
学术前沿 | 你知道吗?在数据分析领域,农经学者是最早一批“吃螃蟹的人”

启研学社 三农大数据 2022-12-31


本文来源: Agricultural Economics as a Poster Child of Applied Economics: Big Data & Big Issues


Agricultural economists have embodied the notions of applied economics for a long time. They have used economic principles to address real-world problems, integrating economics and scientific knowledge.Applied economics tends to be multidisciplinary and develop applied concepts, theories, and tools. Some, like human capital, diffusion of innovation, contingent valuation, and numerous numerical and econometric techniques have spread throughout economics. Agricultural economic research has been data intensive, and improved information technologies strengthen this tendency. Yet data without theory is of limited use and coevolution of theory and data are essential. Empirical analysis should incorporate quantitative information as well as narratives. We are challenged to understand the coevolution of business, supply chains, and technology, and how they are affected by policies and affect markets. Research should integrate agriculture, energy, and the environment and develop tools to analyze and regulate the emerging bio-economy integrating biotech and infotech.

Key words: Big data;bio-economy;theory;relevance


向下滑动查看更多One of the major questions I have been asked is this: What are the distinguishing features of applied economics—why are we a separate field? What I will try to say here is that we are part of economics but we have a unique emphasis and to understand it, we need to understand the history of agricultural economics and its evolution within economics. I will provide a historical overview of some of the major themes and contributions of agricultural economics, and then address it to some of the major challenges we have today. To what extent do we emphasize big data and databased analysis? Our emphasis on theory? What type of methodologies do we use for our empirical analysis? And what emphasis do we put on the development of methods versus addressing big problems? Economics spun off of philosophy, and Adam Smith himself was a professor of moral philosophy at Glasgow University (Rae 1895). Initially, economics was a study of household management, and it was not until the late eighteenth century that it took on its current meaning. Economists aimed to understand the working of the economy and its moral implications. With the theory in mind that “The laws of Nature are written in the language of mathematics,” according to Galileo, the logic and tools of mathematics have been applied to understand the behavior of the economy and actors in it. This has resulted, for example, in the general equilibrium theory of Arrow and Debreu and in Nash’s game theory. Economic theory generated some basic propositions. For example, under what conditions competitive markets are socially optimal, and the principles of relative advantage, which have often guided political agendas. Once economic concepts were refined, economists started to apply them to assess and predict the behavior of economic agents and market outcomes. Over time, a wide array of applied economics disciplines has emerged. While economics per se was deductive— aiming to identify basic rules and principles by logical thinking—applied economics tends to be inductive and problem-oriented. Agricultural economics was among the first and largest applied economics disciplines—it applied economic principles to problems with farm management and agricultural policies and relied on knowledge from life science disciplines like agronomy and biology. Other applied economic disciplines include labor economics and environmental economics, among others. Macroeconomics has originated as an applied economics discipline from John Maynard Keynes. As a practitioner in the market, Keynes realized that certain economic functions (consumption and behavior) follow patterns that were not predicted by classical economics. And in particular, he realized that markets, like the labor market, do not clear, and thus lead to unemployment. As a good applied economist, he developed a theory based on his observations, which became macroeconomics.
我经常会被问到这样一个问题:应用经济学显著的特征是什么——为什么会有不同的领域?我想在这里说的是,我们(农业经济学)是经济学的一部分,但是我们有一个需要了解的独特重点,即农业经济学的历史及其在经济学中的演变。我将对一些有关农业经济学主要的主题和贡献进行历史回顾,然后针对我们今天临的一些主要挑战进行探讨。那么我们要在多大程度上强调大数据和基于数据的分析呢?是基于我们对理论的重视程度吗? 我们应当使用何种方法论来进行实证分析?与解决重大问题相比,我们对于方法的发展又该重点关注什么呢?
经济学从哲学中衍生出来,亚当·斯密(Adam Smith)本人是格拉斯哥大学(Rae,1895)的道德哲学教授。最初,经济学研究的是家庭管理,直到18世纪末它才开始具备自己的特色经济学家致力于了解经济的运作方式及其道德含义。伽利略说,要牢记“自然法则是用数学语言写成的”这一理论,因此我们已经把逻辑和数学工具用于理解经济行为以及做出某种行为的人。例如,Arrow和Debreu的一般均衡理论以及Nash的博弈论是在运用数学的基础上产生的。


(The Evolution of Agricultural Economics and Economics)


Most classical theorists lived in a world where agriculture was the dominant industry, and therefore introduced theory based on a competitive equilibrium that characterized agriculture. In a way, classical economics is actually agricultural economics. The discipline of agricultural economics started from the merger of two fields—farm management and farm economics (Runge 2006). From the beginning, agricultural economics emphasized a few micro elements: guiding farmers on land use allocation, production decisions, and marketing. On a macro-level, this field attempted to understand the peculiar behavior of the farm sector, in particular to make sense of the farm crises and poverty, etc. From its onset, agricultural economics was empirical and data-oriented, and some of the early applications of statistical techniques in economics were on agricultural problems. As in the example of Keynes, where real world observations led to real applied theories, one of the features of agricultural economics is that, similar to macroeconomics, observations and attempts to understand real-life patterns have resulted in new theoretical and conceptual developments that really change economics as a whole. Thus, while it may seem that in economics there is a division of labor between general economic theorists who develop basic principles and tools and applied economists who use them, in reality, the relationship is more complex. There is the mainstream of economic theory that has basic rules and principles, and applied fields that integrate economics with specific areas of the realworld. Applied fields may combine principles of economics with principles of other disciplines, but these sub-fields are major contributors to mainstream economic theory and practice. Agricultural economics has a very successful record of changing the way economists think and work. Agricultural economists were among the first to pursue and analyze microdata and interact with economics agents as they developed their analysis. To some extent, agricultural economists have emphasized big data even before big data was “cool.” The work of Cochrane (1979) provides a perspective on agricultural policy in the United States and in general. Cochrane views the history of U.S. agriculture as a process of economic development with a few distinct stages. First, the early period consisting of the seventeenth to early eighteenth century is characterized by the search for appropriate technologies. There followed a period of expansion and increase in land base between 1750–1890. Cochrane suggests that, during this period, major policies that affected agriculture were those of homesteading that provided farmers with an incentive to settle with private property rights, as well as public policies that built infrastructure like the railroads, which allowed for major settlements. This was followed by a period of intensification from 1890 to the present. Again, government support of research and investment in infrastructure, for example water projects, were the key to the agricultural development of this period. Cochrane’s work suggests that the growth and success of U.S. agricultural policies was a result of complementarity between private sector entrepreneurship and public sector investment in research and infrastructure and the provision of private property rights. But this period resulted in unintended consequences, including excess supply as well as environmental externalities. The combination of an expanding agricultural land-base and increased productivity resulted in large volumes of cheap food that resulted in low farm incomes. Production on marginal land and excessive use of chemicals resulted in the deterioration of land resources and water quality. Addressing these problems were some of the major challenges of agricultural policies in the twentieth century. The first paper published in the American Economic Review was by a female agricultural economist, K. Coman (1911), which analyzed the economic impacts of water rights systems that were the result of government development and reclamation policies in the early period of U.S. agriculture. The field of agricultural policy, which investigates the “macro” of agricultural economics, has evolved to address economic challenges in managing agricultural and resource sectors in developed and developing countries, and to address issues of trade in development. In parallel to the policy analysis, there has been much emphasis on solving economics and management at the farm- and agribusiness-level.Most classical theorists lived in a world where agriculture was the dominant industry, and therefore introduced theory based on a competitive equilibrium that characterized agriculture. In a way, classical economics is actually agricultural economics. The discipline of agricultural economics started from the merger of two fields—farm management and farm economics (Runge 2006). From the beginning, agricultural economics emphasized a few micro elements: guiding farmers on land use allocation, production decisions, and marketing. On a macro-level, this field attempted to understand the peculiar behavior of the farm sector, in particular to make sense of the farm crises and poverty, etc. From its onset, agricultural economics was empirical and data-oriented, and some of the early applications of statistical techniques in economics were on agricultural problems. As in the example of Keynes, where real world observations led to real applied theories, one of the features of agricultural economics is that, similar to macroeconomics, observations and attempts to understand real-life patterns have resulted in new theoretical and conceptual developments that really change economics as a whole. Thus, while it may seem that in economics there is a division of labor between general economic theorists who develop basic principles and tools and applied economists who use them, in reality, the relationship is more complex. There is the mainstream of economic theory that has basic rules and principles, and applied fields that integrate economics with specific areas of the realworld. Applied fields may combine principles of economics with principles of other disciplines, but these sub-fields are major contributors to mainstream economic theory and practice. Agricultural economics has a very successful record of changing the way economists think and work. Agricultural economists were among the first to pursue and analyze microdata and interact with economics agents as they developed their analysis. To some extent, agricultural economists have emphasized big data even before big data was “cool.” The work of Cochrane (1979) provides a perspective on agricultural policy in the United States and in general. Cochrane views the history of U.S. agriculture as a process of economic development with a few distinct stages. First, the early period consisting of the seventeenth to early eighteenth century is characterized by the search for appropriate technologies. There followed a period of expansion and increase in land base between 1750–1890. Cochrane suggests that, during this period, major policies that affected agriculture were those of homesteading that provided farmers with an incentive to settle with private property rights, as well as public policies that built infrastructure like the railroads, which allowed for major settlements. This was followed by a period of intensification from 1890 to the present. Again, government support of research and investment in infrastructure, for example water projects, were the key to the agricultural development of this period. Cochrane’s work suggests that the growth and success of U.S. agricultural policies was a result of complementarity between private sector entrepreneurship and public sector investment in research and infrastructure and the provision of private property rights. But this period resulted in unintended consequences, including excess supply as well as environmental externalities. The combination of an expanding agricultural land-base and increased productivity resulted in large volumes of cheap food that resulted in low farm incomes. Production on marginal land and excessive use of chemicals resulted in the deterioration of land resources and water quality. Addressing these problems were some of the major challenges of agricultural policies in the twentieth century. The first paper published in the American Economic Review was by a female agricultural economist, K. Coman (1911), which analyzed the economic impacts of water rights systems that were the result of government development and reclamation policies in the early period of U.S. agriculture. The field of agricultural policy, which investigates the “macro” of agricultural economics, has evolved to address economic challenges in managing agricultural and resource sectors in developed and developing countries, and to address issues of trade in development. In parallel to the policy analysis, there has been much emphasis on solving economics and management at the farm- and agribusiness-level.


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