
#“译”起看世界#翻译征集活动 第二弹!

#“译”起看世界# 第二弹!



After a run of nearly one thousand years, quipped the French philosopher and writer Voltaire, the fading Holy Roman Empire was neither holy nor Roman nor an empire. Today, some two and a half centuries later, the problem, to paraphrase Voltaire, is that the fading liberal world order is neither liberal nor worldwide nor orderly.


广东外语外贸大学 王少华

法国哲学家、作家伏尔泰曾打趣道,经过近千年的发展,衰落中的神圣罗马帝国既不神圣,也不属于罗马, 更不是帝国。大约两个半世纪后的今天, 同样用伏尔泰的话阐述一个问题,衰落的自由世界秩序既不自由,也不是世界范围的,更不是有序的。

辽宁大学 程新波

Liberalism is in retreat. Democracies are feeling the effects of growing populism. Parties of the political extremes have gained ground in Europe. The vote in the United Kingdom in favor of leaving the EU attested to the loss of elite influence. Even the US is experiencing unprecedented attacks from its own president on the country’s media, courts, and law-enforcement institutions. Authoritarian systems, including China, Russia, and Turkey, have become even more top-heavy. Countries such as Hungary and Poland seem uninterested in the fate of their young democracies.


云南大学 柯孜凝

At the same time, great power rivalry is returning. Russia violated the most basic norm of international relations when it used armed force to change borders in Europe, and it violated US sovereignty through its efforts to influence the 2016 election. North Korea has flouted the strong international consensus against the proliferation of nuclear weapons. The world has stood by as humanitarian nightmares play out in Syria and Yemen, doing little at the UN or elsewhere in response to the Syrian government’s use of chemical weapons. Venezuela is a failing state. One in every hundred people in the world today is either a refugee or internally displaced.


北京语言大学 王树宇

My point is not to single out the US for criticism. Today’s other major powers, including the EU, Russia, China, India, and Japan, could be criticized for what they are doing, not doing, or both. But the US is not just another country. It was the principal architect of the liberal world order and its principal backer. It was also a principal beneficiary.


广东外语外贸大学 王少华

America’s decision to abandon the role it has played for more than seven decades thus marks a turning point. The liberal world order cannot survive on its own, because others lack either the interest or the means to sustain it. The result will be a world that is less free, less prosperous, and less peaceful, for Americans and others alike.


北京语言大学 王树宇


青岛大学 赵舒畅


quip 讥讽、嘲弄、打趣

Holy Roman Empire 神圣罗马帝国

sovereignty and territorial integrity 主权和领土完整

decidedly 明显地、毫无疑问地 

populism 民粹主义

gain ground in 发展、前进

authoritarian system 威权体系

top-heavy 头重脚轻的、不稳定的

pronounced 显著的

come to fruition 取得成果

flout 蔑视、轻视

proliferation of nuclear weapons 核武器扩散

internally displaced 国内流离失所的、境内难民

aluminum 铝

雷区:The rise of populism is in part a response to stagnating incomes and job loss, owing mostly to new technologies but widely attributed to imports and immigrants.



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约瑟夫·奈:哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院教授。曾出任卡特政府助理国务卿、克林顿政府国家情报委员会主席和助理国防部长。约瑟夫·奈是国际关系理论中新自由主义学派的代表人物,以最早提出“软实力”(Soft Power)概念而闻名。(文段二作者)

编辑:  吉培坤

国 关 新 青 年



