
Those Who Strive Often Succeed, Those Who Act Often Arrive

XJTLU 西交利物浦大学



XJTLU Executive President’s Commencement Speech (July 2024)

Dear students, colleagues, parents and friends,

Thank you to Academician Liqun Zhang, President of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Professor Zhiwei Shan, Vice-President of Xi’an Jiaotong University, and Professor Gavin Brown, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) at the University of Liverpool, for being here at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) to witness this milestone moment with us!

This is the time of the year that makes me the proudest, as another group of outstanding XJTLU students are about to step into society, take the world stage, and shape the future, creating a rich and diverse tapestry for themselves, their families, their country, and even the world. Let’s all give a round of enthusiastic applause and cheers to congratulate the graduating XJTLU Class of 2024!

Today, as you walk across this stage, it signifies the beginning of a new chapter in your life. You may have already set the scene for the next chapter, whether it involves further studies or starting your career. However, the storyline will vary greatly under various influences, and you are the main character who will steer the course of the narrative.

It is no surprise that AI was among the top keywords provided by you for my graduation speech. As the renowned Professor Denis Noble from the University of Oxford remarked, “Artificial intelligence is now everywhere, often enough even when we do not know that it is playing a role in our lives.” Kevin Kelly, the founding editor of the famous tech magazine Wired, also noted AI is a super technology that will continue to evolve in various forms. Most AI will be invisible 5,000 days from now, operating in the background, with future generations possibly using it their whole lives without being aware of it, much like the electricity in walls or underground wires.

In other words, AI is reshaping our lives and society. However, despite its power and far-reaching impact, the process and results of AI depend on collaboration and symbiosis with people, making AI your opportunity and the “magic wand” in your hands. If you can harness human imagination and creativity, standing on the shoulders of AI and various technologies, you will create endless possibilities.

In reality, advanced technologies like AI are just one element in an ever-changing world. Each era is filled with its own uncertainties. During your years at XJTLU, you have experienced the unknown and uncontrollable brought about by public health situations, the confusion caused by the rapid development of advanced technologies, the division in the world due to conflicts of values and interests, and the worries of global situation due to ongoing regional conflicts. If you can continuously enhance your qualities, temper your minds, and elevate your perspectives amidst these challenges, mastering the dance with AI and uncertainties, you will, after your initial experience with this complex and ever-changing world, soar into the future with wisdom, resilience, and toughness, equipped with stronger “wings” and a more open mindset.

Anxiety is also a buzzword in today’s society. Faced with the impact of AI and a complex, uncertain world, especially the overwhelming influx of information from social media, anxiety has become a frequent visitor at our doors. The triggers for anxiety include biological, psychological, and social factors. Most people feel anxious because they don’t know what to do or worry about their ability to achieve their goals. Anxiety sometimes feels like an invisible shackle or an inescapable fog. Ask yourself, how much time do you unconsciously spend each day scrolling through social media, watching short videos, and reading countless seemingly reasonable tweets? FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) was first proposed 20 years ago by author Patrick McGinnis when the internet and social media began to rise. In today’s era of information explosion and restlessness, it is being hotly discussed again. Our attention and thoughts are trapped in endless information feeds, sinking deeper and deeper. The more we see and know, the more confused and anxious we become.

In early July, I gathered with more than 20 XJTLU alumni at the University of Oxford. I was deeply impressed by one alumna’s speech. She completed her postgraduate studies in the UK and has not yet found a suitable job, but she remains optimistic and cheerful. She said: “As an XJTLUer, I know who I am, I know what I want, and I am confident in the abilities I have developed at XJTLU!”

The experiences shared by alumni over the years have proven that the nourishment and training at XJTLU may ultimately benefit students not by the breadth of knowledge but by fostering a global vision, a HeXie mindset, critical and open thinking, continuous learning ability, and Syntegrative wisdom. These can help you break free from the “information fog”, see the big picture, clarify your life goals according to your heart and interests, calibrate your direction on the path of striving, identify targets, filter out meaningless information, and eliminate the interference of “noise”. By leveraging your learning and action abilities, you can continually try and move forward, and anxiety will naturally retreat.

Another buzzword that must be mentioned during graduation season is success. The saying “In every trade, a master appears” is well-known in China, but the prevalent narrow and singular view of success in society has led to serious consequences of “involution”. According to XJTLU’s motto, if you can understand yourself, society, and the world, and know what kind of life you want (Light), then build the wings to chase your dreams (Wings), it is not difficult to walk a brilliant and diverse path to success.

It is also not hard to understand that success does not necessarily require a prestigious degree, and attending a top university does not guarantee success. At XJTLU, some students have used a yo-yo to conquer the world, some have ridden bikes with a mission of patriotism and global vision to participate in the World University Cycling Championship, some have contributed to civilisation with insightful research, some have boldly started businesses during their undergraduate studies and donated to the university, and others have hired managers to run their companies after entrepreneurial success while they continue their studies.

Success can be diverse, but it is not necessarily the inevitable result of hard work and effort. Inappropriate expectations, inaccurate positioning, and inadequate planning can overly stretch the strings of your heart until they lose elasticity due to prolonged tension. In today’s rapidly changing social environment, the limitations of meritocracy are becoming increasingly apparent.

As political philosopher Michael Sandel pointed out in 2020, successful people often forget the elements of luck and support on their path to success—family, teachers, social class, and the era. This also confirms the importance of a broad perspective and correct orientation and positioning. Understanding that your success is the result of multiple interacting factors will not only help you plan the next chapter of your life but also allow you to analyse the reasons for setbacks or failures more rationally and find a mental way out between extreme self-confidence and self-pity.

Dear XJTLUers, as you begin a new chapter in your lives, I want to say that the reshaping of society by AI is both a challenge and an opportunity. The key lies in how you harness it as a powerful tool in your arsenal. Anxiety is a by-product of human intelligence, manifesting because you have expectations. If you maintain a broad perspective, stay true to your original aspirations, embrace a diverse view of success, and remain optimistic, anxiety can become a driving force for you to move forward. Success, on the other hand, is a different destination for everyone. 

Those who strive often succeed, and those who act often arrive. Achieving success requires positive action and the wisdom of action. I agree with the notion that successful attempts bring results, and unsuccessful attempts, if reflected upon in time, bring wisdom.

In short, as I mentioned in my book “What Management Could Be and Do”, adhere to a future-oriented approach, focus on trends rather than momentum, and think about the mechanisms and philosophies behind phenomena and trends. With a firm belief in your direction and positioning, plan ahead and create an ecosystem. Then, with a positive attitude, HeXie mindset, and Syntegrative wisdom, you can navigate through the fog and break free from shackles. Looking back later, you will be the sunny youth marching forward on the road to the future!

You are the 15th graduating class of XJTLU at its 18th anniversary, about to start a new chapter in your lives. On this stage, I will announce your graduation, move your tassels, and shake hands with each of you in farewell. What I want to convey is the sincere blessing and earnest expectations from your alma mater, XJTLU.

No matter where you are or what profession you pursue in the future, always maintain a thirst for truth, curiosity about the unknown, and a sense of responsibility to society. As I said at your opening ceremony, I hope you can use the “light” of XJTLU as your guide and the strong “wings” you have developed at XJTLU to soar bravely and freely!

Once again, best wishes to you, XJTLU Class of 2024!

Executive President of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Liverpool

Professor Youmin Xi

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