
征文| 国际信息系统会议ICIS 2019(Munich, Germany, 12.15-18)

图情会 2021-07-09

国际信息系统会议(ICIS, International Conference on Information Systems,简称ICIS)是信息系统学科最顶级学术会议,由国际信息系统协会(AIS)主办,每年都会吸引来自全球逾千名学者参会,成为信息系统研究学者和业界专家交流最新研究成果、最前沿研究趋势的重要平台。ICIS 2019将于12月15-18日在德国慕尼黑举办,本次会议的主题是揭示和探索信息系统(IS)与创新生态系统之间关系中出现的有趣问题。

2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the birth of the Internet. Its evolution and growth has made our world truly interconnected and has enabled a plethora of innovative technologies, applications, products, and services. The relationships between the resources and actors in creating these innovations can be compared to the interdependent and coevolving species in an ecological system. These “innovation ecosystems” share Information Systems (IS) powered by digital technologies as their roots and as their core. As researchers, we do more than observe innovations, we provide and study the technology-enabled business architectures and innovation processes, amongst others. The theme of ICIS 2019 is to uncover and explore interesting questions that arise at the nexus between IS and innovation ecosystems.

We invite you to submit completed research papers or short papers toICIS 2019. The conference will include exciting formats such as PDWs,Paperathon, and TREO talks, in addition to 24 tracks covering all areasof IS research. The submission site is at: https://new.precisionconference.com/user/login. Please refer to more information about tracks athttps://icis2019.aisconferences.org/submissions/track descriptions /submission information and key dates at https://icis2019.aisconferences.org/submissions/types-of submissions/.

Additional submission information can be found under the Submission Menu on the ICIS 2019 website.

Conference Chairs

Helmut Krcmar, Technical University of Munich

Jane Fedorowicz, Bentley University

Important Dates

Submission Deadline:May 1, 2019

Acceptance Decisions: July 31, 2019

Doctoral Consortium: Dec 13-15, 2019

Pre-conference workshops: Dec 14-15, 2019

Main Conference: Dec 15-18, 2019

Conference Venues

Conference Location: The International Congress Center Munich (ICM)

Social Event Location: Löwenbräukeller


Munich is the capital of the German state of Bavaria and is a major center for art, culture, innovation, technology, finance and tourism. Apart from being home to major corporations such as BMW, Siemens, and Allianz, Munich with its close networking of industry and academic research is also home to a high number of innovative small and medium sized enterprises. A unique combination of traditional culture and modern innovation will make your visit to Munich and ICIS 2019 truly unforgettable.

Conference Organization

Program Chairs: WaiFong Boh, Jan Marco Leimeister,Sunil Wattal

Doctoral Consortium Chairs: Richard Baskerville, Martin Bichler, Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic

Junior Faculty Consortium Chairs: Martin Weiner, Hanne Westh Nicolajsen, Namjae Cho


  • Information Systems – The Heart of Innovation Ecosystems (conference theme track)

  • The Future of Work

  • Sustainability and Societal Impact of IS

  • Cyber-security, Privacy and Ethics of IS

  • Practice Oriented Research

  • Human Computer / Robot Interactions & Interfaces

  • Design Science Research

  • Analytics and Data Science

  • IS Development and Implementation

  • Business Models and Digital Transformation

  • DLT, Blockchain and Fintech

  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship

  • Crowds, Social Media and Digital Collaborations

  • Mobile, IoT and Ubiquitous Computing

  • IS in Healthcare

  • Smart Cities and Digital Government

  • Digital Learning Environment and Future IS Curriculum

  • Smart Service Systems and Service Science

  • General Topics

  • IS Research Methods, Theorizing and Philosophy of Science

  • Human Behavior and IS

  • Governance, Strategy and Value of IS

  • Economics of IS

  • Panels

  • Professional Development Workshops

  • Paper-a-thon

  • TREO Talks


ICIS 2019 will be providing the following awards:

  • Best Overall Conference Paper Award

  • Best Theory Development Paper Award

  • Most Innovative Short Paper Award

  • Kauffman Best Paper Award on Information Systems, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship

  • Kauffman Best Student Paper Award on Information Systems, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship

For awards (1), (2) and (3), the process for determining the awards are described here:https://icis2019.aisconferences.org/submissions/


For details of the Kauffman Awards (4) and (5), please refer to details here for the Kauffman Best Paper Award, and for the Kauffman Best Student Paper Award.


The AIS Policy on Conference and Journal Publication encourages conference papers to be published in journals. This policy applies to AIS conferences (there are no copyright issues to prevent your AIS conference paper from being published in any journal (AIS or not)), and to AIS journals (there are no restrictions preventing you from submitting your conference paper to an AIS journal). Many non-AIS journals have similar policies, so you can submit your AIS conference paper to them. The policy and list of non-AIS journals with similar policies, is available at the Policy page.




