



Food Policy




Rethinking new wines: implications of local and environmentally friendly labels


Maria L. Loureiro

Keywords:Contingent valuation; eco-labels; environmentally friendly; food labeling; wine

Abstract:New wine production areas around the world are encountering challenges in creating a reputation for high-quality products. In order to help these new wine growing areas numerous labeling programs claiming local origin and environmentally friendly practices are being implemented. In this study, consumer response toward wine grown in a new production area such as Colorado is researched. Using an interval probit model, the mean willingness to pay (WTP) for Colorado environmentally friendly and Colorado regular wines are calculated. In summary, the results in this paper highlight the need to improve quality perceptions to garner a premium in differentiated wine markets. As a consequence, environmentally friendly labeling in wine is an inefficient marketing tool for wines perceived as low quality.

摘要:世界各地的新葡萄酒产区在建立优质产品声誉方面都面临挑战。为了帮助这些新的葡萄酒产区,正在实施许多声称是本地产地和环境友好做法的标签计划。在这项研究中,研究了消费者对在新产区(例如科罗拉多州)种植的葡萄酒的反应。使用间隔概率模型,计算了科罗拉多州环保型和科罗拉多州常规葡萄酒的平均支付意愿(WTP)。 总而言之,本文的结果强调了需要改善质量感知,以在差异化的葡萄酒市场中获得较高的溢价。结果,葡萄酒中的环保标签对于认为质量低劣的葡萄酒是一种低效的营销工具。

DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2003.10.004


Geographical indication and wine exports. An empirical investigation considering the major European producers


Mariarosaria Agostino, Francesco Trivieri

Keywords:Wine exports; geographical indication; European Union; gravity model

Abstract:Adopting a gravity framework and using data from 1995 to 2009 for France, Italy and Spain, we investigate whether the designation of the production area has a positive pay-off in terms of greater export values, volumes and presence in different export markets. We find that quality wines produced in specified regions (QWPSR) are associated with higher exports values, while higher export volumes tend to materialize only towards high-income destination markets. Besides, the geographical designation appears increasing the extensive margin of trade. Therefore, QWPSR may represent a strategic tool for differentiation granting competitiveness in both traditional and less habitual markets. Not all producers, yet, seem to have benefited to the same extent from the geographical designation, raising the question of what harmonizing and/or promotional strategy should be adopted to enhance the effectiveness of the quality wine protection system.

摘要:通过采用引力框架并使用1995年至2009年法国,意大利和西班牙的数据,我们调查了指定生产区域是否会在更大的出口价值,数量和在不同出口市场中的存在方面带来积极的回报。 我们发现,在特定地区生产的优质葡萄酒与较高的出口价值相关,而较高的出口量往往只会向高收入目的地市场实现。此外,地理标志似乎增加了广泛的贸易利润。因此,QWPSR可能代表了一种差异化的战略工具,可以在传统市场和不那么习惯的市场中提高竞争力。并不是所有的生产商似乎都从地理名称中获得了同样的收益,这引发了一个问题,即应采用何种协调和/或促销策略来提高优质葡萄酒保护体系的有效性。

DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2014.02.002


Organic price premium or penalty? A comparative market analysis of organic wines from Tuscany


Lane A. Abraben, Kelly A. Grogan, Zhifeng Gao

Keywords:Biodynamic wine; Eco-labels; hedonic analysis; organic wine

Abstract:Previous literature suggests that the price of wine is a function of its intrinsic and extrinsic attributes. Studies have examined the price of wines from various wine producing regions using the hedonic price model to determine the correlation between wine attributes and price. However few studies have examined the relationship between organic production or certification and price. This study uses a hedonic pricing model to examine the price premiums associated with organic production and organic certification for Tuscan red wines produced between 2000 and 2008 in both the Italian and American wine markets. Controlling for a variety of wine attributes, the analysis finds that wines produced with organic practices, but not certified as organic and wines certified, but not labeled as organic receive a higher price compared to conventional wine, for wines with low quality ratings. However, as the wine's quality rating increases, the positive effects of organic practices and certification on price decrease, and for wine with higher quality ratings, organic practices and certification is associated with lower prices relative to otherwise comparable conventional wines.

摘要: 以前的文献表明,葡萄酒的价格是其内在和外在属性的函数。研究已经使用享乐主义价格模型检查了各个葡萄酒产区的葡萄酒价格,以确定葡萄酒属性与价格之间的相关性。但是,很少有研究检查有机生产或认证与价格之间的关系。这项研究使用享乐主义定价模型来检验与意大利和美国葡萄酒市场在2000年至2008年之间生产的托斯卡纳红葡萄酒的有机生产和有机认证相关的价格溢价。通过对各种葡萄酒属性的控制,分析发现,对于低品质的葡萄酒,与传统葡萄酒相比,采用有机做法生产但未获得有机认证的葡萄酒和未经认证但未标记为有机的葡萄酒的价格要更高。但随着葡萄酒质量等级的提高,有机做法和认证对价格的积极影响会降低,而对于质量评级较高的葡萄酒,有机做法和认证与相对其他可比传统葡萄酒相比,价格较低。

DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2017.04.005


Farm resources, transaction costs and forward integration in agriculture: Evidence from French wine producers


Jean-Baptiste Traversac, Sylvain Rousset, Philippe Perrier-Cornet

Keywords:Vertical integration; French wine producers; farm diversification; Resource-Based Perspective; Transaction Costs Economics

Abstract:This research aims to understand why French wine producers venture into direct sale to customers instead of selling bulk wine to wine companies. The empirical tests on the French Farm Census confirm the value of both Resource-Based Perspective and Transaction Cost Economics in understanding organizational choices in agriculture and food markets. Because asset specificity in wine trade is low on average, large wine producers have an advantage over smaller ones and so are more likely to venture into direct sale of generic wines. By contrast smaller wine producers are more likely to rely on the bulk wine market, which is less risky for them. In addition our model helps us to understand the effect of the State-sponsored certification of grape and wine quality, the Protected Designation of Origin system. All other things being equal, producers with vineyards of high reputation (PDO) are also more likely to bottle and sell their wines; we guess this is because they wish to capture the value of the PDO reputation, the collective brand name capital owned by the farmers. Finally, saving on transaction cost is only one side of the coin: the most educated wine producers can profitably reinvest their knowledge and capabilities into new activities. These choices have important consequence on the French Wine Supply Chain governance.


DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2011.07.007


Rebound effects due to economic choices when assessing the environmental sustainability of wine


Graziella Benedetto, Benedetto Rugani, Ian Vázquez-Rowe

Keywords:Carbon footprint; Consequential LCA; Indirect effects; Life Cycle Assessment; Sustainable consumptionAbstract:The identification and working mechanisms of Rebound Effects (REs) have important policy implications. The intensity of these impacts is crucial when it comes to detecting strategies to promote sustainable consumption of food and beverages, as in the case of wine. In fact, neglecting the occurrence of REs in wine production and delivery leads to under- or over-estimating the effects that novel more sustainable technologies may produce. An in-depth analysis on the ways in which the stakeholders may react to the availability of a new product (e.g. wine produced through a process oriented to the reduction of CO2 emissions) may be particularly useful to allow producers and consumers to target the REs with respect to the overall goals of desired sustainability. In this article, we first provide a definition and a classification of different types of REs and then analyse some exemplificative cases applied to the supply and consumption of wine produced through technologies that reduce environmental emissions or resource consumptions. A final step analyses the methodological tools that may be useful when including REs in life cycle thinking as applied to the wine sector. 摘要:反弹效应的识别和工作机制具有重要的政策含义。当涉及到检测策略以促进食品和饮料的可持续消费(如葡萄酒)时,这些影响的强度至关重要。实际上,忽略葡萄酒生产和交付中可再生能源的出现会导致低估或高估了更可持续的新型技术可能产生的影响。深入分析利益相关者对新产品(例如,通过减少二氧化碳排放量的过程生产的葡萄酒)的可利用性做出反应的方式,对于使生产者和消费者将可再生能源目标确定为尊重所需可持续性的总体目标反弹效应非常有用。在本文中,我们首先提供不同类型的可再生能源的定义和分类,然后分析一些示例性案例,这些案例适用于通过减少环境排放或资源消耗的技术生产和供应的葡萄酒。最后一步将分析方法论工具,这些方法论工具在将RE纳入生命周期思维(如应用于葡萄酒行业)时可能会有用。DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2014.07.007


Vertical differentiation via multi-tier geographical indications and the consumer perception of quality: The case of Chianti wines


Marco Costanigro, Gabriele Scozzafava, Leonardo Casini

Keywords:Minimum quality standards; Consumer perceptions; Geographical indications; Consumer beliefs; Consumer preferences

Abstract:We derive and estimate a model of demand for Geographical Indications allowing for subjective and heterogeneous quality perceptions, and study vertical differentiation based on multi-tier quality labels within the context of the strategy adopted by the Chianti Consortium. Quality perceptions and wine choices are elicited in an online experiment where the number of quality tiers is augmented incrementally in a between-subject design. The empirical model includes subjective quality perceptions as an (endogenous) explanatory variable, and unexplained heterogeneity in WTP for quality as a random parameter. We find that quality perceptions are endogenous to the labeling regime, and adding a high-quality label (Chianti Classico Gran Selezione) decreases the perceived quality of all other Chianti wines, but not the competitor wines. However, the market shared lost to perception restructuring is small compared to the benefits of increased vertical differentiation.

摘要:我们推导并估计了对地理标志需求的模型,从而可以实现主观和异质的质量感知,并在基安蒂葡萄酒采用的策略范围内研究基于多层质量标签的垂直差异。在线实验中引发了对质量的认识和对葡萄酒的选择,其中在受试者之间的设计中,逐渐增加了质量等级的数量。经验模型包括主观质量感知作为(内生的)解释变量,以及WTP中无法解释的质量异质性作为随机参数。 我们发现质量感知是标签制度的内在因素,而添加高质量标签(Chianti Classico Gran Selezione)会降低所有其他基安蒂葡萄酒的感知质量,但不会降低竞争对手的葡萄酒。 但是,与纵向差异化所带来的好处相比,由于感知结构调整而失去的市场份额很小。

DOI:  10.1016/j.foodpol.2019.01.008


Evaluating the net benefits of collective reputation: The case of Bordeaux wine


Olivier Gergaud, Florine Livat, Bradley Rickard, Frederic Warzynski

Keywords:Analysis of promotion; Individual reputation; Collective reputation; Bordeaux wines; AppellationsAbstract:In this paper we develop an original approach to assess the net benefits associated with a generic promotion program using an application to Bordeaux wines. The benefit is computed from the marginal impact of the program's collective reputation on the individual reputation for sub-regions within Bordeaux. These different marginal impacts are estimated using detailed survey data about the image of Bordeaux wines in seven European countries. We find positive and significant spillover effects from the collective reputation (Bordeaux) that moreover increase with the reputation of the sub-region. These spillover effects, when significantly positive, vary from a minimum of 5% to a maximum of 15% of additional favorable quality opinions. We then calculate a measure of the average net benefits earned by producers from the regional promotion program in selected sub-regions within Bordeaux. Our results indicate that producers in some sub-regions are more likely to benefit from the promotion program and suggest that the current fee structure may not be properly aligned with market conditions.摘要:在本文中,我们开发了一种原始方法来评估与使用波尔多葡萄酒的通用推广计划相关的净收益。收益是根据该计划的集体声誉对波尔多分区域个人声誉的边际影响计算得出的。使用有关七个欧洲国家的波尔多葡萄酒形象的详细调查数据,估计了这些不同的边际影响。我们发现集体声誉(波尔多)产生了积极而显着的溢出效应,而且随着次区域声誉的提高而增加。这些溢出效应在产生明显正面影响时,从额外的有利质量意见的最小5%到最大15%不等。然后,我们计算在波尔多选定子区域中,生产商从区域促销计划中获得的平均净收益的度量。我们的结果表明,某些次区域的生产商更可能从促销计划中受益,并表明当前的费用结构可能无法与市场条件适当地吻合。DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2017.07.002


The performance implications of "grow or buy" decisions in the wine industry


Marta Fernández Olmos

Keywords:Vertical integration; Viticulture; Transaction cost economics; Performance

Abstract:This paper investigates how wineries' decisions to grow or buy their provisions of grape affect their viticultural performance. While previous literature in agrarian economics suggests a direct association between vertical integration and performance, this research largely neglects the impact of transaction cost variables on governance mode choice and firm performance. This paper first demonstrates that neither outsourcing nor vertical integration per se result in superior performance; rather, a winery's viticultural performance is contingent upon the alignment of winery's governance decisions with the predictions of transaction cost theory.


DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2009.12.003


Benefit cost analysis of an import access request


David C. Cook

Keywords:Biosecurity; invasive species; import risk analysis

Abstract:Invasive species outbreaks are often unintended side effects of trade. In this paper partial equilibrium trade models and stochastic biocconomic impact simulation models are combined to present a benefit cost analysis template to assess market access requests. The template is used to assess the likely regional economic welfare implications of a decision by Australian biosecurity regulators to allow the Chilean table grape industry access to the national table grape market. We show that consumption benefits expected to accrue to Western Australia are exceeded by increases in likely invasive species damage resulting from grape imports, implying that insufficient consumer gains are grounds to deny market access.

摘要:入侵物种的爆发通常是贸易的意外副作用。在本文中,部分均衡贸易模型和随机生物经济影响模拟模型相结合,以提供一种收益成本分析模板来评估市场准入要求。 该模板用于评估澳大利亚生物安全监管机构决定允许智利食用葡萄产业进入全国食用葡萄市场的决定可能对区域经济福利的影响。我们发现,由于葡萄进口造成的入侵物种入侵可能增加,超出了预期会给西澳大利亚州带来的消费收益,这意味着消费者收益不足是拒绝市场准入的基础。

DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2007.09.002


Reducing pesticide risks to US food consumers: Can agricultural research help?


 Fred Kuchler, Katherine Ralston, Laurian J. Unnevehr

Keywords:Pesticide residues; pesticide risks; research prioritization; food consumption

Abstract:Recent pesticide policy initiatives focus on reducing risks through agricultural research on pest control alternatives, This paper illustrates how research resources could be targeted to reduce risks to food consumers from dietary pesticide residue intake, For 50 chemicals on 10 fruits and vegetables, we estimate consumers' dietary intake of pesticides and use those estimates to develop risk indicators, expressing dietary intake as a percentage of safe levels, These indicators show that risks are higher for small children, The indicators allow us to rank pesticides according to their contribution to risk for this vulnerable sub-population, We then trace these risks to four sources: on farm pesticide use, post-harvest pesticide use, pesticides used on imported foods, and canceled pesticides that persist in the environment, For pesticides that are used mainly on-farm, we show that the development of alternatives for risk reduction could be targeted to particular regions and crops, However, research to develop on-farm pest control alternatives will not address all of the sources of pesticide residues in the diet.摘要:最近的农药政策举措着重于通过农业研究病虫害替代品来降低风险。本文说明了如何利用研究资源来降低饮食中农药残留摄入对食品消费者的风险。对于10种水果和蔬菜上的50种化学物质,我们估计了消费者膳食中农药的摄入量,并使用这些估计值来制定风险指标,将膳食摄入量表示为安全水平的百分比。这些指标表明,幼儿的风险较高。这些指标使我们能够根据农药对易感人群的风险贡献对农药进行排名然后,我们将这些风险归结为以下四种来源:在农场使用农药,收获后使用农药,进口食品中使用的农药以及在环境中残留的已取消农药,对于主要用于农场的农药,我们表明降低风险的替代品的开发可能针对特定地区和农作物,然而,研究开发农场虫害控制替代品的方法不会解决饮食中所有农药残留的来源。DOI: 10.1016/S0306-9192(97)00003-1

资料数据来源:Food Policy官网及Web of Science


Grape Research

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