

FISF EMF 复旦泛海国际金融学院 2022-11-12


本次发布的报告是复旦大学泛海国际金融学院精英金融专业硕士项目一年一度 "SDG可持续发展目标挑战赛" 活动成果的重要组成部分,同时也是2022年4月举办的C. A. R. E.(文化艺术与责任道德)课程中 “责任道德模块” 的最终成果。


"学生们在完成这次的任务的过程中充分展示了,他们在学术生涯中所积累的研究与写作的方法和技巧,而且当遇到的问题涉及像社会企业家如何解决与可持续发展目标有关的全球问题这样的重要议题时,能够很好的将它们联系起来",C. A. R. E. 课程负责人Betty Chen说。"发布一份报告是庆祝世界青年技能日的最好方式。这份报告体现了当今青年金融专业人员所需要的技能组合和潜力。我们为他们的成果感到非常自豪"。


Report Connecting Social Enterprises in Asia Pacific and China Released on World Youth Skills Day

Students from the Elite Masters of Finance Program at Fanhai International School of Finance, Fudan University (FISF) is releasing a report connecting the social enterprises in Southeast Asia with ones in China focused on the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as part of their annual “The Great SDGs Challenge” coursework.

The report which is titled “Youth Social Enterprises in Asia-Pacific: Connectivity With China” is the final output from the Responsibility and Ethics module of the C.A.R.E.  (Culture, Art, Responsibility and Ethics) class taken on April 24, 2022, lasting exactly eight hours.

The students decided to release their finding on World Youth Skills Day because the deliverable from this year’s Responsibility and Ethics module exemplifies the basic skillsets needed by present day finance professionals which includes quick and complete understanding on how to complete due diligence and the analytical mindset to provide dependable analysis about any subject matter.

“The students were able to complete this year’s assignment by demonstrating the research and writing skills which they have accumulated over their academic career, but also to be able to connect the dots when it comes to important topics such as, how social entrepreneurs are tackling global issues related to the SDGs,” said Betty Chen, the C.A.R.E. program manager.  “There’s no better way to celebrate World Youth Skills Day than to publish a report that demonstrates the critical thinking needed for these capable young finance professionals.  We are extremely proud of them and their work.”

You can view the “Youth Social Enterprises in Asia-Pacific: Connectivity with China” report by clicking on the picture below.

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