

学术无界 学术无界 2023-10-24



本期期卷:Volume 82-Issue 2

发表日期:June 2022




目     录


How Do Carbon Taxes Affect Emissions? Plant-Level Evidence from Manufacturing


Younes Ahmadi, Akio Yamazaki, Philippe Kabore 

关键词:Carbon tax; Energy; Revenue-recycling; Manufacturing emission


When it Rains, it Pours: Estimating the Spatial Spillover Effect of Rainfall


Farzana Hossain, Reshad N. Ahsan

关键词:Rainfall; Rural households; Climate


Pollutant Trading with Transport Time Lags


Aaron M. Cook, James S. Shortle 

关键词:Water quality trading; Lag times; Market design; Trade ratios; Nutrient pollution


Air Pollution and Housing Values in Korea: A Hedonic Analysis with Long-range Transboundary Pollution as an Instrument


Kyung-Min Nam, Yifu Ou, Euijune Kim, Siqi Zheng

关键词:Transboundary air pollution; Particulate matter; Hedonic price model; Two-stage least squares; Korea; China


Climate Change and the Cost-Effective Governance Mode for Biodiversity Conservation


Oliver Schöttker, Frank Wätzold

关键词:Agri-environment scheme; Biodiversity; Climate-ecological-economic modelling; Conservation payments; Cost-effectiveness; Land acquisition; Make-or-buy decision; Payments for environmental services; Modes of governance


On the Cost-Effective Temporal Allocation of Credits in Conservation Offsets when Habitat Restoration Takes Time and is Uncertain


Martin Drechsler

关键词:Agent-based model; Conservation offsets; Ecological-economic model; Habitat restoration; Uncertainty


On Simple Rules for the Social Cost of Carbon


Cees Withagen

关键词:Social cost of carbon; Integrated assessment models; Long run growth


Overcapacity in Gulf of Mexico reef fish IFQ fisheries: 12 years after the adoption of IFQs


Juan Agar, William C. Horrace, Christopher F. Parmeter


How Do Carbon Taxes Affect Emissions? Plant-Level Evidence from Manufacturing


Younes Ahmadi, Akio Yamazaki, Philippe Kabore 


This paper investigates how carbon taxes affect emissions by examining British Columbia’s revenue-neutral carbon tax in the manufacturing sector. We theoretically demonstrate that carbon taxes can achieve emission reductions while increasing production. Recycling carbon tax revenues to lower corporate income tax rates encourages investments, allowing plants to emit less per unit of output. Using detailed confidential plant-level data, we evaluate this theoretical prediction by exploiting the treatment intensity through plants’ emission intensity. We find that the carbon tax lowers emissions by 4 percent. Furthermore, we find that the policy had a positive output effect and negative emission intensity effect, suggesting that the carbon tax encouraged plants to produce more with less energy. We provide initial evidence showing how a revenue-neutral carbon tax may achieve emission reductions while stimulating the economy

摘 要



When it Rains, it Pours: Estimating the Spatial Spillover Effect of Rainfall


Farzana Hossain, Reshad N. Ahsan 


A large fraction of the world’s poor rely on rain-fed agriculture, which makes them vulnerable to changes in rainfall patterns. In this paper, we examine whether spatial correlation in rainfall results in these households also being vulnerable to an adverse spatial-spillover effect. In particular, we use household-level panel data from India along with high-resolution meteorological data to show how rural household consumption varies with own-region rainfall as well as rainfall in neighboring areas. We find that while greater own rainfall has a positive effect on rural household consumption, greater rainfall in neighboring regions has an adverse spatial-spillover effect. Our results suggest that when this spillover effect is taken into account, the positive impact of own-region rainfall on household consumption falls by 38 percent.

摘 要



Pollutant Trading with Transport Time Lags


Aaron M. Cook, James S. Shortle 


Nutrient pollution represents one of the costliest and most challenging threats to water quality in the United States and is a major problem elsewhere in the world. Water quality trading is drawing significant interest from policy makers as a mechanism to manage nutrient loads cost-effectively. Overlooked in nutrient markets developed to date and in standard guidance for market design are the fundamental dynamics of nutrient pollution delivery processes. This paper develops rules to efficiently manage pollution trading between sources that differ in terms of how fast their pollution arrives at degraded waters. We develop a system of optimal time-varying discharge permits and lag trade ratios, as well as a simpler, second-best system of time-invariant permits and trade ratios that achieve optimal pollution loads in the long run steady state. Our second-best system accounts for lags in a way that is both pragmatic and grounded in economic theory. Results from a numerical simulation indicate that the total costs of the second-best system are within 0.2% of the first-best optimum, suggesting that the efficiency loss associated with the second-best design may therefore be of little practical concern.

摘 要



Air Pollution and Housing Values in Korea: A Hedonic Analysis with Long-range Transboundary Pollution as an Instrument


Kyung-Min Nam, Yifu Ou, Euijune Kim, Siqi Zheng 


We estimate the degree and scope of PM2.5-induced negative price shock in Korea’s local housing markets, taking a two-stage hedonic approach. For the analysis, Korea’s local PM2.5 levels are treated as endogenous and are instrumented with regional air pollutants from China. We find that a unit µg/m3 PM2.5 level increase in a Korean city is associated with a 3.7% decline in local residential property value. Long-range transboundary pollution has significant effects on Korea’s local PM2.5 levels with an elasticity of 0.05. These results enrich the sparse hedonic literature on local air-quality valuation in connection to long-range transboundary pollution in East Asia. The advanced methodological features presented in our two-staged identification strategy with a novel instrument is another contribution of this paper.

摘 要

我们估计PM的程度和范围2.5- 在韩国当地房地产市场引发负面价格冲击,采取两阶段享乐方法。为了分析,韩国当地PM2.5水平被视为内源性,并用来自中国的区域空气污染物进行检测。我们发现单位 μg/m3下午2.5韩国城市的水平上升与当地住宅物业价值下降3.7%有关。远距离越境污染对韩国当地PM产生重大影响2.5水平,弹性为0.05。这些结果丰富了与东亚远距离越境污染相关的本地空气质量估价的稀疏享乐文献。我们用一种新型仪器进行两阶段识别策略时提出的高级方法学特征是本文的另一个贡献


Climate Change and the Cost-Effective Governance Mode for Biodiversity Conservation


Oliver Schöttker; Frank Wätzold


Climate change poses a key challenge for biodiversity conservation. Conservation agencies, in particular, have to decide where to carry out conservation measures in a landscape to enable species to move with climate change. Moreover, they can choose two main governance modes: (1) buy land to implement conservation measures themselves on that land, or (2) compensate landowners for voluntarily carrying out conservation measures on their land. We develop a dynamic, conceptual ecological-economic model to investigate the influence of changes in climatic parameters on the cost-effectiveness of these governance modes and specific patch selection strategies (price prioritisation, species abundance prioritisation, climate suitability prioritisation, climate change direction prioritisation). We identify five effects that explain the cost-effectiveness performance of the combinations of governance mode and patch selection strategy and find that their cost-effectiveness depends on climate parameters and is thus case-specific.

摘 要



On the Cost-Effective Temporal Allocation of Credits in Conservation Offsets when Habitat Restoration Takes Time and is Uncertain


 Martin Drechsler


Tradable permits, or offsetting schemes, are increasingly used as an instrument for the conservation of biodiversity on private lands. Since the restoration of degraded land often involves uncertainties and time lags, conservation biologists have strongly recommended that credits in conservation offset schemes should be awarded only with the completion of the restoration process. Otherwise, the instrument is claimed to fail on the objective of no net loss in species habitat and biodiversity. What is ignored in these arguments, however, is that such a scheme design may incur higher economic costs than a design in which credits are already awarded at the initiation of the restoration process. In the present paper a generic agent-based ecological-economic simulation model is developed to explore different pros and cons of the two scheme designs, in particular their cost-effectiveness. The model considers spatially heterogeneous and dynamic conservation costs, risk aversion and time preferences in the landowners, as well as uncertainty in the duration and the success of the restoration process. It turns out that, especially under fast change of the conservation costs, awarding credits at the initiation of restoration can be more cost-effective than awarding them with completion of restoration.

摘 要



On Simple Rules for the Social Cost of Carbon


Cees Withagen


The objective of this paper is to assess the use of simple rules for the social cost of carbon. It is shown that several interrelated objections may apply. The main issues are the following. First, the underlying theoretical models typically assume that the economy finds itself on a balanced growth path, implying that addressing the issue of designing policies for the short run, which play a role in the actual policy debate, are neglected. Second, for some cases the assumptions made regarding the marginal damages of high temperature or of arge atmospheric CO2 stocks are shown to be incompatible with other assumptions made. Third, typically the rules follow from an optimal growth model and associate the social cost for a particular year with GDP for that year, but it is not always acknowledged that it should be optimal rather than actual GDP for that year. I also go into the performance of simple rules as compared to first-best.

摘 要



Overcapacity in Gulf of Mexico reef fish IFQ fisheries: 12 years after the adoption of IFQs


Juan Agar, William C. Horrace, Christopher F. Parmeter


We study the impacts of individual fishing quota programs on overcapacity and the technical efficiency of the Gulf of Mexico red snapper and grouper-tilefish fisheries. We deploy generalized panel data stochastic frontier methods, which allow us to decompose time invariant heterogeneity into both vessel specific heterogeneity and persistent inefficiency. This type of decomposition has recently seen interest in a variety of applied production settings but marks the first use in fishery studies. Our main findings show that roughly 20% of red snapper fleet size could have harvested the entire red snapper quota and that the time-varying technical efficiency of the red snapper fleet grew by 6% post-IFQ. We also find that 57% of the Gulf reef fish IFQ fishery (red snapper combined with grouper-tilefish), had it operated at full efficiency, could have harvested the quota in the early stages of the IFQ program (2011–2016), and that the time-varying technical efficiency of the fleet rose by 5% post-IFQ. “The views and opinions provided or implied in this manuscript are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of NOAA”.

摘 要

本文研究了个别捕捞配额计划对墨西哥湾红鲷鱼和石斑鱼-瓦片鱼渔业产能过剩和技术效率的影响。我们部署了广义面板数据随机前沿方法,这使我们能够将时间不变异质性分解为血管特异性异质性和持续的低效率。这种类型的分解最近在各种应用的生产环境中引起了人们的兴趣,但标志着渔业研究的首次使用。本文主要发现显示,大约20%的红鲷鱼船队规模可以收获整个红鲷鱼配额,并且红鲷鱼船队的时变技术效率在IFQ后增长了6%。我们还发现,57%的海湾珊瑚礁鱼IFQ渔业(红鲷鱼与石斑鱼 - 瓦片鱼相结合)如果以全效率运行,可以在IFQ计划的早期阶段(2011-2016年)收获配额,并且船队的时变技术效率在IFQ后提高了5%。“本手稿中提供或暗示的观点和意见是作者的观点和意见,并不一定反映NOAA的立场或政策”。




国外权威期刊目录 JIE ·《国际经济学期刊》(总第192期)
国外权威期刊目录 AER·《美国经济评论》(总第191期)










中国科学院青藏高原研究所招聘客座研究生 / 遥感科研助理








