
More than 4,000 students graduate at 2024 ceremony

XJTLU 西交利物浦大学


From 29 July to 2 August, more than 4,000 Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University graduates will receive their certificates and embark on a journey from XJTLU to the world.

A total of 3,898 undergraduates were awarded degree certificates from both XJTLU and the University of Liverpool. Among them, 1,119 were awarded First Class Honours.

Another 487 were awarded master’s and doctoral degrees from the University of Liverpool, including 30 postgraduate students who graduated with Distinction.

Earlier this year, in April, 2,313 graduate students received their master’s and doctoral degrees from the Liverpool.

Turn AI into an opportunity

In his speech, Professor Youmin Xi, Executive President of XJTLU, said: “Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping our lives and society. However, despite its power and far-reaching impact, the process and results of AI depend on collaboration and symbiosis with people, making AI your opportunity and the ‘magic wand’ in your hands. If you can harness human imagination and creativity, standing on the shoulders of AI and various technologies, you will create endless possibilities.”

In his video speech, Professor Tim Jones, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Liverpool, emphasised that AI is developing at lightning speed, bringing the chance to make a difference in the world. But with great opportunity also comes great challenge. “In a world facing climate change and a range of global health challenges, we have never needed bright, determined and talented graduates more. You are the generation who will crack so many of the problems facing humanity. You are our future leaders, our change-makers,” he said.

Professor Liqun Zhang, President of Xi’an Jiaotong University and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, highlighted the collaboration among all three institutions in his speech. “Together, we will establish a new model for integrated development in education, technology, and talent, expanding out international network and exploring new paradigms for higher education in China and globally,” he said.

At the degree awarding ceremony, the graduating students walked up to the stage one by one, where Professor Xi turned their tassels and conferred their degrees.

At the end of the ceremony, Professor Wenquan Tao, President of XJTLU, sent his wish to the graduating students: “Today marks the first day of a new journey in your lives, be it continuing your studies or starting your career. I wish you every happiness and success in the future!”

From XJTLU to the world

Jingyi Wang, who just graduated from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and will further her studies at the University of Cambridge, said: “The purpose of education is to enable people to think independently, which is also one of the most important abilities I have learned at XJTLU. I will always be grateful for the four years I spent here.”

During her time at XJTLU, in addition to her programme, Wang also explored various research opportunities, serving as a research assistant and participating in the SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship) programme. “These valuable research experiences were one of the key factors that got me into Cambridge,” she said.

Qi Luo, who graduated from the BEng Intelligent Robotics Engineering with Contemporary Entrepreneurialism programme, was deeply impressed by the unique interdisciplinary education and industry training of XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang).

In the summer career development training camp organised by the College, along with his team members and under the guidance of an industry mentor, he developed an intelligent car that can explore the surrounding environment autonomously and identify and respond to transparent obstacles that are difficult to detect by lidar (light-detecting ranging equipment).

After graduation, Luo will go to the University of Hong Kong for a master’s degree in mechanical engineering. He said: “I look forward to making my own contribution to the application and development of robotics technology in the real world through unremitting efforts.”

This year marks the 10th year of Hong Huang’s study at XJTLU. After completing his undergraduate studies, he stayed at the University as a research assistant, and then was admitted to a doctoral programme. Under the guidance of his supervisor, Dr Cheng Zhang, he conducted his studies on civil engineering information 

technology and graduated this year.

“These 10 years have been a journey that has been both fulfilling and challenging for me,” he said. “XJTLU not only has teaching resources comparable to top overseas universities but also has provided me with a broad space for exploration and a platform for independent development.”

Lev Vladykin, an international student from Russia, studied BA International Business with a Language at XJTLU’s International Business School Suzhou. In addition to successfully completing his studies, Vladykin co-founded a company with his friends and has worked as a marketing manager in multiple companies. He has also actively participated in animal welfare projects and is an actor and dragon boat athlete. He said: “Looking back on this journey of studying abroad, I have gained a lot, and it has truly broadened my horizons!”

Vionna Fiducia, a BA Media and Communication Studies student from Indonesia, said: “My time at XJTLU has been an incredible journey, one filled with learning, blessing, and growth. My teachers and peers have been my guides, providing me with not only knowledge but also wisdom. They taught me to not only strive for greatness but also for goodness and I graduate with the knowledge that learning extends long after the class is dismissed. Reflecting back, I have nothing but gratitude. I would not want any other place to start my journey to face the world.”

To celebrate the XJTLU graduation season, Suzhou’s Gate of the Orient building will be lit up for five consecutive nights starting on 29 July.

By Yunji Tao

Translated by Xiangyin Han

Edited by Patricia Pieterse and Xinmin Han

Social Media Editor: Yajun Ma

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Grad 2024: Catching the eye of a Chinese job recruiter

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