
论文快递: 第一百九十期

Urban Studies 城市研究速递 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百九十期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的三篇论文和Current Issue的两篇论文。主题包括城市的空间化去增长,城市运动与想象,城市交通与去增长,宗教的居住隔离,房地产的安全和财务问题,欢迎阅读。


Spatialising degrowth in Southern cities: Everyday park-making for (un)commoning


Manisha Anantharaman(美国加州圣玛丽学院Marlyne Sahakian(瑞士日内瓦大学)Czarina Saloma(菲律宾马尼拉大学)首次出版时间:2023/2/12|研究论文
AbstractAnswering the call in this special issue to spatialise degrowth studies beyond the Global North, this paper examines practices of ‘park-making’ in Chennai and Metro Manila as a potential degrowth pathway. Parks in the coastal mega cities of Metro Manila and Chennai can be seen as relics of a colonial era, and spaces coherent with capitalist, growth-oriented and consumerist logics. At the same time, however, they become spaces that prefigure alternative ways of organising social life in the city based upon values of conviviality, care and sharing. Using qualitative methods of analysis, this paper examines what practices people engage with to satisfy their everyday needs in parks, but also the dynamics of exclusion and contestation that play out in these spaces. In doing so, we evaluate when and under what conditions park-making supports practices of de-growth and commoning beyond consumerist culture. Both commoning and uncommoning practices are detailed, revealing the role of provisioning systems that lead to the satisfaction of needs for some at the expense of others. Further, writing from cities that are highly unequal, and where the basic needs of many are yet to be met, we assert that understanding how degrowth manifests in these contexts can only be revealed through a situated urban political ecology approach. Spatialising degrowth in cities of the Global South should start with a focus on everyday practices, study power relationally and explore the scope for a radical incrementalism.




Chennai, degrowth, everyday life, Metro Manila, parks, urban commons 

关键词金奈(Chennai), 去增长, 日常生活, 马尼拉大都会(Metro Manila), 公园, 城市共享资源


‘London is avocado on toast’: The urban imaginaries of the #LondonIsOpen campaign


Edanur Yazici(英国沃里克大学Karim Murji(英国西伦敦大学)Michael Keith(英国牛津大学)等五位作者首次出版时间:2023/2/14|研究论文

This article examines the production, representations and reactions to the #LondonIsOpen campaign to ask how urban imaginaries are produced and what they entail for understanding the city. The analysis considers how the idea of a cosmopolitan, diverse and multicultural city is framed, what it includes and excludes and the distinct geographies of the city it produces. It draws on three data sources: documentary analysis of videos used in the campaign; social media analysis of tweets using #LondonIsOpen; and semi-structured interviews with key figures in the campaign team. The main arguments are that the appeal to openness contributes to the versatility of the campaign and the range of responses to it, making it highly adaptable and flexible to respond to current affairs; and that open London is geographically selective and imagined as business focused, trendy and cosmopolitan. In turn, the reactions to the idea of open London range from seeking a borderless world to anti-migrant rhetoric. Although the campaign represents London as welcoming and inclusive, such welcoming is partial and subject to contestation. The article concludes that over time, the openness of #LondonIsOpen has come to serve multiple political functions and act as a brand for the city.

摘要 本文考察了“伦敦开放”(#LondonIsOpen)运动的产生、诉求以及人们对该运动的反应,以探究城市想象是如何产生的,以及它们对理解城市有何意义。本文分析了国际化、多样化和文化多元的城市理念是如何构建的,该理念包容和排斥的内容,以及在它的指导下建立的城市所具有的独特布局特点。本文所用数据来源于三个方面:对运动中所用视频进行的文件分析;对“伦敦开放”运动话题下的推文进行的社交媒体分析;以及对运动团队中关键人物的半结构化采访。我们的主要论点是:对开放性的呼吁有助于实现运动的多功能性并扩大反应范围,使其具有高度的适应性和灵活性以应对当前形势;开放伦敦在地理上是有选择性的,并被设想为以商业为中心、时尚、国际化的城市。相应地,对开放伦敦理念的反应包括寻求一个无边界的世界以及反移民言论等。尽管该运动将伦敦描绘成热情、包容的城市,但这种热情是片面的,并且存在争议。我们得出的结论是,随着时间的推移,“伦敦开放”运动所呼吁的开放性逐渐服务于多种政治功能,并成为这座城市的品牌。

Brexit, city branding, diversity, open city, welcoming 


英国脱欧, 城市品牌, 多样性, 开放城市, 热情的

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980221149841


Degrowth is coming to town: What can it learn from critical perspectives on urban transport?


Wojciech Kębłowski(比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学)首次出版时间:2023/2/16|研究论文
AbstractDegrowth offers a particularly trans-disciplinary and robust critique of growth-driven configurations of space, society and economy. However, its proponents are yet to seriously engage with urban environments by clearly outlining how, where, for whom and under what conditions the principles of degrowth could be applied in urban contexts. In this article, I focus on transport as a vehicle for understanding and addressing this challenge, thus contributing to the broader agenda of spatialising and urbanising degrowth. I turn to the specific case of ‘fare-free public transport’ (FFPT), a policy that exists in full form in nearly 300 localities worldwide. By referring to empirical material collected in FFPT programmes in Aubagne (France), Tallinn (Estonia) and Chengdu (China), I show that fare abolition can act as a policy that contradicts many principles of growth-driven capitalism by advancing an agenda of inter- and intra-municipal solidarity, working towards socio-spatial justice. Consequently, I demonstrate that when analysing and planning urban transport, degrowth may well build on diverse ‘critical’ perspectives on transport to engage head-on with explicitly political–economic questions underpinning urban agendas, thus avoiding joining the glossary of de-politicised and technocratic notions, and disregarding the socio-economic, political and spatial complexity of the urban. In this way, the article contributes to ongoing reflections about the role of urbanisation in the degrowth debate.

去增长对以增长为驱动的空间、社会和经济配置提出了跨学科的、有力的批评。然而,去增长的倡导者尚未认真地参与城市环境治理,他们没有明确提出如何、在何处、为谁以及在什么条件下将去增长原则应用于城市情境。在这篇论文中,我们重点关注交通,将其作为理解和应对这一挑战的工具,从而为更广泛的空间化和城市化去增长议程做出贡献。我们将“免费公共交通”(FFPT) 作为具体案例。全球有近 300 个地区发布了完整的免费公共交通政策。我们收集了欧巴涅(法国)、塔林(爱沙尼亚)和成都(中国)的 FFPT 计划相关的实证材料,这些材料表明取消交通费可推进各地区之间和地区内团结议程,是一项与许多以增长为驱动的资本主义原则相矛盾的政策,有助于实现社会空间正义。因此,我们证明,在分析和规划城市交通时,去增长也许要基于关于交通的不同批判性观点,直面构成城市议程基础的明确的政治经济问题,从而避免成为去政治化和技术官僚主义的概念,忽视了城市的社会经济、政治和空间复杂性。通过这种方式,本文有助于持续反思城市化在去增长争论中所处的角色。

Keywords degrowth, fare-free public transport, mobility, transport, urban policy

去增长, 免费公共交通, 流动性, 交通, 城市政策



Saffron geographies of exclusion: The Disturbed Areas Act of Gujarat


Sheba Tejani(英国伯明翰大学



This article elucidates the discursive, spatial and procedural mechanisms by which residential segregation and ghettoisation based on religion in Ahmedabad is reproduced and reinforced. It studies the application of the Disturbed Areas Act of Gujarat, a 1986 law ostensibly intended to curb spatial segregation based on religion by preventing the distress sale of property in ‘disturbed areas’ affected by sectarian violence. However, this law is being used for precisely opposite ends and as a tool of ‘ethnocratic urban planning’ to advance the Hindu right’s goal of separate and hierarchical nations based on religion and to actively ‘Hinduise’ urban space. Current practices of the law enable the state to police boundaries between Muslim areas and adjoining Hindu localities, sealing their porosity and preventing the formation of mixed areas by restricting property transfers. The article uses semi-structured interviews, mapping techniques, participant observation and official data as sources of evidence. It maps ‘disturbed areas’ in Ahmedabad for the first time and presents previously unpublished data on applications for property transfers between persons of different religions under the Act. The article argues that ethnocratic planning combines with a range of other vectors, such as targeted anti-Muslim violence, the hindrance of justice and reconciliation thereafter and the persistent vilification of minorities, to produce saffron geographies of exclusion in Ahmedabad. These saffron geographies of exclusion are grids of Hinduised spaces cleansed of Muslim presence that embody the ascendancy of the ideology of Hindutva over the city and simultaneously create Muslim ghettos.


本文阐明了艾哈迈达巴德 (Ahmedabad) 基于宗教的居住隔离和隔都化复制和强化的话语、空间和程序机制。我们研究了古吉拉特邦《扰乱地区法》的适用,这是一项 1986 年的法律,表面上旨在通过防止在受宗派暴力影响的“扰乱地区”被迫出售物业来禁止基于宗教的空间隔离。然而,这项法律正被用于完全相反的目的,并被用作“民族城市规划”的工具,以推进印度教权利目标(即基于宗教的独立和等级化的国家)并积极地将城市空间“印度教化”。目前的法律实践使国家能够监管穆斯林地区和毗邻的印度教地区之间的边界,通过限制财产转让来密封它们之间的孔隙并防止形成混合地区。本文使用半结构化访谈、绘图技术、参与者观察和官方数据作为证据来源。我们首次绘制了艾哈迈达巴德的“扰乱地区”地图,并提供了以前未公布的、根据该法案在不同宗教人士之间进行财产转移的申请数据。我们认为,民族主义规划与一系列其他载体相结合(例如有针对性的反穆斯林暴力、此后对正义与和解的阻碍、以及对少数群体的持续诽谤)在艾哈迈达巴德产生了排斥性印度教地理。这些排斥性印度教地理是一些印度教化的空间网格,它们清除了穆斯林的存在,体现了印度教意识形态在城市中的支配地位,同时制造了隔都。
KeywordsAhmedabad, Disturbed Areas Act, ethnocratic planning, ghettoisation, Hindutva, saffron geographies, spatial segregation, urban planning

艾哈迈达巴德 (Ahmedabad), 《扰乱地区法》, 民族规划, 隔都化, 印度教, 印度教地理, 空间隔离, 城市规划



The housing market reaction to the combustible cladding crisis: Safety or financial concerns?


Daniel Melser(澳大利亚莫纳什大学首次出版时间:2022/7/15|研究论文
AbstractThe risks of combustible cladding were most catastrophically illustrated by the Grenfell Tower fire in London in mid-2017 which killed 72 people. Prior to this, in late 2014, the Lacrosse Tower fire in Melbourne, Australia, provided a prescient illustration of the risks of combustible cladding. This study examines the effect on Melbourne prices, rents and transactions of these fires from 2005 to mid-2019. The dynamics of prices and rents provide important information about the extent to which the housing market reaction was driven by safety or financial concerns. This is because tenants are primarily exposed to the safety risks of combustible cladding while the prices paid by owner-occupiers reflect both safety and financial concerns – such as future remediation costs. We find an overall decline of around in the prices paid by owner-occupiers for homes affected by combustible cladding, while rents for similar properties fell by around. Thus, we conclude that the main factor driving the housing market reaction was financial concerns. This conclusion is robust to more tightly identifying properties that were affected by combustible cladding. We also find that property investors reduce their property valuations of combustible cladding homes more significantly than owner-occupiers and that there are declines in transaction volumes for affected homes.


2017 年年中伦敦格伦费尔大厦 (Grenfell Tower) 大火造成 72 人死亡,最能说明可燃包层的风险。在此之前,2014 年底,澳大利亚墨尔本拉克罗斯大厦 (Lacrosse Tower) 大火对可燃包层的风险发出了警告。本研究考察了 2005 年至 2019 年年中这些火灾对墨尔本房价、租金和交易量的影响。价格和租金的动态提供了重要信息,说明住房市场的反应在多大程度上是由安全或财务关切驱动的。这是因为租户主要面临可燃包层的安全风险,而自住业主支付的价格同时反映了安全和财务关切(例如未来的修复成本)。我们发现,自住业主为受可燃包层影响的房屋支付的价格总体下降了约 9%,而同类房产的租金下降了约 3%。因此,我们得出结论,推动房地产市场反应的主要因素是财务关切。这一结论对于更严格地识别受可燃包层影响的物业而言是稳健的。我们还发现,与自住业主相比,房地产投资者更大幅度地降低了可燃包层房屋的房地产估值,并且受影响房屋的交易量有所下降。

KeywordsAustralia, causal estimation, combustible cladding crisis, difference-in-differences, hedonic regression, housing prices

澳大利亚, 因果估计, 可燃包层危机, 双重差分, 特征回归, 房价




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