

教师教育研究 教师教育研究


戴伟芬,郭明旸,罗 茜

(华中师范大学教育学院,湖北武汉 430079)

[摘要] 科学和专业化的决策和实践活动以最佳证据为核心,循证教师教育证据库使多样的证据产生关联汇聚形成证据链,产出最佳证据,促进教师教育实践和决策实现科学性和专业化。然而,各界尚缺乏对循证教师教育证据库的建设和研究。循证教师教育证据库能为教师教育决策提供证据基础,提高决策的科学性;同时有助于解决理论研究者与实践工作者因资源分割导致的合作壁垒问题,推进教师教育理论与实践的深度融合;并且证据库的建立能提高教师教育证据的广域性与可获得性,促使各界形成教师教育循证意识。本研究基于证据寻找、证据评价、证据应用、证据应用评估的循证逻辑,形成了循证教师教育证据库构建框架:多元主体共同参与,初步筛选教师教育证据,分析评价教师教育证据,模块化整理和呈现教师教育证据,形成教师教育证据动态运行过程。

[关键词] 循证;证据;教师教育证据库


Evidence Database of Teacher Education: Connotation, Value and Construction Framework

DAI Weifen,GUO Mingyang,LUO Xi

(School of Education,Central China Normal University,Wuhan,Hubei,430079,China)

Abstract: The scientific and professional decision-making and practical activities are based on the best evidence.The construction of evidence database of teacher education makes various evidence link,form evidence chain and produce the best evidence.However, there is still a lack of comprehensive understanding and research on the evidence database of teacher education.Evidence database of teacher education can provide an evidence base for teacher educational policy decision-making and improve the scientific of decision-making;at the same time, it can help solve the problem of cooperation barriers between theoretical researchers and practitioners caused by resource division, and promote the deep integration of theory and practice in teacher education. And the establishment of the evidence database can enhance the wide-area distribution and availability of teacher education evidence, and promote the formation of evidence-based awareness of teacher education in all fields.According to the evidence-based logic of evidence search, evidence evaluation,evidence application, and evidence application evaluation, this research has formed the construction framework of evidence database of teacher education.The evidence database construction framework includes the multi-parties construction,preliminary screening of teacher education evidence, analysis and evaluation of teacher education evidence, modular arrangement and presentation of teacher education evidence and the dynamic operation process of teacher education evidence.

Key Words: evidence-based,evidence,evidence database of teacher education



杨 霞,范 蔚

(西南大学教育学部,重庆 400715)

[摘要] “教师美好生活”理念在新时代庄重出场,是对教师关于美好生活追求的时代演绎。教师美好生活是教育研究中最重要的内容之一,对教师美好生活的探讨是涉及理论创新与实践改革双轨并进的历史过程,同时又直接关涉到教师的生存价值与完整的自我实现。因此,为了更好地厘清教师美好生活构建过程中各主体、各要素、各样态之间的互动关系与结构逻辑,全景透视教师美好生活的本质要义与实践依据,有必要从“历史—现实”的时空之维、“动态—静态”的状态之维、“公共—私人”的领域之维以及“内生—外塑”的水平之维四个方面搭建共同作用的四维立体多维图景,对教师美好生活的时空演进、状态变化、领域共在以及内外结合问题进行自觉的、完整的审视,以此探索教师美好生活构建的现实路径。

[关键词] 教师美好生活;教学生活;自我实现;身心健康


On Construction of Teachers’ Good Life: A Four-Dimensional Analysis Framework


(Faculty of Teacher Education, Southwest University, Chongqing, 400715,China)

Abstract: The concept of “teachers’ good life” appears solemnly in the new era, which is the era interpretation of teachers’ pursuit of a good life. Teachers’ good life is one of the most important and outstanding contents in educational research. The discussion on teachers’ good life is a historical process involving both theoretical innovation and practical reform, and directly relates to teachers’ survival value and complete self-realization. Therefore, in order to better clarify the interactive relations and structural logic among various subjects, elements and states in the construction process of teachers’ good life, the essence and practical basis of teachers’ good life are comprehensively viewed. It is necessary to build a four-dimensional three-dimensional analysis framework from the four aspects of “history-reality” space-time dimension, “dynamic-static” state dimension, “public-private” domain dimension and “endogenous-external plastic” horizontal dimension, to consciously and completely examine the space-time evolution, state change, domain co-existence and internal and external combination of teachers’ good life. In this way, explore the realistic path of teachers’ good life construction.

Key Words: teachers’ good life, teaching life, self-actualization, physical and mental health



李 帆

(江西师范大学教育学院,江西南昌 330022)

[摘要] 数字技术从根本上促成了教育的数字化转型,也为教师劳动注入了数字基因。作为劳动的特殊形式,教师数字劳动就是教师运用数字技术,消耗一定体力、脑力和时间以完成教育教学、科研工作、交往等任务的活动,具有开放共享性、情感交互性、边界模糊性等特征。在教育数字化的大背景下,数字劳动在为教师摆脱不自由的劳动、全面占有自我的本质提供契机的同时,也存在异化的隐忧。为此,应建构教师数字劳动的学理体系,确立以人为本的技术价值观,创设共建共享的数字共同体,推进学校生态的数字化变革,使得数字劳动真正成为教师全面发展和自我解放的手段。

[关键词] 教育数字化;教师;数字劳动;数字化生存


On Teachers’ Digital Labor and Its Implementation Approaches

LI Fan

(School of Education, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, Jiangxi, 330022,China)

AbstractDigital technology has fundamentally facilitated the digital transformation of education, and also injected digital genes into teachers’ labor. As a special form of labor, teachers’ digital labor refers to the activity in which teachers use digital technology to consume a certain amount of physical, mental, and time to complete tasks such as education, teaching, scientific research, and communication. It has the characteristics of openness and sharing, emotional interaction, and boundary ambiguity. In the context of digitalization in education, digital labor not only provides opportunities for teachers to break free from unfettered labor and fully possess their own essence, but also has hidden concerns of alienation. Therefore, it is necessary to construct a theoretical system for teachers’ digital labor, establish a people-oriented technological value system, create a shared digital community, and promote the digital transformation of school ecology, so that digital labor truly becomes a means for teachers’comprehensive development and self-liberation.

Key Words:education digitization, teacher, digital labor, digital survival




(上海师范大学教育学院,上海 200234)

[摘要] 教师劳动作为教师追求自我实现的有目的的生命活动,也是指向学生个体发展的教育性活动。智能技术与教育的深度融合使教师在劳动中的主体地位逐渐消解,教师劳动面临严峻的异化危机。在学生评价这一典型的教师劳动中,异化表现为教师被动参与,学生评价原初意义消弭,教师成为“技术工人”,同他人关系对立。依据马克思主义原理,技术与资本是教师劳动异化的根本原因。现阶段智能技术的直接应用和数字资本的间接控制合力构成了劳动异化形成机制。为避免技术与资本过度干预,学生评价应回归人本身,构筑科学的教师劳动认知,创设良好的教师劳动生态,注重教师的主体性,只有这样才能从根本上破解这一异化困境。

[关键词] 教师劳动;异化;学生评价;智能技术;数字资本


The Alienation and Dissolution of Teacher’s Labor in the Intelligent Era:Based on the Analysis Situation as Student Evaluation

LI Xinying, YAN Yajun

(School of Education, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, 200234, China)

Abstract: As a purposeful life activity for teacher to pursue self-actualization, teacher’s labor is also an educational activity pointing to the individual development of student. As intelligent technology and education are deeply integrated, teacher’s subject position in labor is gradually dissolved. Such integration makes teacher’s labor face a severe crisis of alienation. Student assessment is a typical kind of teacher’s labor. Take student assessment as an example, on the one hand, the alienation is manifested in the passive participation of teacher and the disappearance of the original meaning of student assessment. On the other hand, it shows that teacher becomes skilled worker and has opposite relations with others. From the perspective of Marxism, technology and capital are the root courses of teacher’s labor alienation. In the era of intelligence, such influence mechanism consists of the direct application of intelligent technology and the indirect control of digital capital. In order to avoid the adverse consequences caused by excessive intervention of technology and capital, we should go back to the human beings, help teacher establish scientific cognition of labor, and establish a properly running ecology of teacher’s labor. Focusing on teacher’s subjectivity can we fundamentally solve the dilemma of such alienation.

Key Words: teacher’s labor,alienation,student assessment, intelligent technology,digital capital



荀 渊,曹荭蕾

(华东师范大学高等教育研究所,上海 200062)

[摘要] 改革开放以来,在多项政策的综合作用下,教师队伍建设所受关注不断加强,但教师整体的社会地位并未得到显著提高。为实现提高教师社会地位的总目标,针对政策体系完善过程中面临的现实困难,应从确定政策的一致性目标与指向入手,建立健全政策协同机制,形成以政治地位提升为基线、经济地位提升为保障、专业(职业)地位提升为核心、社会声望提升为表征的提高教师地位的政策框架,构建相互衔接、相互支撑的政策体系,落实以教师为根本依靠力量来提升教育质量的教育政策的核心任务。

[关键词] 教师地位;政策回顾;政策体系;构建路径


Review of China’s Policy on Enhancing the Status of Teachers and the Path and Strategies for Constructing Its Policy System

XUN Yuan,  CAO Honglei

(Institute of Higher Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062, China)

Abstract: Since the reform and opening-up era, the construction of the teaching workforce has received increasing attention and support through the comprehensive implementation of various policies. However, the overall social status of teachers has seen insufficient progress. To achieve the overarching goal of elevating the social status of teachers and address the practical challenges in perfecting the policy system, a coherent approach should be adopted. This involves establishing an interconnected and mutually supportive policy framework, incorporating mechanisms for policy coordination. The framework should be based on enhancing the political (legal) status, ensuring economic security, prioritizing professional (occupational) status, and emphasizing societal recognition as indicators of elevating the status of teachers. In effect, the core mission of education policies should center on empowering teachers as the fundamental driving force for enhancing educational quality.

Key Words:  status of teachers, review of policy, constructing path, policy system




冯昕瑞1,刁 龙2

(1.对外经济贸易大学政府管理学院,北京 100029;

2.华东师范大学教育学部,上海 200062)


[关键词] 临聘教师;待遇诉求;教师工资体制


What are the Special Demands of Contract Teachers?

——Based on the Comparative Analysis of Treatment Demands of Contract Teachers and Public Teachers

FENG Xinrui1,DIAO Long2

(1.School of Government, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, 100029, China;2.Faculty of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062, China)

Abstract: Contract teachers as a fundamental guarantee for the source of teachers in basic education, and the analysis of the real demands for the treatment of contract teachers still needs to be supplemented. This article uses automatic text analysis and statistical description of the demands for treatment of contract teachers and public school teachers on nationwide online political platforms from 2008 to 2021. The research found that after the “Retirement” policy for contract teachers, the number of messages decreased rapidly. The demands regarding wages for contract teachers are stronger compared to subsidy-related demands. The demands of contract teachers in rural areas declined rapidly after the “Retirement” policy in 2014, while the demands of off-duty contract teachers continued until 2019. Contract teachers exhibit a stronger teacher comparative effect, a weaker civil servant comparative effect, and periodic cross-regional comparative effects compared to public school teachers. Based on this, the article suggests that precise management measures for the employment of contract teachers should be developed to ensure the protection of their legitimate rights and interests, and the pricing and charging rights of non-basic education services should be delegated to alleviate local financial pressure.

Key Words: contract teachers,treatment demands,teacher salary system





(宁夏师范学院教育科学学院,宁夏固原 756000)

[摘要] 教学反思能力在教师的专业发展中具有不可替代的重要作用。在国家强师计划推进落实的背景下,培养师范生教学反思能力是促进教师专业可持续发展的保障。本研究探讨了师范生微格教学中的反馈策略对于教学反思能力培养的重要性,基于教育神经科学的证据框架进行了多模态数据支持的循证研究,进一步讨论了回看视频、同伴评价和教师示范指导三种不同的反馈策略对教学反思能力的影响。研究发现,三种不同的反馈策略对于师范生的教学反思能力培养都有正向积极作用,在微格教学的初期同伴评价对教学反思能力影响最显著,中后期则更需要专家知识介入,教师的示范指导更能激活脑区数据。最后基于学习科学的角度提出了要从反思意识和反思技能两个维度培养师范生教学反思能力的建议,以期为教师教育者提供循证的实践参考和理论依据。

[关键词] 教学反思能力;师范生;教育神经学;反馈策略


The Influence of Different Feedback Strategies on Teaching Reflection Ability of Student Teachers in Microteaching

——An Evidence-based Perspective on Multimodal Data

LIU Liyan, CAO Shenglin, WU Xiangwen

(College of Education Science, Ningxia Normal University,Guyuan, Ningxia, 756000,China)

Abstract: Teaching reflective ability plays an irreplaceable role in teachers’ professional development. Under the background of the integrated development of teacher education before and after service, cultivating the teaching reflection ability of normal university students is the guarantee to promote the sustainable development of teacher specialty. This paper discusses teaching reflection in micro-teaching through literature review, explores the importance of feedback in micro-teaching for the cultivation of teaching reflection ability, and an evidence-based study of multimodal data from the perspective of educational neuroscience, and further discusses the influence of three different feedback guidance on the cultivation of teaching reflection ability of student teachers through empirical research. It is found that three different feedback strategies have positive effects on the cultivation of teaching reflection ability of student teachers. In the early stage of microteaching, peer evaluation has the most significant effect on teaching reflection ability, while in the middle and late stage, expert knowledge is more needed, and teacher demonstrative guidance can activate brain data more. Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions on how to cultivate the reflective ability of student teachers from the two dimensions of reflective consciousness and reflective skills, hoping to provide evidence-based practical reference and theoretical basis for teacher educators. 

Key Words: teaching reflection ability,student teachers, educational neuroscience,feedback strategy




田丽杰1,李佳2 ,姜春明3 ,卢婧2,张栩凡3,王晶莹3

(1.鲁东大学教师教育学院,山东烟台 264025;2.华中师范大学化学教育研究所,湖北武汉 430079;3.北京师范大学教育学部,北京 100875)




How Can Teacher Training Regulate the Impact of Knowledge

and Beliefs on Teaching Practice

——Based on a Survey of Primary School Science Teachers in 31 Provinces

(Autonomous Regions, Municipalities Directly Under the Central Government)

TIAN Lijie1, LI Jia2, JIANG Chunming3, LU Jing2, ZHANG Xufan3, WANG Jingying3

(1.School of Teacher Education, Ludong University,Yantai,Shandong, 264025,China;2.Institute of Chemistry Education, Central China Normal University,Wuhan,Hubei, 430079,China;3.Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University,Beijing,100875,China)

Abstract: This paper is based on a survey data of 130000 questionnaires from 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government) in China in 2021, and analyzes in depth how the knowledge and beliefs of primary school science teachers in China affect their teaching practices through the moderating effect of teacher training. The research found that the training of science teachers in primary schools in China has a significant role in promoting teaching practice, and can improve the adverse effects of objective factors such as school type and geographical area, and subjective factors such as full-time, part-time and employment methods. Traditional knowledge teaching oriented teacher training can only adjust the influence of professional knowledge and teaching practice, it has not shaken the promoting effect of teaching beliefs and epistemological beliefs on teaching practice. Precise textbook training can promote the positive impact of knowledge and belief on teaching practice, but normal professional training and intragroup teaching research have not been effective. Finally, suggestions are proposed in aspects of valuing training content standards, creating diversified training models, upgrading teacher training content, and ensuring personalized online training frequency.

Key Words: teacher training, teaching practice, knowledge and belief, primary school science teacher




(1.乐山师范学院特殊教育学院、康复学院,四川乐山 614000;2.武汉大学教育科学研究院,湖北武汉 430072)

[摘要] 为探究特殊教育教师胜任力对专业发展的影响机制,本研究采用问卷法对715名特殊教育教师进行调查。结果发现:特殊教育教师胜任力、心理资本显著正向预测专业发展;心理资本在特殊教育教师胜任力与专业发展之间起着中介作用;随着教龄的增加,特殊教育教师胜任力对专业发展的正向影响在减弱,特殊教育教师胜任力对专业发展的直接效应及间接效应均受到教龄显著的负向调节。基于研究结论,研究建议从提高胜任力水平、培育心理资本和提供差异化支持等方面促进特殊教育教师专业发展。

[关键词] 胜任力;教师专业发展;心理资本;教龄


Effects of Special Education Teachers’ Competence on Professional

Development: A Moderated Mediation Model

XIANG Songbai1,CHEN Xinzhong2

(1.College of Special Education and College of Rehabilitation,Leshan Normal University, Leshan,Sichuan,614000,China;2.Institute of Education Sciences,Wuhan University,Wuhan,Hubei,430072,China)

AbstractIn order to explore the influence mechanism of special education teachers’ competence on professional development, 715 special education teachers were tested by questionnaire. The results show that the competency and psychological capital of special education teachers have a significant positive predictive effect on professional development; psychological capital plays an mediating role between special education teachers’ competence and professional development; However, with the increase of teaching age, the positive impact of special education teachers’ competence on professional development is weakening. The direct effect of special education teachers’ competence on professional development and the indirect effect of psychological capital on professional development are significantly negatively moderated by teaching age. Based on the research results, this paper puts forward some suggestions to promote the professional development of special education teachers by improving their competency level, cultivating their psychological capital, and giving differentiated support to special education teachers of different teaching ages.

Key Words:competence,teacher professional development,psychological capital, teaching age



林 琦,丁 奕

(华东师范大学教育学部,上海 200062)

[摘要] 随着基础教育竞争加剧与课后服务等政策落地,中小学教师的课外工作时间日趋增加。本研究基于上海初中教师的调查数据分析发现:教师的课外工作时间较长,平均每日接近8小时,且在性别、学历、学科和教龄上存在显著的群体间差异。虽然教师课外工作时间偏长,但不应该一刀切地盲目缩减,而是要审慎地基于教育教学的提质增效、围绕高质量教学的目标达成对其进行统筹优化。为此研究进一步分析了课外工作时间与教学质量的关系,并发现:两者呈先上升后下降的倒U型曲线关系,且不同类型的时间存在效应差异。据此,教师应当合理转移课外工作时间的边际效应,对其进行结构性调整;教育部门和学校领导者可给予教师充分的时间支配自主权,引导其回归专业本位。

[关键词] 课外工作时间;教师时间;教学质量;高质量教育


Structural Characteristics and Optimization Paths of Teachers’ Extracurricular Working Time: The Perspective of High-Quality Teaching Development


(Faculty of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062, China)

Abstract: With the intensification of competition in basic education and the implementation of policies such as after-school services, the extracurricular work time of primary and secondary school teachers are increasing. Based on the analysis of Shanghai secondary teachers’ survey data, this study found that teachers’ extra-curricular work hours are relatively long, with an average of nearly 8 hours a day, and there are significant group differences in gender, educational degree, subject and teaching experience. Although teachers’ extracurricular work time is relatively long, it should not be blindly reduced across the board, but should be prudently based on the improvement of education and teaching quality, and the overall optimization of the goal of high-quality teaching. To this end, the study further analyzed the relationship between extracurricular working time and teaching quality, and found that: the two showed an inverted U-shaped curve relationship that first increased and then decreased, and different time showed different effects on teaching quality. Accordingly, teachers should adjust structure of extracurricular working time, and reasonably transfer the marginal effect; educational departments and school leaders can give teachers sufficient autonomy to control their time, and guide it back to professional standards.

Key Words: extracurricular working time, teacher time, teaching quality, high-quality education




邓安琦,宋文玉,程 猛

(北京师范大学教育学部,北京 100875)

 [摘要] 名师工作室已经成为我国教师专业发展的重要路径之一。研究基于西部H县和东部G区名师工作室相关的政策文件、深度访谈和实物资料,探讨城乡教育不均衡背景下县域与发达城市地区名师工作室运行机制的差异。两地教育行政部门对名师工作室及教师角色的差异性定位导向了不同的管理模式——H县管理倾向于权威型,而G区倾向于民主型。发达城市地区教师拥有的人力资本、社会资本与决策资本存量明显优于西部县域教师,因而得以保有更强的自主性。基于三类教师专业资本间存在相互转化的可能,研究建议从行政保障与教师赋能两个维度构建支持系统,助力县域名师工作室实现跨越式发展。

[关键词] 名师工作室;地域差异;管理模式;差异性定位;教师专业资本


Management Model, Capital Stock and Autonomy:A Comparative Study between Western County’s and Developed City’s Master Teacher Studio

DENG Anqi, SONG Wenyu, CHENG Meng

(Facaulty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing,100875, China)

Abstract: Master teacher studios have become an important way for teachers’ professional development in China. Based on policy documents, in-depth interviews, and documentation of master teacher studios in western County H and eastern District G, this study explores the differences in the operation of master teacher studios between county’s and developed urban areas in the context of urban-rural educational imbalance.The differential orientations of master teacher studios and teachers’roles by the educational administrations of the two regions led to different modes of management. County H tends to be authoritative, while District G’s tends to be democratic. And the human capital, social capital and decision-making capital possessed by master teacher studio facilitators in developed urban areas were significantly better than those possessed by teachers in western counties, and they were also able to retain more autonomy. Because of the possibility of interconversion among three types of teachers’ professional capital, the support system of county master teacher studios should be built from two dimensions: administrative protection and teacher empowerment.

Key Wordsmaster teacher studio, regional differences, management model, differential orientation, teacher professional capital



贺文洁1,李 琼2,3, 黄嘉莉2

(1.首都师范大学教师教育学院,北京 100048;2.教育部普通高校人文社科重点研究基地北京师范大学教师教育研究中心,北京 100875;3.青海省人民政府-北京师范大学高原科学与可持续发展研究院,青海西宁 810016)

[摘要] 职前教师在实践场景中应对现实冲击的学习日益成为研究关注点,然而其学习过程与运行机制目前却少有研究触及。研究采用质性研究方法,以活动理论的四级矛盾为框架,分析职前教师从大学到中小学校的跨界学习过程。研究发现,以职前教师为主的活动系统呈现四级矛盾:一级矛盾体现为在大学教师教育者和实践导师两系统影响下,职前教师对成为什么样的教师产生矛盾;二级矛盾体现为职前教师面对理论学习方式(工具)与学习目标间(客体)的矛盾;三级矛盾为“一体化”先进活动与职前教师学习活动间出现矛盾;四级矛盾为职前教师深入实践后的学习与学校规范系统间的矛盾。研究发现,四级矛盾分析与解决的过程可以帮助职前教师更好地面对现实冲击,并产生有意义的学习。

[关键词] 职前教师;学习矛盾;活动理论;实践场景


Exploring Student Teachers’ Learning Contradictions in the Practicum

HE Wenjie1, LI Qiong2,3,HUANG Jiali2

(1.College of Teacher Education,Capital Normal University, Beijing, 100048,China;2.Center for Teacher Education Research of Beijing Normal University, Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences for Universities, Ministry of Education,Beijing ,100875, China;3.Academy of Plateau Science and Sustainability People’s Government of Qinghai Province & Beijing Normal University, Xining,Qinghai, 810016, China)

AbstractDrawing on the framework of Activity Theory, this study analyzes the contradictions that student teachers encounter among different activity systems and how these contradictions are resolved during the practicum. Multiple sources of data were collected, including interviews and documents. Data analyses revealed four levels of contradictions: the primary contradiction between the university-based teacher educators, mentors and student teachers. The secondary contradiction between imparting theory and teacher learning. The tertiary contradiction between the impact of school regulation system on “new teachers”. The theoretical and practical contradictions faced by student teachers were driving forces for their learning. The study may offer insights about nurturing student teacher learning and overcoming contradictions in similar joint activities.

Key Words: student teacher, learning contradiction, activity theory, practicum





(安徽大学高等教育研究所,安徽合肥 230031)

[摘要] 新生代乡村教师的留教选择影响着乡村师资队伍的稳定性。研究借助双向推拉理论、采用质性访谈法探究新生代乡村教师留教选择的主要类型、生成缘由及机制后发现:他们可分为逃意坚定的“过路人”、犹豫不决的“观望者”、为编回流的“契约人”和家校村同构的“寻梦人”四种类型;影响其留教选择的推拉因素整体呈现“差序格局”,流入地因素存在“效应变迁”;受家本位流动逻辑影响,家校距离是其留教的前提条件,薪酬待遇、编制保障是关键因素,教育理想是根本动力。研究建议通过本地推进、劣势扭转、保障托底、理想筑牢策略助力新生代教师留教乡村。

[关键词] 留教选择;新生代乡村教师;双向推拉理论;家本位


Why the New Generation of Rural Teachers “Flow” and “Stay”?

——Interpretation of Two Way Push-Pull Theory Perspective

ZHU Yanfei, CHEN Caixia

(Institute of Higher Education, Anhui Universit, Hefei, Anhui,230031, China)

Abstract: The choice of the new generation of rural teachers to stay and teach affects the stability of rural teachers. By means of the two way push-pull theory and qualitative interview, we explore the main types, influencing factors and generation mechanism of the new generation of rural teachers’ choice of staying in rural areas to teach. We find that they can be divided into four types:“passers-by” who are determined to escape, “wait and see people” who are hesitant, “contract people” who are trying to make up the return, and “dream seekers” who regard home, school and village as one. The push and pull factors that affect their choice of staying in rural areas to teach show a differential pattern. The inflow factors have effect changes.Under the influence of family-based flow logic, the distance between home and school is the prerequisite, the salary and establishment guarantee are the key factors, and educational ideal is the fundamental driving force. It is suggested to help the new generation of teachers to stay in rural areas through the strategies of local promotion, reversal of disadvantages, guarantee of underpinning and strengthening of ideals.

Key Words: choices of stay and teach,the new generation of rural teachers,two way push-pull theory,family-based




孟 彦,李宝荣

(北京教育学院,北京 100120)

[摘要] 跨界学习是当前促进教师专业发展的新趋势,亟需构建以高校专家与一线教师的跨界学习共同体。如何依托现有高校专家与一线教师的协同促进教师专业发展,是跨界学习共同体面临的重要问题。本研究以L专家工作室为案例,基于扩展性学习视角建构了包含专家主体、教师主体、内容客体、共同体环境以及组织系统的分析框架,探索分析了L专家工作室促进教师专业发展的实践举措。具体措施包括:立足学习内容认同;强化教师的自我认知;通过跨界素养提升凸显专家的主体地位;创建“让学习成为享受”的共同体氛围;回馈组织系统,以发挥组织影响力为目标的专业发展。

[关键词] 跨界学习;学习共同体;教师专业发展;案例研究


How Can Boundary-crossing Learning Communities Promote Teacher Professional Development?

——Case Study Based on the Perspective of Expansive Learning

MENG Yan, LI Baorong

(Beijing Institute of Education, Beijing, 100120,China)

Abstract: Boundary-crossing learning is a new trend to promote teacher professional development, and it is urgent to build a boundary-crossing learning community with experts and teachers. How to rely on the collaboration between existing experts and teachers to promote teacher professional development is an important issue facing the boundary-crossing learning community. This study takes L Expert Studio as a case, constructs an analytical framework including expert subject, teacher subject, content object, community environment and organizational system based on the perspective of expansive learning, and explores and analyzes the practical measures of L Expert Studio to promote teacher professional development: based on learning content identification; Strengthen teachers’ self-cognition; To highlight the subject status of experts through the improvement of boundary-crossing competence; Create a community atmosphere of “let learning become enjoyment”; Give back to the organizational system for professional development with the goal of exerting organizational impact.

Key Words: boundary-crossing learning, learning community, teacher professional development, case stud



万 丹

(扬州大学教育科学学院,江苏扬州 225002)

[摘要] 知识管理对于提高教师个体学习质量和提升教师研训实效具有重要意义。当前,幼儿园教师个人知识管理研究极为不足,不能有效指导教师个体的知识管理实践。本研究采用个案法,从知识管理过程视角深入剖析了一位幼儿园特级教师的知识管理特点。结果表明,特级教师的知识管理特点表现为知识获取善用高手伙伴资源、知识组织策略持续迭代升级、知识共享遵循情境适应原则、知识应用呈现灵动高效实践、知识创造中善用隐喻和口号,有效的知识管理加速了特级教师的专业成长。最后,本研究从知识管理过程视角提供了建议,以便指导教师个体的知识管理实践。

[关键词] 学前教育;特级教师;知识管理;个案


A Case Study of the Characteristics of an Expert Preschool Teacher’s PKM


(School of Education Science, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu,225002, China)

Abstract: Teachers’ personal knowledge management (PKM) has significant influence on teachers’ individual learning quality and teachers’ training effectiveness. However, little attention has been paid to preschool teachers’ PKM, which shows scarce guidance value on teachers’ PKM practice. Adopting the method of case study, this study deeply explores the characteristics of an expert preschool teacher’s PKM from the perspective of PKM process. The results suggest that the expert teacher’s PKM shows the characteristics of learning from excellent peers in knowledge acquisition, iterative strategies in knowledge organization, principle of situational adaptability in knowledge sharing, flexible and efficient practice in knowledge application, metaphor and local expression in knowledge creation, which help accelerating the teacher’s professional growth. Suggestions are also given to help preschool teachers better at PKM practice.

Key Words: preschool education,expert teacher,knowledge management, case study




张 军

(西南大学教师教育学院,重庆 400715)

[摘要] 科学教师教育的质量直接决定着科学教师队伍的质量,进而关系到国家科学教育的质量,影响着科教兴国战略的顺利实施。1922到1924年期间,美国科学教育专家推士应邀到中国考察并指导科学教育。在中国期间,推士全面诊断我国科学教师教育存在的问题,积极开展科学教师教育实践,推动科学教师教育改革与发展。推士的科学教师教育实践对我国科学教师教育产生了深远的影响,其全域化、一体化、专业化的科学教师教育思想对发展我国科学教师教育具有积极启示。

[关键词] 推士;科学教育;科学教师;科学教师教育


Research on the Practice and Thought of Science Teacher Education of Science Educator Twiss

——Take the Trip to China as the Object of Investigation


(College of Teacher Education,Southwest University,Chongqing, 400715,China)

Abstract: The quality of science teacher education directly determines the quality of science teachers, and then relates to the quality of national science education, and affects the smooth implementation of the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country through talent, and the strategy of innovation-driven development. In the early years of the Republic of China, in order to improve the quality of science education, the government took the reform of science teacher education as the key path. Especially from 1922 to 1924, George Ransom Twiss, an American expert in science education, was invited to China to investigate. During his stay in China, Twiss went deep into the science classroom to diagnose the professional development of science teachers, systematically analyzed the problems of science teacher education, designed pre-service and post-service science teacher education programs, opened science teacher education courses, participated in and organized science teacher summer training courses, etc. The practice of science teacher education of Twiss has had a profound impact on the education of science teachers in China, and its thought of science teacher education of comprehensiveness, integration and professionalization has an enlightening effect on the development of the current science teacher education in China.

Key Words: Twiss, science education, science teacher, science teacher education




(1.浙江大学科举学与考试研究中心,浙江杭州310058;2.北京师范大学教育学部,北京 100875)

[摘要] 科举制发展至明清时期,教育深受科举影响。塾师阶层的样态是科举制下底层儒士文人的现实写照。明清塾师虽是生活较为落魄穷困且处于文化教育相对底层的群体,但也是于当时社会发挥着巨大文化教育作用的阶层。作为“教育者”,其工作有着应试僵化的局限,但也有教化作用。作为“社会人”,忙碌营生,反映了科举落第者的生存困境;教化乡民,是其如初的士人心性。塾师阶层在士道与师道之间的种种挣扎与无奈,进取与苟且、从志与从业的矛盾,归根到底是一个时代的环境所致。流转于“士”与“师”身份定位之间的塾师,既在科举制的牵引下得以立足当下,也在科举的制约下难以突破。若想要安身立命,则需突破僵化体制与腐朽自身的限制。

[关键词] 塾师;科举学;教师身份;士阶层


Between the Doctrine of Scholars and the Doctrine of Teachers: The Group Pattern of the School Teacher Class under the Ming and Qing Imperial Examination System

YUAN Jinshan1, CHENG Chunyu2

(1.Zhejiang University Imperial Examination and Examination Research Center, Hangzhou, Zhejiang,310058, China;2.Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing,100875,China)

Abstract: During the development of the imperial examination system until the Ming and Qing dynasties, education was deeply influenced by the imperial examination. The pattern of the private teacher class is a realistic portrayal of the lower class of Confucian scholars and literati under the imperial examination system. Although private teachers in the Ming and Qing dynasties lived in a relatively impoverished and disadvantaged group, they were also a social class that played a significant role in cultural education at that time. As' educators', their work has the limitations of rigid exam taking, but it also has an educational effect. As a “social person”, busy living reflects the survival dilemma of those who fail the imperial examination; Educating the villagers is their original character as a scholar. The various struggles and helplessness, progress and persistence, and conflicts between ambition and profession among the private teacher class are ultimately caused by the environment of a certain era. The private teachers who transfer between the identity positioning of “scholar” and “teacher” are not only able to establish themselves in the current situation under the guidance of the imperial examination system, but also difficult to break through under the constraints of the imperial examination. If they want to settle down, they need to break through the rigid system and corrupt themselves.

Key Words: school teacher, imperial examination studies, teacher identity, scholar class




(苏州大学教育学院,江苏苏州 215123)

[摘要] 教师社会情感能力不仅直接影响学生社会情感能力,且有利于教师自身专业发展。职前阶段对于教师社会情感能力的培养起着重要作用。通过对国际文献进行梳理,职前教师社会情感能力框架有亲社会课堂模型、社会情感文化锚定框架以及教师茁壮成长框架。职前教师社会情感能力的提升可以从课程教学、质量保障以及政策支持三方面进行策略总结。

[关键词] 职前教师;社会情感能力;培养策略


The Framework and Cultivation Strategy of Pre-service Teachers’ Social and Emotional Competence from an International Perspective

ZHANG Jiawei, LU Jingyan

(School of Education, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, 215123,China)

Abstract: Teachers’ social emotional competence (SEC) not only directly affects students’ SEC, but also contributes to teachers’ professional development. The pre-service stage plays an important role in the cultivation of teachers’ SEC. Through the review of international literature, the framework of pre-service teachers’ SEC includes “The Prosocial Classroom Model” “Social, Emotional, and Cultural Anchor Competencies Framework” and “The Framework for Cultivating Teacher Thriving”. The promotion of pre-service teachers’ SEC can be summarized from three aspects: curriculum and teaching, quality assurance and policy support.

Key Words: pre-service teacher, social emotional competence, cultivation strategy







