

三农学术 2023-10-24


Willingness to pay for multiple dimensions of green open space: Applying a spatial hedonic approach

Ziwei HuHotaka KoboriBrent SwallowFeng Qiu

Why did China's cost-reduction-oriented policies in food safety governance fail? The collective action dilemma perspective

Yiqing SuHailong YuMenglin WangXinqi LiYanyan Li

Gender diversity, sustainability reporting, CEO overconfidence, and efficient risk-taking: Evidence from South Asian agri-food industry

Farzan YahyaLi MeilingChien-Chiang LeeMuhammad WaqasZhang Shaohua


Analysis of impacts of inflation on the distribution of household consumption expenditures

Lester D. Taylor

Willingness to pay for multiple dimensions of green open space: Applying a spatial hedonic approach

Ziwei HuHotaka KoboriBrent SwallowFeng Qiu
Abstract:To optimize land conservation strategies with limited resources, it is necessary to understand people's preferences and willingness to pay (WTP) for green open space. The hedonic pricing method (HPM) is widely used. However, the conventional HPM assumes no value spillovers between neighbouring properties. Here we adopt a spatial regression approach that allows us to relax the no-spillover assumption. Through an analysis of access to different types, intensity and developability of open green space on house prices in the City of Edmonton, Canada, we illustrate how spatial HPM can be used to quantify direct and spillover values of different dimensions of open green space. We find that WTP for open space has significant spillover effects, ignoring such spillovers would under-estimate the total value of open space protection and thus the socially optimal amount of land conservation. All else equal, people are willing to pay most for houses that are close to non-developable green open space and woodlands. The highest price premiums are for woodlands and non-developable green open space, followed by living near the University of Alberta farm. On the contrary, people need small compensation to live near large commercial farms. The results suggest a NIMBY attitude toward preservation of commercial agriculture.

Why did China's cost-reduction-oriented policies in food safety governance fail? The collective action dilemma perspective
Yiqing SuHailong YuMenglin WangXinqi LiYanyan Li

Abstract:Consumer participation plays an important role in improving food safety. Current research shows that reducing associated costs can promote consumer participation; however, the cost-reduction-oriented policies adopted by the Chinese government has had little impact on consumer participation. This study explores the reasons for the failure of the Chinese cost-reduction-oriented policies in food safety governance from the perspective of the collective action dilemma. Building upon previous work and using data from an online survey of 1229 consumers in China, we use a mediating effect model to examine the causal relationship between the low participation rate and the high participation cost. The results suggest that low consumer participation in food safety governance is due to free-riding built on the actions of others. The problem with the cost-reduction-oriented policies is that they addressed high participation costs, identified by this study as the consequence of non-participation, but paid little attention to the actual cause – free-riding. Our research sheds light on the collective action dilemma from a new perspective to understand consumer participation. Assessing the relationship between participation cost, free-riding, and the actual participation behavior in food safety governance could lead to a new line of theoretical and empirical inquiry for studying collective action in public affairs.

Gender diversity, sustainability reporting, CEO overconfidence, and efficient risk-taking: Evidence from South Asian agri-food industry

Farzan YahyaLi MeilingChien-Chiang LeeMuhammad WaqasZhang Shaohua

Abstract:This article aims to understand the impact of board gender diversity (BGD) on the firm's deviation from efficient risk-taking (DERT) along with the mediating effect of sustainability reporting and the moderating effect of CEO overconfidence. The sample consists of 77 South Asian agri-food firms over the period 2010–2019. To account for endogeneity and other statistical biases, we use a system GMM approach. The results show that there is a non-monotonic relationship between BGD and DERT. Consistent with critical mass theory, we find that at least three women on board (WOB) are required to reduce the firm's DERT. The findings of the study also reveal that the overconfident CEO may restrict the female directors to achieve the firm's efficient risk-taking. The evidence further suggests that sustainability reporting quality (SRQ) does not mediate the link between BGD and a firm's DERT. The robustness tests are performed based on alternative risk proxy and the likelihood of financial distress. Our results theoretically support stakeholder, critical mass, and agency perspective that South Asian capital markets should enhance the representation of WOB to mitigate agency conflicts and to improve long-term firm sustainability.

Analysis of impacts of inflation on the distribution of household consumption expenditures

Lester D. Taylor

Abstract:As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic of early 2020, production in the United States, as in much of the world, largely came to a standstill. Unemployment in the United States quickly rose from 3.5% in February to 13.2% in May, quarter-to-quarter GDP fell 7.8%, and substantial transfers were enacted to maintain household income. The resulting mismatch between aggregate supply and demand not surprisingly ignited an inflation that by early 2022 had reached a year-over-year 40-year high. The purpose of the present communication is to utilize a framework developed from data embodied in surveys of households’ consumer expenditures to analyze impacts of this inflation on separate categories of expenditure. The engine for the analysis, whose construction is described in detail by Taylor (2013, is a matrix of “intra-budget” coefficients that represent the direct relationships amongst different categories of expenditure in households’ budgets. The elements of this matrix are constructed from the information in 58 quarters of data (2006 through 2019) from the ongoing BLS Survey of Consumer Expenditure to analyze effects and impacts on 16 categories of US household consumption expenditure of the 2021–2022 inflation. Principal findings include: expenditures for housing, transportation, gasoline and oil, and personal insurance consistently endure the largest impacts from inflation; real- income effects from inflation differ from those arising from a like cut in nominal income; not surprisingly, food expenditures are most impacted at low income.



  1. CJAE《加拿大农业经济学期刊》2022年第70卷第1期目录及摘要

  2. CJAE《加拿大农业经济学期刊》2022年第70卷第2期目录及摘要

  3. CJAE | 孟婷 等:农业研发中育种者权利申请和存续全周期特征及其影响因素

  4. 《Agricultural Economics》2022年第53卷第5期目录及摘要

  5. 《Journal of Agricultural Economics》2022年第73卷第3期目录及摘要



