

三农学术 2023-10-24

Rurbanomics for common prosperity: new approach to integrated urban-rural development

Kevin Z. ChenRui MaoYunyi Zhou

Food demand and the nutrient intake of households in underdeveloped rural regions of China: an instrumental variable approach

Christian H. KuhlgatzJiaqi HuangGerrit Antonides

Missing data estimates related to soybean production in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, from 1990 to 2018

João Gabriel RibeiroSônia Maria de Stefano Piedade

A systematic review of rural resilience

Yuheng Li

Storage losses, market development and household maize-selling decisions in China

Yi LuoDong HuangYan HanLaping Wu

Digital technology in agriculture: a review of issues, applications and methodologies

Xiaoxue DuXuejian WangPatrick Hatzenbuehler

Impact of lockdown and government subsidies on rural households at early COVID-19 pandemic in China

Nan LiMuzi ChenHaoyu GaoDifang HuangXiaoguang Yang

Improving smallholder farmer's soil nutrient management: the effect of science and technology backyards in the North China plain

Fan LiDangui LiMaarten VoorsShuyi FengWeifeng ZhangNico Heerink

Measuring the impact of surface ozone on rice production in China: a normalized profit function approach

Yang GeYongbing YangFujin YiHao HuXiaoBai Xiong

How much does regional bias affect China's regional agricultural trade?

Wei JiaJ. Alexander Nuetah

Research on the impact of emergencies on the poultry market integration in China

Tingting LiuShufen Tang

Five-year plan and agricultural productivity in China

Yali HanKrishna P. PaudelJunyi WanQinying He

Rurbanomics for common prosperity: new approach to integrated urban-rural development

Kevin Z. Chen     Rui Mao     Yunyi Zhou



Challenges from the urban–rural disparity immensely burden the world's progress fulfilling Sustainable Development Goals and the goals' central promise, particularly for developing countries experiencing rapid structural change and urbanization. A knowledge gap lies between the epistemology of urban–rural disparity and the practice of integrated urban-rural development. This paper aims to provide a new approach to bridge the knowledge gap based on the recent Chinese experience.


This qualitative research reviewed major economic and multidisciplinary studies regarding urban-rural development and the growth-equality tradeoff. Chinese experience is employed to showcase concrete challenges from the urban–rural disparity and how the proposed approach works for urban-rural integration.


Theoretical and practical approaches with urban bias largely fail to counter the challenges. Building on China's recent practice probing beyond urban bias, IFPRI (2019) proposes the term rurbanomics with a highlight of equalized urban-rural economic partnership, whereafter Zhou and Chen (2021) enrich the term into a conceptual framework. This paper further improves rurbanomics as a new viable approach to integrated urban-rural development under the overarching goal of common prosperity. The approach prioritizes driving forces in the economic, demographic, eco-environmental, social institutional and technological aspects for the policy community to leverage. Long-term mechanisms are decerned to link urban-rural integration to common prosperity.

Practical implications

China has leveraged ingredients of the rurbanomics approach in the political deployment to integrated urban-rural development. However, the application of this approach is yet to be adapted with local heterogeneities and live up to application's potential. Long-term mechanisms recommended by the rurbanomics approach will need to be carried out. Future improvements will need substantial theoretical extension and micro-level empirical studies.


This paper streamlines the epistemological shreds regarding pursuits, challenges, global experiences and theoretical approaches of urban-rural development. The paper also develops rurbanomics to navigate urban-rural integration, Sustainable Development Goals and common prosperity. By decerning long-term mechanisms in the Chinese case accordingly, this paper provides clues for other economies to employ the new approach.

Food demand and the nutrient intake of households in underdeveloped rural regions of China: an instrumental variable approach

Christian H. Kuhlgatz     Jiaqi Huang     Gerrit Antonides


The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effects of price and income changes on food and nutrient demand of rural households by including own-produced food and production-side effects in the demand estimation to correct potential measurement bias in the income and price elasticities for rural households in underdeveloped areas. Simulation results of income and grain price changes on food and nutrition security are provided for economic nutrition security policy applications.


This study analyzes survey data of 1,555 households from underdeveloped rural areas of China to find out how price and income changes affect food and nutrition insecurity of rural households. The authors employ the quadratic almost ideal demand system (QUAIDS) in a two-stage budgeting framework, using quality adjusted prices that were retrieved with regressions of the difference between the unit value surveyed at household level and its village average on household characteristics. The bias correction is implemented by using an augmented IV (instrumental variable) method, in which each market price is instrumented with farm-specific variables. Important macro- and micronutrient elasticities are computed for (a) households with agriculture as main income and (b) other households (of which still many have agriculture as a side business). Finally, the authors use these elasticities to simulate how changes in income or grain prices affect the food and nutrition security in the studied areas.


In general, food income elasticities of agricultural households are at a higher level than those for other households, and so are the food price elasticities. Income changes also have a greater nutritional effect on agricultural households than on other households. Nutrient income elasticities ranged from 0.22 (energy) to 0.27 (Vitamin A) for agricultural households and from 0.19 (energy) to 0.23 (Vitamin A) for other households. Grain price increases have greater effect on nutritional status of non-agricultural households, while a grain price reduction is not clearly favoring the nutritional situation of a particular household group.


This demand study contributes to the literature by taking into account differences in consumption of own production between households and the potential endogeneity of prices resulting thereof. The authors also demonstrate that merely reporting nutrient elasticities might not be sufficient for policy recommendations, and simulations should be reported as a valuable addition.

Missing data estimates related to soybean production in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, from 1990 to 2018

João Gabriel Ribeiro     Sônia Maria de Stefano Piedade



The state of Mato Grosso represents the largest producer and exporter of soybeans in Brazil; given this importance, it was aimed to propose to use the univariate imputation tool for time series, through applications of splines interpolations, in 46 of its municipalities that had missing data in the variables soybean production in thousand tons, production value and soy derivatives in R$ thousand, and also to assess the differences between the observed series and those with imputed values, in each of these municipalities, in these variables.
The proposed methodology was based on the use of the univariate imputation method through the application of cubic spline interpolation in each of the 46 municipalities, for each of the 3 variables. Then, for each municipality, the original series were compared with each observed series plus the values imputed in these variables by the Quenouille test of correlation of time series.
It was observed that, after imputation, all series were compared with those observed and are equal by the Queinouille test in the 46 municipalities analyzed, and the Wilcoxon test also showed equality for the accumulated total of the three variables involved with the production of soybeans. And there were increases of 5.92%, 3.58% and 2.84% for soy production, soy production value and soy derivatives value accumulated in the state after imputation in the 46 municipalities.
The present research and its results facilitate the process of estimates and monitoring the total soy production in the state of Mato Grosso and its municipalities from 1990 to 2018.

A systematic review of rural resilience

Yuheng Li



Rural resilience plays an important role in maintaining rural stability and people's living standards in the face of risks and unexpected challenges. The purpose of this paper is to systematically review the concept and mechanism of rural resilience and discuss how rural resilience is measured and to propose ways to improve rural resilience.


Literature review of the theoretical interpretations and empirical studies of rural resilience are conducted in the paper.


Resilience acts in the process as rural communities respond to risks and disturbances so as to maintain system stability and minimize the loss. Rural resilience consists of the capacity of resistance, adaptation and transformation. Promoting multifunctional transformation, exercising bottom-up planning and enhancing social capital are proposed to improve rural resilience.


The study of the paper makes comprehensive review of rural resilience in the context of rural interaction with the changing external environment. The study contributes to the understanding of rural evolution and helps to initiate feasible ways to achieve rural revival.

Storage losses, market development and household maize-selling decisions in China

Yi Luo     Dong Huang     Yan Han     Laping Wu



The purpose of this paper is to analyse the impacts of storage losses and market development on the maize-selling behaviours of rural households in China.


Based on the survey data of 543 households from nine major maize production provinces in China, the authors introduce storage losses to a household's maize-selling decision-making model and use fractional logit model and ordered probit model to empirically analyse the impact of maize storage losses and market development on household maize-selling decisions in China. To overcome potential endogeneity problems, the authors select the weather at drying (whether bad weather occurs during the drying process) and harvest loss as instrumental variables and re-estimate the model.


The results show that increased storage losses prompt farmers to increase the proportion of maize sold within three months after harvest and sell maize in advance. Meanwhile, the degree of market development has a significant impact on farmers' maize-selling decisions. Other factors, such as the maize output, non-agricultural employment and awareness of loss control, also affect farmers' maize-selling behaviours.

Research limitations/implications

The government should promote advanced storage facilities, reduce household storage losses, decrease the phenomenon of centralised sales after harvest and help farmers freely choose the suitable time for sales. The government also needs to strengthen market information releases and publicity, reduce transaction costs and help farmers make reasonable sales decisions.


The authors introduce storage losses as a separate variable in a farmer's grain-selling decision model to empirically analyse the impact of storage losses on farmers' grain-selling behaviours. Moreover, the authors analyse the impact of market development on household grain-selling behaviours in China. These findings can help avoid oversupply in the market during the harvest season and alleviate the pressure on the market from the supply and demand imbalance. These results are also beneficial for farmers waiting for a higher price and increasing their income.

Digital technology in agriculture: a review of issues, applications and methodologies

Xiaoxue Du     Xuejian Wang     Patrick Hatzenbuehler



The purpose of this paper is to show the impact of digital agriculture on food supply chain, research trend, emphasis and implications for future research.


The paper analyzes how the digital technology reshapes the production, assembly, transaction, retail and logistics. Impact from each main technological progress is discussed.


First, digital agriculture develops quickly and changes all parts of the food supply chain. Second, while many technological progresses show their impacts in agriculture and food sector, e-commerce and progress of artificial intelligence show its comprehensive impact on the argi-food sector.


The paper shows the technological trend and progress in food and agriculture sector. Researchers focusing on agricultural economics and agribusiness should pay attention to recent developments in the real world, know the recent developments from other disciplines, get more data for empirical research and show the impact of digital agriculture on consumer's preference and social welfare.

Impact of lockdown and government subsidies on rural households at early COVID-19 pandemic in China

Nan Li     Muzi Chen     Haoyu Gao     Difang Huang     Xiaoguang Yang



Given the scarcity of data during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in China, the decision-making for non-pharmaceutical policies was mostly based on insufficient evidence. The purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness of these policies, such as lockdown and government subsidies, on rural households and identify policy implications for China and other countries in dealing with pandemics.


The authors survey 2,408 rural households by telephone from 101 counties across 17 provinces in China during the first stage of the pandemic (March 2020). The authors use the ordered probit model and linear regression model to study the overall impact of policies and then use the quantile regression model and sub-sample regression method to study the heterogeneity of the effects of government policies.


The authors find that logistics disruption due to lockdown negatively affected rural households. Obstructed logistics is associated with a more significant loss for high-income households, while its impact on the loss expectation of low-income households is more severe. Breeding and other industries such as transport and sales suffer more from logistics than cultivation. The impact of logistics on intensive agricultural entities is more serious than that on professional farms. The government subsidy is more effective at reducing loss for low-income households. Lockdown and government subsidies have shown heterogeneous impacts on rural households.

Practical implications

The overall economic losses experienced by rural households in the early stages of the pandemic are controllable. The government policies of logistics and subsidies should target specific groups.


The authors evaluate the economic impacts of lockdown and government subsidies on rural households and show their heterogeneity among different groups. The authors further demonstrate the policy effectiveness in supporting rural households during the early stages of the pandemic and provide future policy guidance on major public health event.

Improving smallholder farmer's soil nutrient management: the effect of science and technology backyards in the North China plain

Fan Li     Dangui Li     Maarten Voors     Shuyi Feng     Weifeng Zhang    Nico Heerink



Soil nutrient management and fertilizer use by farmers are important for sustainable grain production. The authors examined the effect of an experimental agricultural extension program, the science and technology backyard, in promoting sustainable soil nutrient management in the North China Plain (NCP). The science and technology backyard integrates farmer field schools, field demonstrations, and case-to-case counselling to promote sustainable farming practices among rural smallholders.


The authors conducted a large-scale household survey of more than 2,000 rural smallholders. The authors used a multivariate regression analysis as the benchmark to assess the effect of the science-and-technology backyard on smallholder soil nutrient management. Furthermore, the authors used coarse exact matching (CEM) methods to control for potential bias due to self-selection and the (endogenous) switching regression approach as the main empirical analysis.


The results show that the science-and-technology backyard program increased smallholders' wheat yield by approximately 0.23 standard deviation; however, no significant increase in maize yield was observed. Regarding soil nutrient use efficiency, the authors found a significant improvement in smallholders' phosphorus and potassium use efficiencies for both wheat and maize production, and a significant improvement in nitrogen use efficiency for wheat production, but no significant improvement of nitrogen use efficiency for maize production.


This study evaluated a novel participatory agricultural extension model to improve soil nutrient management practices among smallholders. The integration of agronomists' scientific knowledge and smallholders' local contextual experiences could be an effective way to improve farmers' soil nutrient management. This study provides the first quantitative estimates based on rigorous impact assessment methods of this novel extension approach in rural China.

Measuring the impact of surface ozone on rice production in China: a normalized profit function approach

Yang Ge     Yongbing Yang     Fujin Yi     Hao Hu     XiaoBai Xiong



The purpose of this study is to investigate the impacts of surface ozone pollution on rice profit, output and variable inputs in China.


This study estimates the rice profit function using county-level rice production data and ozone monitoring data in 2014 and 2015 to capture the impact of ozone pollution on rice profit. Then, it uses dual approach to identify the impacts of ozone on the supply of rice and the demand for variable inputs. The ozone concentration data are obtained from 1,412 monitoring stations established by the National Environmental Monitoring Centre of China.


The results show that surface ozone would significantly reduce rice profits; a 1% increase in (the daily average ozone concentration from 9 am to 4 pm) leads to a 0.1% decrease in profits. In addition, ozone has a negative impact on the levels of inputs and the supply of rice, and the elasticities of rice output, fertilizer input and labour input with respect to are −0.87, −0.86 and −0.78%, respectively. These results suggest that ozone pollution affects rice production via two channels: the direct damage on rice growth and the indirect negative impact of reducing variable inputs.


This study estimates the impacts of surface ozone pollution on rice profit and output, and quantifies its influence on variable inputs in China, which provides a better understanding of farmers' adaptation behaviour.

How much does regional bias affect China's regional agricultural trade?

Wei Jia     J. Alexander Nuetah



Market integration in China is still progressing, while the border effects of trade among regions still exist. The question of whether eliminating or weakening regional bias can promote of China's agricultural trade still remains an important issue. This paper analyzes the impact of regional bias on China's agricultural trade.


This paper constructs a pure exchange computable general equilibrium model of nine regions and three sectors, and analyzes the impact of regional bias on China's regional agricultural trade; Comparing the differences of regional bias on China's inter-regional and external agricultural trade, the paper especially analyzes the impact of the agricultural imports and exports in eight regions of China.


The results show that regional bias has had substantial impacts on China's agricultural trade. Elimination of regional bias would therefore increase China's agricultural exports and imports by factors of 1.32 and 1.63, respectively while its agricultural trade deficit would increase by 84%. Inter-regional agricultural trade in China would increase by 3.53 times. With the elimination of regional bias, the Northern coastal, Central and Northwestern regions would have the largest increase in inter-regional agricultural trade. Unlike the Northern coastal region, inter-regional agricultural import in the Central and Northwestern regions tends to be greater than inter-regional agricultural exports.


This paper thus aims to fill existing gap in investigating the impacts of regional bias on China's agricultural trade. Firstly, the model proposed in this paper does not only consider the linkage between the agricultural and non-agricultural sectors, but also the inter-regional agricultural trade linkages of the different regions in China. Secondly, the authors decompose home bias into national and regional biases and assess how regional bias affects agricultural trade of the various regions of China.

Research on the impact of emergencies on the poultry market integration in China

Tingting Liu     Shufen Tang



Improving the agricultural products market integration is conducive to developing provincial comparative advantage, optimization of agricultural and industrial organization and enhanced competitiveness. The relationship between the emergencies and the agricultural products market integration in the production and consumption provinces is of great significance for stabilizing market prices and improving the efficiency of agricultural resource allocation.


The authors reviewed the literature on the market integration of agricultural products. Then, they adopted a two-way fixed effect model to investigate the impact of emergencies on the poultry market integration in the production and consumption provinces in China.


Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) caused abnormal fluctuations in the poultry market price and decreased the poultry market integration. The negative impact of HPAI on poultry market integration was strengthened in the main production provinces and weakened in the main consumption provinces.


This is the first study that applies empirical analysis to identify the emergencies’ impact on the poultry market integration considering production and consumption characteristics. The results indicate that the impact of avian influenza is more serious in production provinces than in consumption provinces. Due to the heterogeneity of production and consumption provinces, the government implements precise compensation policies to resume production quickly after the disaster. It can be conductive to market integration and promote the development of agricultural products market.

Five-year plan and agricultural productivity in China

Yali Han     Krishna P. Paudel     Junyi Wan     Qinying He



China's economy has transformed from a high-speed growth phase to a high-quality development phase. The agriculture sector has grown substantially since the economic reform in 1978. Considering the five-year plan (FYP) as a collection of policies, this study explores the relationship between the FYP and agricultural total factor productivity (TFP).


This study uses 31 provincial-level panel data of the five FYPs from 1996 to 2020. The data envelopment analysis (DEA) is used to compute Malmquist productivity indexes. The authors analyze the temporal and spatial changes and convergences of China's agricultural TFP, and investigate the impact of economic planning on China's agricultural TFP and its regional difference.


There is a slow but upward growth trend in China's agricultural TFP. The technical change has played a leading role in the growth of China's agricultural TFP. The agricultural TFP of all provinces has shown a “catch-up” effect and is developing toward their respective steady-state levels. The regional difference in productivity growth among the eastern, central and western regions exists. Test results show that the FYP has a positive effect on the agricultural TFP, and the effect has obvious regional heterogeneity. The FYP also plays a positive role in the gross value of agricultural output, and the impact effect is greater than that on the improvement of agricultural productivity.


There are many forms of industrial policy in China, among which the FYP is the guiding document of industrial policy, which makes a systematic plan for industrial development in the subsequent five years. The development objectives, guidelines and overall deployment for agriculture in the FYP not only describe the general context of China's agricultural development but also show the key ideas of agricultural development. Therefore, this study explores its impact on agricultural quality development from the perspective of FYP. The results provide evidence for examining the governance performance of the government and the objective evaluation and restraint of the FYP. As agriculture moves toward the stage of high-quality development, the Chinese government should strengthen the critical guiding role of the FYP and pay attention to quality indicators such as technical progress, efficiency improvement and regional coordination in the formulation of the FYP.


  1. CAER 2022年第14卷第3期目录及摘要
  2. JDS《发展研究杂志》2022年第58卷第11期目录及摘要
  3. 《西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版)》2022年第6期目录及摘要
  4. 《中国土地科学》2023年第1期目次及摘要
  5. 《中国农村观察》2023年第1期目录及内容提要



