路充满了坎坷与困难。那么,新生代海归创业难的现状究竟如何?这些困难的主要归因及其应对策略又分别是什么?希望对这些问题的分析与解答,微观上为新生代海归参与“万众创业”提供参考路径和相关建议,宏观上为我国留学人员政策的完善提供决策参考。(二)研究述评在中国经济发展迫切需要借鉴国外技术与商业管理模式的宏观环境中,海归创业日益受到学界的关注。海归创业困难的研究主要集中于三个方面:一是对海归创业难现状的研究。二是对海归创业难影响因素的研究。三是关于解决海归创业困难的对策分析。 二、新生代海归创业难归因的分析框架、模型与数据来源(一)新生代海归创业难归因分析框架的构建(二)新生代海归创业难归因分析模型的构建(三)新生代海归创业难归因分析的数据来源 三、新生代海归创业难归因的实证结果(一)新生代海归创业难的现状(二)新生代海归创业难主要原因探究 四、新生代海归创业难的可能解释(一)创业准备不足导致新生代海归创业“落地难”(二)留创政策完善性与普惠性不足致使新生代海归创业“发芽难”(三)新生代海归缺少经济资本社会资本等创业资源导致创业“生根难” 五、新生代海归创业难的应对策略(一)建立新生代海归人才引进使用的“旋转门”制度,吸引更多海外人才回国(二)创新工作机制优化创业环境,加快新生代海归创业“落地”步伐(三)制定优惠政策,促进新生代海归创业“发芽”(四)加强创业载体建设并拓宽融资渠道,促进新生代海归创业“扎根”(五)积极宣传新生代海归创业成绩,发挥海外人才创业“结果”的扩散效应 民政部门要引导新生代海归社团组织的发展,鼓励新生代海归社团组织定期开展“创业沙龙”、“国情培训班”、“中国经济发展形势分析”等活动。组织、人事、科技、教育与宣传部门联动,对新生代海归创业优秀事迹进行挖掘,如设立新生代海归创业“年度风云人物”或“创客奖”,并向海外留学人员进行宣传,吸引更多海外人才回流。同时为国内其他青年群体与新生代海归交流提供平台与机会,不仅加强新生代海归的社会资本积累,而且推广新生代海归的创业经验,促进我国青年群体创业人脉共建,项目、信息和技术等资源共享。
Attribution Analysis of Entrepreneurial Bugs of the NewGeneration  Overseas Returnees and Strategies ZHONG Yunhua(Department of Economic and Management, Changsha University, Changsha 410003, China)  Abstract: With China’s rapid economic and social development and the increasing internationalization of higher education, the number of students studying abroad and returning after graduation keeps growing. In recent years, most of the returned students were born in the 1980s or 90s, who obtained a bachelor degree or master degree at public expense or their own expense, i.e. socalled ‘overseas returnees of the new generation’. They are not only internationalminded, but also skilled at the international advanced technology and business management, belonging to a typical ‘intelligence intensive group’. However, under the wave of massive entrepreneurship and innovation, they are having difficulties starting their business.This paper first presents a new analysis framework, in which entrepreneurial process is divides into four stages: seeding (preentrepreneurship), budding (early entrepreneurship), rooting (midentrepreneurship) and fruiting (mature entrepreneurship). Then, adopting descriptive statistics and regression analysis based on the questionnaire survey of 1200 new generation overseas returnees in Hunan, it conducts an attribution analysis of the difficulties facing the overseas returnees of the new generation from four aspects including individual traits, entrepreneurial resources, entrepreneurial preparation and retention policy environment.The descriptive statistics shows that, in the 1200 new generation overseas returnees, 320 (26.5%)chose to be employed,528(44.1%) chose to start a business, and 280(23.5%)have employment and entrepreneurial experience. In short, there are more entrepreneurs than employees among the new generation overseas returnees. However, more than 78% entrepreneurs of the new generation overseas returnees face serious difficulties, and there are great variations in the entrepreneurial bugs. For example, the item Your business is a massive layoffs has the lowest score, only 1.54 points; and the item The costs of your product or service continue to rise has the highest points, i.e. 4.28 points. Regression analysis shows that the main contributing factors include gender disparities and specialty differences in individual traits, inadequate entrepreneurial preparation, deficient entrepreneurial resources especially social capital, and imperfect and exclusive retention policy. In order to encourage the new generation overseas returnees to start businesses, we should establish a “revolving door” system to bring in more talents of new generation overseas returnees, formulate preferential entrepreneurship policies, build a entrepreneurial platform and financing dynamics for new generation overseas returnees.Keywords:new generation overseas returnees; entrepreneurship; resources; retention policy







