
地学前沿 | Scopus数据库发布的地理学和环境学所有期刊的CiteScore数据


荷兰Elsevier 是全球最大的科学文献出版发行商,已有180多年的历史。其产品涵盖科学、技术和医学等各个领域,包括1800多种学术期刊(大部分被SCI、SSCI、EI收录,是世界上公认的高品位学术期刊), 5000多种书籍以及电子版全文和文摘数据库。


Scopus数据库是Elsevier公司于2004年11月推出的数据库,是目前全球规模最大的摘要和引文(A&I)数据库,涵盖了15000种科学、技术及医学方面的期刊。该数据库收录了来自全球5000家出版社的20500多种经同行评议的出版物(完整收录了Elsevier, Springer/Kluwer, Nature, Science, American Chemical Society, Institute of Physics, American Physical Society, American Institute of Physics, Royal Society of Chemistry 等出版商出版的所有期刊),文献类型包括期刊、会议论文、丛书、专利等,数据最早回溯至1823年。该库收录学科全面,涵盖四大门类27个学科领域(医学、农业与生物科学、物理、工程学、社会学、经济、商业与管理、生命科学、化学、数学、地球与环境科学、材料、计算机、工程技术、心理学、艺术与人文学等各个领域)。

CiteScore是Elsevier基于旗下Scopus数据库统计的学术期刊质量评价指标。基于2020年5月6日的数据计算,Scopus数据库发布了CiteScore 2019数据。

附1:Earth and Planetary Sciences


1Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics48.7
2Reviews of Geophysics30.4
3Annual Review of Marine Science30
4Astronomy and Astrophysics Review23.9
5Nature Geoscience23.3
6Living Reviews in Solar Physics21.3
7Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences17.3
8Space Science Reviews17.3
9Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry16.4
10  Remote Sensing of Environment  15.1
11  Earth-Science Reviews  15
12IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine14.9
13Astrophysical Journal Letters13.6
14Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series13.5
15Gondwana Research13.1
16Earth System Science Data12.5
17Fish and Fisheries12.4
18Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change12.4
19Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia11.9
20ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing11.7
21Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society11.6
22IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing10.7
23Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters10.5
24Current Climate Change Reports10.4
25International Journal of Coal Geology10.2
26Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths10.1
27New Astronomy Reviews10
28Surveys in Geophysics9.8
29Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics9.7
30GSA Today9.7
31Astronomy and Astrophysics9.5
32Global Biogeochemical Cycles9.4
33Journal of Climate9.2
34International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation9.1
35Astrophysical Journal9
36Geochemical Perspectives9
37Geoscientific Model Development8.9
38Earth and Planetary Science Letters8.7
39Astronomical Journal8.6
40Earth's Future8.6
41Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society8.5
42Physics of the Dark Universe8.5
43Atmospheric Research8.4
44Climatic Change8.3
47Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation8.2
50Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering8
51Soil and Tillage Research8
52Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta7.9
53Journal of Hydrometeorology7.9
54Hydrology and Earth System Sciences7.8
55Geochemical Perspectives Letters7.7
56Geophysical Research Letters7.7
57IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters7.7
58  SPE Journal  7.7
59  Applied Clay Science  7.6
60Atmospheric Environment7.6
61Journal of Metamorphic Geology7.6
62Journal of Seismic Exploration7.5
63Limnology and Oceanography7.5
64Climate Risk Management7.4
65Egyptian Journal of Petroleum7.4
66Geoscience Frontiers7.4
68Quaternary Science Reviews7.4
69Engineering Geology7.3
70GIScience and Remote Sensing7.3
71Global and Planetary Change7.3
72IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote  Sensing7.3
73Agricultural and Forest Meteorology7.2
74Geotextiles and Geomembranes7.2
75International Journal of Digital Earth7.2
76International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Minings Sciences7.2
77Journal of Geodesy7.2
79Bulletin of the Geological Society of America7.1
82Quaternary Geochronology7.1
83Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology7.1
85Basin Research7
86Climate Services7
87Earth System Dynamics7
89Climate Policy6.9
90Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics6.9
92GPS Solutions6.8
93International Journal of Climatology6.8
95Climate Dynamics6.7
96Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research6.7
97International Journal of Mining Science and Technology6.7
98Marine Pollution Bulletin6.7
99Precambrian Research6.7
100Climate of the Past6.6

附2:Environmental Science学科分类期刊表

1MMWR Recommendations and Reports152.5
2MMWR. Surveillance summaries : Morbidity and mortality weekly report.  Surveillance summaries / CDC68.4
3Energy and Environmental Science56
4Nature Climate Change34.4
5Fungal Diversity29.1
6Applied Catalysis B: Environmental25.3
8Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report19.1
9Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics18
10Global Environmental Change17
11Applied Energy16.4
12Environmental Health Perspectives15.9
13Annual Review of Environment and Resources15.8
14  Green Chemistry  15.8
15Chemical Engineering Journal15.2
16Global Change Biology15.2
17Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment15.1
18Water Research14.5
19Nature Ecology and Evolution13.5
20Conservation Letters13.4
21Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology13.3
22Journal of Hazardous Materials13.1
23Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology13.1
24Bioresource Technology12.8
25Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part B: Critical Reviews12.8
26Advances in Ecological Research12.7
27Environmental Science & Technology12.6
29Particle and Fibre Toxicology12.5
31Fish and Fisheries12.4
32Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change12.4
33Ultrasonics Sonochemistry11.8
34Review of Environmental Economics and Policy11.7
35Methods in Ecology and Evolution11.5
36Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions11.3
37Exposure and Health11.1
38Environmental Science and Technology Letters11
39Journal of Carcinogenesis10.9
40Journal of Cleaner Production10.9
41Ecosystem Services10.8
42Mutation Research - Reviews in Mutation Research10.8
43Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry10.8
44GCB Bioenergy10.7
45Resources, Conservation and Recycling10.7
46Environmental Science: Nano10.5
47Global Ecology and Biogeography10.5
48Current Climate Change Reports10.4
50Environmental International9.9
51Conservation Biology9.8
52ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering9.7
53Archives of Toxicology9.6
54Waste Management9.6
55Journal of Applied Ecology9.5
56Journal of Industrial Ecology9.5
57Global Biogeochemical Cycles9.4
58Journal of Ecology9.4
59Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability9.3
60Environmental Pollution9.3
61Landscape and Urban Planning9.2
62Reviews in Aquaculture9.2
63Economic Policy9.1
64International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation9.1
65Organization and Environment9.1
66Environmental Modelling and Software9
67Geochemical Perspectives9
68Indoor Air9
69Biotechnology for Biofuels8.9
70Environmental Research Letters8.9
71Agronomy for Sustainable Development8.8
73Environment and Behavior8.8
74Global Food Security8.8
75Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology8.8
76Analytica Chimica Acta8.7
77Cell Biology and Toxicology8.7
78  Energy Policy  8.7
79Environmental Science and Policy8.7
80Earth's Future8.6
81Science of the Total Environment8.6
82  Emerging Contaminants  8.5
83International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment8.5
84Sustainable Materials and Technologies8.5
85Building and Environment8.4
86Business Strategy and the Environment8.4
87Environmental Research8.4
89Climatic Change8.3
91Journal of CO2 Utilization8.2
92Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation8.2
93Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment8.1
94Ecological Applications8.1
96Current Forestry Reports8
97Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source8
99Water Resources and Industry8
100International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation7.9









终审:顾伟男  田巍  梁龙武


1. 招贤纳士 | 临沂大学资源环境学院2020年高层次人才招聘

2. 期刊专刊 | JGR Atmospheres和GRL联合特刊:衔接天气与气候的S2S预测

3. 名家观点 | 空间综合人文学与社会科学的昨天、今天和明天

4. 地学数据 | 史上最全的中国站点和城市空气质量小时数据


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