
征文通知 | Call for papers for special issue at TRD

华东师范大学 全国地研联 2021-09-20


北大深研院张文佳助理教授、华东师大孙斌栋教授和麻省理工Chris Zegras副教授在Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment上组织一期关于可持续建成环境与出行研究的专栏,强调在理论与实证上的新视角、新数据与新方法。欢迎大家投稿、交流!投稿时间为2019年7月15日至2020年4月15日。        

第15届时空行为与规划会议即将于2019年12月在北京大学深圳研究生院举行(会议通知即将发布),会上计划组织special sections,欢迎有意提交稿件的同仁参加,以获得客座编辑、TRD总编和与会者的反馈,有利于提升稿件的质量。当然,参会与否并不影响在此专栏的投稿及审稿过程。

Sustainable Built Environment and Travel Behavior: New Perspective, New Data, and New Methods@ Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

Over the past three decades, studies on the relationship between the built environment (BE) and travel behavior (TB) have provided important knowledge for travel-related land use and environmental policies for broad sustainability objectives. However, the behavioral mechanisms underlying how the BE affects personal travel and how individuals’ travel decisions in space and time adapt to surrounding environments remain inconclusive, although they were discussed widely in the literature. New research is needed to shed light on the complexity and multiplexity in the BE-TB connections, beyond the traditional framework for simply discussing the existence and strength of the associations. In particular, research interests in the BE effects on TB have evolved, from direct to indirect (mediation) effects, from placeless to contextual (moderation) effects, from singular to synergic (interaction) effects, from linear to nonlinear effects, from static to dynamic effects, and from association to causality. Moreover, disruptive technologies, such as shared mobility and autonomous vehicles, may further complicate the BE-TB connections.

The rise of big data on both BE and TB sides has the potential to provide more comprehensive measures on BE/TB metrics, deal with the complications that are less observed by small-sample data, and unravel the uncertain and multiplex BE-TB linkages. Furthermore, the underrepresented data from hard-to-reach populations, multiple-city/region data, and longitudinal data remain novel for empirical studies, with great opportunities to update our understanding of the BE-TB relationships. Combined with advanced analytical approaches, such as machine learning and spatiotemporal modeling, we expect to shed further light on the BE-TB links.

See more in the CFP website ofTRD:


This special issue invites high-quality sustainable BE-TB studies with new conceptual and analytical perspectives, coupling with new data and/or methods. It welcomes original research and reviews on, but are not limited to, the following topics:

·Mediation effects of the BE on TB and associated environmental and health outcomes

·Endogeneity among the associations among various BE and TB measures

·Causality in the BE-TB links relying on before-and- after evaluation or longitudinal data

·Threshold effects of BE elements on TB

·Interaction effects of different travel demand management policies

·Contextual effects of the BE on travel across generations, social groups, and multiple regions

·Impacts of new micro-mobility options (such as  scooters and emerging shared modes) on the BE-  TB relationship

·New concepts, predictions, strategies and policies  on the BE-TB links for future cities

·Application of big data and/or advanced analytical approaches in addressing the aforementioned questions

Full papers are due by April 15th, 2020.

You are welcome to submit your papers after July 15th, 2019.

This issue will be a virtual special issue. It means that your paper will appear in the next regular issue after it is accepted. After all papers are accepted, guest editors will compile a virtual issue on the journal website. For an example of virtual issues,https://www.journals.elsevier.com/applied-soft-computing/news/virtual-special-issue-vsi-introduction

All submissions must be original and may not be under review by any other journals. All manuscripts will be submitted via the Transportation Research Part D (TRD) online submission system. Authors should indicate that the paper is submitted for consideration for publication in this special issue. Author Guidelines:https://www.elsevier.com/journals/transportation-research-part-d-transport-and-environment/1361-9209/guide-for-authors

When choosing Manuscript “Article Type” during the submission procedure, click “VSI: Land use-travel”, otherwise your submission will be handled as a regular manuscript.

All submitted papers should address significant issues pertinent to the themes of this issue and fall within the scope of Transportation Research: Part D. Criteria for acceptance include originality, contribution, and scientific merit. All manuscripts must be written in English with high scientific writing standards.

Acceptance for publication will be based on referees’ and editors’ recommendations following a standard peer review process.

All submissions and inquiries should be directed to the attention of guest editors:

Wenjia Zhang         


Bindong Sun          


Christopher Zegras  





审核人:任宇飞  王波涛


会议通知 | 第六届青年地学论坛二号通知

期刊目录 | 《世界地理研究》2019年第3期论文概览

名家观点 | 秦大河:"'未来地球'计划与可持续发展"

好书推荐 | 城镇防沙理论与工程



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