
参会|2019 CHIIR(Glasgow, 3.10-3.14)

图情会 2021-07-09

CHIIR(ACM SIGIR on Human Information Interactive Retrieval)为以用户为中心的信息交互和信息检索研究提供了一个传播和讨论的平台。CHIIR侧重于人类信息的交互式检索,如用户为中心的搜索活动,以及在上下文情境中如何搜索和使用信息。交互式信息检索是图书馆学的重要研究方向,该会议是SIGIR的系列会,SIGIR侧重检索技术,该会议侧重搜索行为。这个会议是过去两个成功会议的结合:上下文信息交互会议(IIiX)和人类计算机信息检索(HCIR)研讨会,这两个会议分别从2006年和2007年开始举办。

Conference Scope and Topics

Online information influences every aspect of our lives: work, leisure and learning. As information systems become more embedded in our day-to-day experiences, it becomes increasingly important to understand how people interact with information and the consequences of those interactions. Access to information is critical to preserving democracy. Beyond designing effective and engaging information retrieval systems and interfaces, understanding how users access and use information is crucial to designing fair and ethical systems.

ACM CHIIR 2019 invites submissions focused on user-centered approaches to design and evaluation of systems for information access, retrieval, and use. This includes studies of interactive retrieval systems, novel interfaces and interaction paradigms, new evaluation methods, and related areas. Alongside focused studies on specific information retrieval systems and situations, we also welcome longitudinal, real-life, and ethnographic research of contextually embedded search tasks.

Topics covered include but are not limited to:

  • Information seeking, including task-based and exploratory studies

  • Search interfaces, including those for specialized tasks, populations and domains

  • User-Centered Design approaches to humans interacting with information and systems

  • Interaction techniques for information retrieval and discovery

  • Online information seeking, including log analysis of search and browsing

  • Modeling and simulation of information interaction

  • Information use, including measures of use as well as broader sense-making

  • Field and case studies relevant to understanding prerequisites for information searching, design and access

  • User-centered evaluation methods and measures, including measures of user experience and performance, experiment and search task design, eye-tracking and physiological approaches, data analysis methods, and usability

  • Human interaction and experience with mobile searching and services

  • Context-aware and personalized search, including design, contextual features and analysis of information interaction

  • Information visualization and visual analytics, including search result presentation

  • Collaborative information seeking and social search, including social utility and network analysis for information interaction

  • Conversational search and other types of stateful and multi-turn interactions between users and search applications

Invited Speakers

Ranjitha Kumar is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), where she leads the Data-Driven Design group. She is the recipient of a 2018 NSF CAREER award, and UIUC's 2018 C.W. Gear Outstanding Junior Faculty Award. Her research has won best paper awards/nominations at premier conferences in HCI, and is supported by grants from Google, Amazon, and Adobe. She received her PhD from the Computer Science Department at Stanford University in 2014, and was formerly the Chief Scientist at Apropose, Inc., a data-driven design company she founded that was backed by Andreessen Horowitz and New Enterprise Associates.

Talk Title: Data-Driven Design

Daniela Petrelli is Professor of Interaction Design at the Art & Design Research Centre, Sheffield Hallam University, UK. She started working on new technologies for cultural heritage in 1996 designing the first context-sensitive personalised interactive mobile guide. Recently she led the European project meSch that explored tangible and embodied interactions in museums and heritage sites. meSch has received international awards and is the first to use the Internet of Things and Cloud Computing in museums. Dr Petrelli's other research interests include personal and family memories, data visualisation, multimedia and multilingual information access. In her career, she has published over 100 international peer-reviewed contributions and received 12 awards both from academia and industry. Dr Petrelli is director of the Digital Materiality Lab at the Art; Design Research Centre, an interest group looking into new digital-material hybrids.

Talk Title: From delivering facts to generating emotions: the complex relationship between museums and information

Kirsten Urquhart is a Director at Scottish youth charity Young Scot focussed on supporting young people to make informed decisions and choices and have access to opportunities, and the ability to shape services and decision-making in Scotland. As a qualified librarian, Kirsten's career started in the library sector, moving into the voluntary sector with a focus on information literacy and knowledge management. Kirsten transitioned to a more digital role working with leading digital agency around digital development, social media and data, before returning to the voluntary sector. Kirsten's current role at Young Scot focuses on harnessing data and the smart-technology of the Young Scot National Entitlement Card to provide services and entitlements, and tackle inequalities, along with providing a top-class digital/social information service and opportunities for young people in Scotland at a local and national level.

Talk Title: Young People's Information Needs: Young Scot's use of co-design in information delivery approaches


Developed with industry, for industry, the Technology & Innovation Centre has already attracted Scottish and Southern Energy, the Weir Group, Scottish-Power and several other major cross-sectorial industrial companies. By working together both will benefit from participation by large corporations and a large group of innovative SMEs.


Hotels close to the conference venue that we would recommend are

  1. The Premier Inn George Square (there are several Premier Inns in Glasgow so watch when booking). It is part of a large UK chain and is two minutes from the conference venue.

  2. The Millennium Hotel is 5 minutes' walk from the conference venue and is right on the main square in the city centre (George Square).

  3. The Moxy is 5 minutes' walk in the other direction from the conference venue and is right next to the Merchant City.

  4. The Grand Central Hotel is slightly further away (10 minutes' walk) but perhaps a slightly more luxurious option. You work very hard so should treat yourself.

For hotel bookings book via https://www.booking.com/city/gb/glasgow.html for best available rates. Glasgow has very high occupancy levels for hotel rooms due to the large number of events in the city. Delegates are advised to book early to guarantee availability at their preferred hotel.



