

教师教育研究 教师教育研究



(教育部普通高校人文社会科学重点研究基地北京师范大学教师教育研究中心,北京 100875)

[摘要] 学科教师教育研究有助于拓展教师教育研究对象、推进新时代教师教育体系重构,为实现一流学科教师培养的目标提供学理支撑,有助于摆脱学科课程与教学论的自我矮化与双边缘化的困境,构建学术学科教育与科目学科教育的学科教师教育的互动关系。对此,提出学科教师教育学是专门研究各学科教师职前培养、入职培训和在职进修等阶段在内的连续的、可发展的、一体化教育,且具有跨学科属性的学科,具有作为中小学“教授科目”的教师教育以及作为师范院校培养师范生的“学术学科”的教师教育的双重学科内涵。本研究确定了学科教师教育研究的对象,明确了学科教师教育研究关涉的学科间关系,构建了学科教师教育研究的三螺旋生成路径模型,确立了学科教师教育作为国家事业、专业实践、研究领域的三重价值属性。需要对不同学科教师教育开展长期持续稳定的研究,充分关注并对接国际学科教师教育研究前沿,吸收前沿科学技术与文理学科自身学术成果,推动“双一流”建设高校参与学科教师教育。



On the Research of Major Teacher Education: Value, Object and Path

ZHU Xu-dong, LUO Ren-jie

(Center for Teacher Education Research of Beijing Normal University, Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Science for Universities, Ministry of Education, Beijing, 100875, China)

Abstract: Research of major teacher education is the crucial component of expanding the research object of teacher education and reconstructing the teacher education system in the new era, which can provide theoretical support for the preparation of first-class major teachers, get rid of the dilemmas of self-dwarfing and double-marginalization of subject curriculum and instruction, and construct the interactive relationship between “academic discipline” and “school subject” education in major teacher education. Given this, put forward that major teacher education is a trans-disciplinary discipline that specializes in the continuous, developable and integrated education of pre-service teacher preparation, novice teacher training and in-service teacher professional development, which has the double connotation of “school subject” in primary and secondary school for pupils and“academic discipline” in normal universities for pre-service teachers. Then, determine the objects of major teacher education research, clarify the relationships between major teacher education and related disciplines, build the triple-helix construction approach of major teacher education research, and establish the three value attributes of major teacher education as the national cause, professional practice and research field. Finally, it is necessary to carry out long-term, sustained and stable research on various major teacher education, focus on the frontiers of international major teacher education research, draw on the achievements of advanced science technology and liberal arts and science, and promote the “double first-class” universities to participate in major teacher education.

Key Words: major teacher education, teacher education, school subject, academic discipline




(北京师范大学历史学院,北京 100875)


[关键词] 师范教育;历史教师;师范院校


The Main Problems in History Teacher Education in College and University  in the New Era

HOU Gui-hong

(School of History, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China)

Abstract: History teacher education in colleges and universities have main problems need to solve. Its include optimizing the curriculum plan, improving the curriculum implementation and evaluation model, improving the theoretical system and research paradigm of history education that reflect the essence of history education, and enhancing the teachers’ professional identity and academic output ability. Only in this way can we realize the transformation from low-quality and extensional development to confluent development with improving quality and optimizing structure as the core, cultivate high-quality professional and innovative future teachers, and form new patterns of history teacher education in college and university and history education in middle school.

Key Words: teacher education,history teacher, normal university




(湖南师范大学乡村教育研究中心, 湖南长沙 410081)


[关键词] 乡村教师;在地性;实现图景


The Carity of the Meaning of Rural Teachers’ Locality and Its Realization

RONG Zhong-kui, YIN Zu-bao

(Research Institute for Rural Education, Hunan Normal University, Changsha,Hunan,410081, China)

Abstract: The essential attribute of rural teachers is locality. locality is formed on the basis of rurality and occupational. Locality is the integration and development of tradition and modernity of rural teachers. It effectively responds to the drawbacks of occupational and rurality bias in the current understanding of rural teachers’ essential attributes. The localization of rural teachers includes three aspects: spatial localization, emotional localization and development localization. However, in reality, rural teachers are faced with the problems of localism elimination, such as the separation of daily living area from rural space, the alienation of emotional belonging from rural culture, and the suspension of development in rural field. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the action logic for rural teachers to realize locally. One is to construct the narrative of rural teachers’ daily life embedded in the rural world. The second is to build a rural cultural ecology that nurtures rural teachers’ emotions; Thirdly, promote the local development of rural teachers.

Key Words: rural teachers, locality, realization



梁 瑞1,苏君阳2,杨聚鹏3

(1.西安交通大学公共政策与管理学院,陕西西安 710049;2.北京师范大学教育学部,北京 100875;3.陕西师范大学教育学部,陕西西安 710119)

[摘要] 人工智能已经成为深刻影响当今社会发展的技术之一,世界范围内正在掀起人工智能开发应用新热潮。师范院校如何抓住人工智能发展机遇以推动教师教育转型升级是非常迫切的问题。本文研究了人工智能时代的师范院校教师教育发展问题,认为人工智能在聚焦“四有”好老师培养、推动教师教育理论与实践相结合、诊断教师品质、实现职前职后教育一体化等方面有特殊作用,但却存在价值引领不足、技术应用深度不足、创新发展动力不足等困境。研究提出,重构教师教育与人工智能发展应用体制机制、加强前沿理论及技术研究、创设多元多维应用环境、实施产业运作等是突破当前困境的有效路径。

[关键词] 人工智能;师范院校;教师教育


Research on the New Development Mechanism and Realization Path of Teacher Education in Normal Universities in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

LIANG Rui1,SU Jun-yang2,YANG Ju-peng3

(1.School of Public and Administration, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an,Shaanxi, 710049,China;2.Department of Education,Beijing Normal University,Beijing,100875,China;3.Department of Education,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi’an,Shaanxi,710119,China)

Abstract: Artificial intelligence has become the most profound technology affecting human society nowadays,and major developed countries in the world are setting off an upsurge in the development and utilization of it. Consequently, teacher education in normal universities, finds an urgent need to be studied in terms of artificial intelligence. This paper systematically discusses the question of artificial intelligence in the development of teacher education and research the function of artificial intelligence. It also analyzes the main problems and fundamental deficiencies in the development and utilization of artificial intelligence for teacher education in normal universities, and proposes the specific technology path to effectively develop and utilize artificial intelligence, which is of great significance for highlighting the characteristics of teacher education in normal universities and improving the quality of teacher education.

Key Words: artificial intelligence,normal university,teacher education




(教育部普通高校人文社会科学重点研究基地北京师范大学教师教育研究中心,北京 100875)




Accountability For the Quality of Teaching in Teacher Education: Connotation, Value and Paths

HU Yang-bang, LIU Li-sha, SUN Wei-tao

(Center for Teacher Education Research of Beijing Normal University, Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences for Universities, Ministry of Education,Beijing,100875, China)

Abstract: Accountability is an effective way to improve the quality of teacher education as well as the quality of teacher education teaching. The purpose of this article is to systematically clarify the connotation, value, and paths of accountability for the quality of teaching in teacher education. It has the important values of promoting teaching with accountability, helping to cultivate the professional responsibility of team of teacher education; and promoting governance with accountability and constructing a comprehensive guarantee system for teacher education quality. This article proposes three implementation paths of accountability for the quality of teaching in teacher education: strengthening the accountability awareness of assessment thinking as well as focusing on improving effectiveness, constructing a continuous accountability system with multiple parties; improving the accountability mechanism of accountability goals, standards, tools, rewards and punishments.

Key Words: teaching quality in teacher education, accountability, accountability of teaching quality in teacher education





(杭州师范大学经亨颐教育学院,浙江杭州 311100)

[摘要] 行动研究在教育研究中的运用存在着知识内隐和思维经验化两个需要破解的难题,需要以知性和理性为关键,借助先验逻辑框架进行路径建构,以“知性化—公开化—理性化—规范化”为展开路径,使教师行动研究在推动教师公众知识的诞生、促进教师共同体的稳固两方面发挥积极作用。“知性化”指对知性的法规进行反思批判;“公开化”指把“他人”纳入研究的选题与成果展示中,通过口头报告或书面报告的方式公开研究者现阶段的想法或观点;“理性化”一般为从一个“原则”中推出一个知识的形式,能对行动研究中的现象进行合理归因;“规范化”指研究者有意识地引入相关理论作为理解框架;通过以上路径促进教师专业发展。

[关键词] 行动研究;教师专业发展;先验逻辑


Action Research Promotes Teacher Professional Development

——Examining Issues and Constructing Pathways

KANG Zi-wei, YUAN De-run

(JingHengyi School of Education, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang,311100, China )

Abstract: Knowledge obscurity and the empirical nature of thinking are the two problems to be solved when applying action research in education researches. To address these problems, two key concepts-intellect and reason are necessary; and a transcendental logical framework is applied to construct the pathway, which goes from intellectualization, publicization, rationalization to standardization. This framework enables action research to play an active role in promoting the birth of teachers’ public knowledge and fostering cohesion among teachers. Intellectualization refers to reflecting on and critiquing the regulations of knowledge. Publicization means including others into selection and presentation of research results through oral or written reports. Rationalization is the form of deriving knowledge from a principle, allowing for a rational attribution in action research. Standardization refers to consciously introducing relevant theories by researchers as a framework for understanding.

Key Words: action research,teacher professional development,priori logic



赵 亮1,倪 娟2

(1.江苏师范大学教育科学学院,江苏徐州 221116;

2.江苏省教育科学研究院,江苏南京 210013)

[摘要] 随着“双减”落实,学生减负、教师“增负”使教师面临困局。从公共政策的损益补偿理论视角审思,教师课后服务付出与获偿的失衡导致了行为模式分化。依循时空逻辑,析理教师损益的差序格局图景:物质保障缺位、责任边界扩大、时空秩序冲突、潜能释放阻滞。集体行动的“制度—物质—声誉—能力”四维激励框架构建了破局策略:应完善“参与—监督—申诉”的制度运行机制,打造“输血—活血—造血”的资金保障机制,形成“序列—规范—典型”的荣誉激励机制,构建“研发—反思—预见”的能力提升机制,进而优化教师集体行动的动力系统,促进课后服务提质增效。

[关键词] “双减”;课后服务;教师负担;损益补偿


How to “Get Back on the Roundabouts”: Profit and Loss Compensation of Teachers’ Participation in After-school Services

ZHAO Liang1, NI Juan2

(1.School of Education Science,Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou,Jiangsu,221116,China;2.Jiangsu Academy of Educational Sciences, Nanjing,Jiangsu,210013,China)

Abstract: With the implementation of “Double Reduction” policy, the “increasing” burden of teachers while reducing the burden of students renders teachers in dilemma. Pondering from the perspective of the profit and loss compensation theory of public policy, the imbalance between what teachers pay and get paid in after-school services lead to the division of participation mode. According to the temporal logic, teachers’ loss can be generalized as: lack of material security, expanded boundaries of responsibility, double order squeeze and innovative power abrasion. The four-dimensional motivational framework for collective action provides insights to build breakthrough strategies: improving the institutional guarantee mechanism of “participation- supervision-appeal”, creating a blood “transfusion- activation-creation” financial guarantee mechanism, forming a “sequence-standard-typical” honor incentive mechanism and building a “research&development-reflection-vision”capability enhancement mechanism, thus optimizing the motivational system of collective action of teachers, then boosting the quality and efficiency of after-school services.

Key Words:“double reduction”,after-school service, teacher burden, profit and loss compensation




孙 凯1,饶从满2,吴 琼3,李 晓4

(1.黑龙江教师发展学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150080;2.东北师范大学国际与比较教育研究所,吉林长春 130024;3.陕西师范大学数学与统计学院,陕西西安 710119;4.哈尔滨师范大学西语学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150025)
[摘要] 了解学生需要什么样的教师对于建构教师素养框架、制定教师专业标准具有重要的参考价值。以“新时代中国教师素养理论模型”为框架,调查了解学生视角下教师需要具备什么样的素养,研究发现:学生认同教师需要具备七大素养,且认为自我素养和功能素养是最关键的素养,功能素养中“全人教育”素养更重要。小学、初中、高中三个学段学生对于七大素养重要性的看法存在差异,学段越低的学生看法越“感性”,更重视教师的自我素养和社会素养,也更重视“育人素养”;学段越高的学生越“理性”,更重视认知素养,也更重视“教书素养”。建议可以将“新时代中国教师素养理论模型”作为教师专业标准修订的基础;教师专业标准内容应凸显对教师自我素养与功能素养的要求,且要考虑不同学段学生需求的差异。

[关键词] 教师素养;教师专业标准;学生视角


A Study on Chinese Teachers’ Professional Competences in New Era from Students’Perspective

SUN Kai1, RAO Cong-man2, WU Qiong3, LI Xiao4

(1.Heilongjiang Institute of Teacher Development, Harbin, Heilongjiang,150080,China;2.Institute of International and Comparative Education, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024,China;3.School of Mathematics and Statistics, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710119,China;4.College of Western Languages, Harbin Normal University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, 150025,China)

Abstract: Understanding what kind of teacher students want is an important reference for constructing a framework for teacher competence and developing professional standards for teachers. The study uses “the Competence Model for Chinese Teachers in the New Era” as a framework, and uses empirical research to understand what kind of competence teachers need from students’ perspective. The survey finds that students agree that teachers need to have the seven key competencies, and that self-competence and functional competence were the most important competences, with “whole-person education” being the most important of the functional competences. The lower the school level, the more ‘emotional’ the students were in their perceptions of the importance of the seven competences, with more emphasis on self-competence and social competence, It also pays more attention to “educational competence”,while the higher the level, the more ‘rational’ the students were, with more emphasis on cognitive competence, but also pay more attention to “teaching competence”. It is suggested that the “ the Competence Model for Chinese Teachers in the New Era” can be used as the basis for the revision of teachers’professional standards, and the content of teachers’professional standards should highlight the requirements for self-competence and functional competence, as well as differences in the needs of students at different school level.

Key Words: teacher’s competences, teacher professional standards, students’perspective




纪春梅1 ,冯 帮2 ,赵 慧3

(1.西藏大学教育学院,西藏拉萨 850000;2.广东技术师范大学教育科学学院,广东广州 510665;3.武汉大学教育学院,湖北武汉 430072)
[摘要] 为考察教师支持对西藏藏族初中生学业自我概念的作用及影响机制,研究采用教师支持量表、学业自我概念量表、心理弹性量表和幸福感量表对西藏自治区666名藏族初中生进行调查。研究结果发现,教师支持对藏族初中生学业自我概念的直接影响不显著;心理弹性在教师支持与藏族初中生学业自我概念之间起完全中介作用;幸福感调节了心理弹性与学业自我概念的关系。进一步分析发现,当藏族初中生幸福感水平高于2.37时,幸福感才能调节心理弹性与学业自我概念的关系。

[关键词] 教师支持;学业自我概念;心理弹性;幸福感


The Effect of Teacher Support on Tibetan Junior Middle School Students’ Academic Self-Concept:The Mediating Role of Psychological Resilience and the Moderating Role of Well-Being

JI Chun-mei1, FENG Bang2,ZHAO Hui3

(1.School of Education,Tibet University,Lhasa,Tibet,850000,China;2.School of Educational Science,Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University,Guangzhou,Guangdong,510665,China;3.School of Education,Wuhan University,Wuhan,Hubei,430072,China)

Abstract: In order to investigate the effect and mechanism of teacher support on Tibetan adolescent academic self-concept, a total of 666 Tibetan junior middle-school students in Tibet autonomous region were investigated by using teacher support scale, academic self-concept scale, psychological resilience scale and well-being scale. The results show that the direct influence of teacher support on Tibetan adolescent academic self-concept is not significant, the relationship between teacher support and Tibetan adolescent academic self-concept was completely mediated by psychological resilience.Well-being moderated the relationship between psychological resilience and academic self-concept.When the well-being level of Tibetan adolescents is higher than 2.37, the positive moderating effect of resilience on academic self-concept is significant.

Key Words: teacher support,academic self-concept,psychological resilience,well-being




郑建君1,高妍春1 ,付晓洁2

(1.中国社会科学院大学政府管理学院,北京 102488;2.华东师范大学教师教育学院,上海 200062)
[摘要] 知识共享是学校和教师个体知识管理的有效手段,对于学校办学提质增效、实现教育资源均衡发展具有重要意义。本研究基于工作需求—资源理论,探讨主动性人格对知识共享的影响机制,深入分析工作投入的中介作用以及组织创新氛围的调节作用。通过对24个省(自治区、直辖市)、33所中小学校2982名教师的数据进行分析发现:主动性人格对教师知识共享行为有显著的正向影响,工作投入在主动性人格与教师知识共享行为之间发挥着中介作用,组织创新氛围不仅能够有效调节工作投入与知识共享的关系,同时对工作投入在主动性人格与教师知识共享中的中介效应也具有显著的调节作用。这一研究结果有助于理解个体资源和工作资源对知识共享行为的影响机制。



The Influence Mechanism of Proactive Personality on Knowledge Sharing of Primary and Secondary School Teachers

——An Analysis Based on The Role of Work Engagement and Organizational Innovation Climate

ZHENG Jian-jun1, GAO Yan-chun1, FU Xiao-jie2

(1.School of Government, University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing,102488,China;2.College of Teacher Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai,200062,China)

Abstract: As an effective means of individual knowledge management for schools and teachers, knowledge sharing is of great significance for schools to improve quality and efficiency and realize the balanced development of educational resources. Based on the job demands-resources theory, this study explores the influence mechanism of proactive personality on knowledge sharing and deeply analyzes the mediating role of work engagement and the moderating role of organizational innovation climate. By analyzing the 2982 data from 33 primary and secondary schools in 24 provinces, the results show that (1) proactive personality has a positive effect on knowledge sharing behavior of teachers; (2) work engagement mediates the relationship between proactive personality and knowledge sharing; (3) organizational innovation climate not only moderates the relationship between work engagement and knowledge sharing, but also moderates the mediation effect of work engagement. The results are helpful to understanding the influence mechanism of both individual and work resources on knowledge sharing.

Key Words: proactive personality, work engagement, organizational innovation climate, knowledge sharing, primary and secondary school teachers



谢庆斌1,吴若谦1,陈昱玲1,薛曼莉1,陈 莹1,吴式档1,蔡 军2

(1.福建师范大学教育学院,福建福州 350000;

2.西安文理学院学前教育学院,陕西西安 710000)

[摘要] 为探究幼儿教师离职倾向的心理机制,本研究采用情绪劳动量表、情绪耗竭量表、职业幸福感量表和离职倾向量表对2608名幼儿园教师进行测查。结果显示:离职倾向与自然行为、幸福感显著负相关,与表层表演、情绪耗竭显著正相关。中介效应的分析结果显示:自然行为主要通过降低情绪耗竭或者提高职业幸福感,抑制离职倾向;表层表演对离职倾向有直接正向作用,同时也可以通过提高情绪耗竭,促进离职倾向;深层表演可以通过促进职业幸福感,抑制离职倾向。说明幼儿教师情绪耗竭和职业幸福感在情绪劳动和离职倾向中起到中介作用。为降低幼儿教师离职倾向,幼儿园应充分保障工作资源,支持教师生存发展;积极接纳情绪冲突,引导教师内化法则;及时提供情绪疏导,提升教师幸福体验。

[关键词] 情绪劳动;离职倾向;情绪耗竭;职业幸福感


The Impact of Emotional Labor on Kindergarten Teachers’ Turnover Intention: Multiple Mediating Effects of Emotional Exhaustion and Occupational Happiness

XIE Qing-bin1, WU Ruo-qian1, CHEN Yu-ling1, XUE Man-li1, CHEN Ying1, WU Shi-dang1, CAI Jun2

(1.School of Education,Fujian Normal University,Fujian,Fuzhou,350000, China;2.School of Preschool Education,Xi’an University,Shaanxi,Xi’an,710000, China)

Abstract: In order to explore the psychological mechanism behind kindergarten teacher’s turnover intention 2608 kindergarten teachers were measured using the Emotional Labor Scale, the Emotional Exhaustion Scale, the Occupational Happiness Scale and the Turnover Intention Scale. The results showed that the turnover intention was significantly negatively correlated with natural behavior and happiness, and significantly positively correlated with surface performance and emotional exhaustion. The analysis results of the mediation effect show that: natural behavior mainly inhibits the turnover intention by reducing emotional exhaustion or improving occupational happiness; surface performance has a direct positive effect on the turnover intention. It can also promote the turnover intention to leave by improving emotional exhaustion; deep performance can inhibit the tendency to leave by promoting occupational happiness. The findings support that emotional exhaustion and professional happiness of early childhood teachers play a mediation role in emotional labor and separation tendencies. In order to guide kindergarten teachers to take reasonable emotional labor strategy and reduce the turnover intention, kindergartens should: ensure the work resources of kindergartens and provide support for the survival and development of teachers; guide preschool teachers to accept their emotional conflicts, actively internalize emotional laws; provide emotional counseling for preschool teachers to enhance the happiness experience of preschool teachers.

Key Words: emotional labor, turnover intention, emotional exhaustion, occupational happiness





(华中师范大学人工智能教育学部,湖北武汉 430079)

[摘要] 《新时代基础教育强师计划》是全面深化新时代教师队伍建设改革、推动教育高质量发展的重要举措,其中关于教师师德的论述,反映了国家对师德师风建设的高度关注。教师关怀作为教师师德建设中的重要内容,对于减轻学生学业压力具有一定的影响。本文基于对我国6省份12市32县(区)的实证调查,通过构建结构方程模型将自我认同及家校合作纳入教师关怀与学业压力的关系中来,进一步探究教师关怀对学业压力之间的多重中介效果。结果表明:教师关怀与学业压力呈显著负相关;自我认同和家校合作在教师关怀与学业压力之间不仅起单独中介作用,还起链式中介作用。



How Does Teacher Care Relieve Students’ Academic Pressure Under the Background of Strong Teacher Plan?

——Chain Mediating Effect Analysis of Self-identity and Home-school Cooperation

FU Wei-dong,ZHANG Yu-di

(Department of Artificial Intelligence Education, Central China Normal University,Wuhan,Hubei,430079,China)

AbstractThe Plan for Strengthening Teachers in Basic Education in the New Era is an important measure to comprehensively deepen the reform of the construction of teachers in the new era and promote the high-quality development of education. The discussion on teachers’ ethics reflects the country’s high attention to the construction of teachers’ ethics and style. As an important part of the construction of teachers’ ethics, teacher care has a certain impact on the alleviation of students’ academic pressure. Based on an empirical survey of 32 counties (districts) in 12 cities in 6 provinces, this paper further explores the multiple mediating effects of teacher care on academic stress by constructing a structural equation model to incorporate self-identity and home-school cooperation into the relationship between teacher care and academic stress. The results show that there is a significant negative correlation between teacher care and academic stress. Self-identity and home-school cooperation not only play a single mediating role but also a chain mediating role between teacher care and academic stress.

Key Words:teacher care, self-identification, home-school cooperation, academic stress




李 诺1,郭舒晨2,刘恩山1

(1.北京师范大学生命科学学院,北京 100875;2.南京师范大学教师教育学院,江苏南京 210023)


[关键词] 录像分析;课堂教学;教师专业发展;概念转变教学


Application of Video Analysis in Evaluating the Effect of Teacher Professional Development

——Taking the Conceptual Change Professional Development as an Example

LI Nuo1, GUO Shu-chen2, LIU En-shan1

(1.College ofLife Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China;2.School of Education,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing,Jiangsu,210023, China)

Abstract: Educational informatization promotes the innovation of classroom teaching and puts forward higher requirements for educational research and analysis. As a new means of classroom teaching research, video analysis has important value in evaluating the classroom teaching effect after teachers participate in professional development. In order to understand the application performance of this technology in practice, the teacher professional development program based on a teaching of conceptual change theme is studied, the video analysis coding table is constructed, and the classroom teaching videos before and after teachers’ participation in this program are analyzed by vertical and horizontal double coding. The results show that with the help of video analysis, it can be clear that teachers’ classroom practice behavior has changed after training, this change has individual differences, and different teaching strategies show a certain change law. The research results will provide reference for the practical application of video analysis technology in teachers professional development research in the future.

Key Words: video analysis, classroom teaching, teacher professional development, teaching of conceptual change





(1.浙江师范大学教育学院,浙江金华 321004;

2.浙江省智能教育技术与应用重点实验室,浙江金华 321004)

[摘要] 教师的专业实践是一种情感劳动,涉及一系列情感体验。尽管两者之间不可分割,但很少有研究探究两者之间的关系。以生态系统论为视角,采用半结构化访谈和情感案例两种搜集资料的定性方法,对24名小学教师表达的情感文本进行编码、解释和统计。研究结果显示:小学教师内心经历着复杂、多样和分散的情感体验,并随着教师与每个生态系统之间的距离增加而减少,特别是在外观、宏观系统内报告了大量的消极情感;小学教师的情感劳动包括自然行为、表层表演、深层表演和蓄意偏差四种方式;两者之间存在显著相关,表层表演与消极情感相关,蓄意偏差、深层表演与积极情感相关,自然行为与积极、消极情感均相关。



A Study of Elementary School Teachers’ Emotional Experiences and Labor in Professional Practice

——A Qualitative Study Based on an Ecosystem Theory Perspective

JI Yi-long1, ZHOU Yue-liang2

(1.College of Education, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua,Zhejiang,321004,China;2.Key Laboratory of Intelligent Education Technology and Applicaton of Zhejiang Province,Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua,Zhejiang,321004,China)

AbstractTeachers’ professional practice involves emotional labor and a range of emotional experiences, although the relationship between the two is rarely explored. Taking an ecological perspective, this study employed qualitative methods, including semi-structured interviews and emotional case studies, to code, interpret, and analyze emotional texts expressed by 24 elementary school teachers. The findings revealed that elementary school teachers undergo complex, diverse, and dispersed emotional experiences, which decrease as the distance between teachers and each ecosystem increases, particularly reporting a significant amount of negative emotions within the appearance and macro system. The emotional labor of elementary school teachers encompasses four modes: natural behavior, surface acting, deep acting, and deliberate deviance. Significant correlations were found between emotional labor and emotional experiences: surface acting was associated with negative emotions, while deliberate deviance and deep acting were related to positive emotions. Both positive and negative emotions were associated with natural behavior.

Key Wordselementary school teachers, emotional experiences, emotional labor, ecological system




(1.清华大学公共管理学院,北京 100084;2.北京师范大学教育管理学院,北京 100875)




The Suspended Ones between Urban and Rural Areas:A Study on the Life Orientation and Mobility Trends of the New Generation of Special-Post Teachers

LI Cai-hong1, ZHU Zhi-yong2

(1.School of Public Policy & Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China;2.College of Educational Administration, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China)

Abstract: This study adopted the approach of educational ethnography, through a three-year fieldwork in a rural primary school in eastern Inner Mongolia, and took “the transformation of rural life” as the theoretical perspective to deeply explore the multiple factors of the inability of the new generation of special post teachers to live in the countryside in the process of China’s rural cultural change, as well as their hidden flow trends and characteristics. It is found that under the background of rapid urbanization and the pattern of “single-level upward mobility” of rural teachers, the new generation of special post teachers rationally planned the career development path of two-level value-added transition, and prospectively outlined the three-ring flow chain of “rural-town-city”. At the same time, it actively constructs a dual interpersonal network of towns and cities that combines near and far and distorts time and space, and extends a time-space separation skill that separates urban and rural life, sending the spiritual belonging of individuals “enjoying” on the one hand, and inwardly placing self’s unwillingness to step on the countryside on the other. It vividly reflects the “complete urbanization” life aspect of contemporary rural young teachers’ livelihood leapfrogging, interpersonal drift and spiritual habitat, and brews their survival form and suspended mentality of “suspending” in both urban and rural circles, which derives the flow trend of this group to concentrate on the city and wait for opportunities.

Key Words: special-post teachers, the new generation, mobility trend, rural life orientation, suspending





(中国政法大学马克思主义学院,北京 102249)

[摘要] 庚子事变后,京师大学堂在开拓有为的重建方针主导下,对科学教育重新布局、重新建设,大学堂于新设立的师范馆、预备科等教学机构中确立了以分类科为基础的课程模式,将科学课程集中于师范馆第三、第四类学科与预备科第二类学科内重点实施。在招收录取学生的环节中,大学堂十分关注考生科学知识的掌握程度,制定了若干与数理化科目相关的考试规定,在实践中严格执行。京师大学堂科学教育的开办带动了晚清科学教育体系的发展,在传播科学知识的同时更新了人们的观念,产生了社会启蒙的重要影响。然而,其自身存在的严重问题却难以解决,致使科学教育的整体水平大大降低。



Establishment of University Science Education in Late Qing Dynasty

——Taking the Peking Imperial University as an Example

BAI Tian-peng

(School of Marxism,China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing,102249, China)

Abstract: Science education of Peking Imperial University is built in an all-round and lasting way that it learned from experience of Japanese universities under the guidance of active development policy as a result of reestablishing Imperial University after the Gengzi Incident.Teacher’s training faculty and college preparatory department are established which adjusted to the mode of Classified Teaching in Imperial University.Science curriculum centralized implementation in the third and fourth specialties of teacher’s training faculty and second specialty of college preparatory department.There are clear rules and regulations on enrollment and examination about science subject that was carried out in practical process to show the attention to students’ understanding of scientific knowledge in Peking Imperial University.Scinece education of Imperial University promote and lead the development of science education system in the late Qing Dynasty and have important impact on social enlightenment while spreading scientific knowledge, however, its own problems can not be solved for a short while so that the effect of science education is seriously undermined and overall level of university science education is reduced in the late Qing Dynasty.

Key Words: Peking Imperial University, science education, university, late Qing Dynasty




傅王倩1 ,王 雁1 ,王 勉2

(1.北京师范大学特殊教育学院,北京 100875;

2.美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校教育学院,加州 93106)


[关键词] 特殊教育教师;职前培养;教师胜任力


The Historical Evolution of Special Education Teachers’ Pre-service Training in America and Its Enlightenment

——A Perspective of Teachers’ Competency

FU Wang-qian1,WANG Yan1,WANG Mian2

(1.School of Special Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875,China;2.Gevirta Graduate School of Education, University of California, California, 93106, America)

Abstract: The research and practice of teacher competence have deeply influenced the model of pre-service special education teacher training. Based on the analysis of the development stage of the pre-service training model of special education teachers in the United States, we found that its evolution motivation is the expansion of the scope and content of the apparent competence of special education teachers; the importance of deep teacher competence becomes more and more prominent; teacher competence transferred from static to dynamic. Taking a comprehensive look at the pre-service training of special education teachers in the United States, it shows that the pre-service training of special education teachers is closely connected with the development reality of special education. Based on the understanding of the competency of special education teachers, it constantly reforms the pre-service training mode and formulates the competency standards of special education teachers to standardize the pre-service teacher training. Finally, combining the development reality of special education in China, some suggestions about the pre-service training of special education teachers was put forward.

Key Words: special education teachers, pre-service training, teacher competency







