
征文| 2020 ASIS&T Asia-Pacific Regional Conference(武汉,6.24-25)

图情会 2021-07-08

原文摘自ASIS&T 官网,点击最下方阅读原文了解更多详细信息。

ASIS&T(Association for Information Science and Technology,国际信息科学与技术学会)成立于1937年,是目前图书馆情报学、信息技术、信息管理等领域最具学术影响力的国际学术组织之一。学会下设17个特别兴趣小组、14个区域分会和39个学生分会,其会员遍布全球50多个国家和地区,出版有JASIST、Bulletin of the ASIS&T等专业刊物,每年举办年度大会及相关主题峰会。其中,2020 ASIS&T Asia-Pacific Regional Conference将在武汉大学信息管理学院举办,欢迎大家投稿!

2020 ASIS&T Asia-Pacific Regional Conference

June 24-25, 2020

School of Information Management,Wuhan University

Wuhan, China



As an essential part of ASIS&T, the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference provides a platform to advance the information sciences and related applications of information technology, and support to information professionals and organizations within the Asia Pacific area. ASIS&T Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2020 aims to promote the multidisciplinary and ever-evolving area of information behavior and human-computer interaction. There are various kinds of users’ contextualized interactions with information, including information behavior, information practice, information seeking, information experience and so on. Human-computer interaction (HCI) refers to a multidisciplinary field of study focusing on the design and deployment of computer technology as well as the interaction between humans (the users) and computers. Various information behaviors are experienced underlying the user interactions, which can begeneralized as useful patterns to optimize the information consumption. The research of the relevant topics would be a key foundation for connecting users and designers.The conference intends to provide a platform for a broad and open community to engaged with the dynamism of this field. It will provide an arena for researchers to discuss the way people engage with information in a myriad of contexts. The challenge work concerning context ualized information activities of human will be presented through papers, discussions and so on, and scholars from information science, library science, communication studies, information management, education, management science, psychology, sociology, information systems, computer science, and other disciplines contributing to the research field are warmly welcomed.

Topicsrelevant to the conference include, but are not limited to the followings:

  • Contextualized Information Behavior

  • Human-computer Interaction, Human-technology Interaction

  • User Experience and Usability

  • Information Seeking, Needs and Use

  • Search Tasks and Evaluation

  • Collaborative Information Seeking, Human Collaboration and Cooperation

  • Human-Aware Planning and Behavior Prediction

  • Information Architecture, Information Design

  • Information Ethics, Computing Ethics

  • Human Computer / Robot Interactions & Interfaces

  • Intelligent User Interface for Web Systems

  • Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality

  • Dialogue System and Question Answering

  • Deep Learning for Information Representation

  • Recommendation Systems

  • Reasoning in Semantic System

  • Opinion Extraction and Trend Spotting

  • Evolution and Surveillance of Public opinion

  • Simulating Humans

  • Explainable AI

  • Active Learning from Imperfect Labeling

  • Multi-instance/Multi-label/Multi-view learning

  • Information Extraction and Summarization

  • Community Informatics, Online Communities

  • Computing, Sustainable Computing

  • Data Mining, Text Mining and Web Mining in Data Intensive Environments (e.g. Social Media)

  • Data Science, Data Analytics, Social Analytics

  • Sustainability and Societal Impact of IS

  • Social Informatics, Social Computing, Socio-technical Design

  • IS in Healthcare


Papers accepted by the conference will be invited to publish an extension of conference paper in the following journals:

  • Data and Information Management
  • Information Processing & Management
  • The Electronic Library
  • Information Technology & Management

To be continued….

The journal Data and Information Management (DIM) will sponsor for five awards, three for full papers and two for posters. To be specific, there will be one best paper and two nominations for full paper, and one best poster and one nomination for poster.


Papers and Posters

Submissions due: 15 March 2020

Notifications:10 April 2020

Camera-ready due: 10 May 2020


Submissions due: 31 March 2020

Notifications: 10 April 2020

Camera-ready due: 10 May 2020


E-mail: dim@whu.edu.cn



Papers should discuss, analyze, and critique theories and concepts, or report original, unpublished research; all papers must be substantiated by experimentation, simulation, theoretical development, analysis or application in practice. Submissions will be judged on such criteria as quality of content, significance for theory, relevance for practice, method, design, originality, and quality of presentation.
The length for a paper, including references, is expected to be 6-10 pages, single-spaced; Submissions should be formatted according to the AM18 Proposal Template.
Peer Review: 
Submissions will be referred in a double-blind review process and should be anonymized.

2.Posters & demonstrations: 

Posters & demonstrations permit presentation oflate-breaking results in an informal, interactive manner. Demonstrations showcase innovative digital libraries technology and applications, allowing you to share your work directly with your colleagues in a high-visibility setting. Proposals for posters or demonstrations should consist of a title, extended abstract, and contact information for the authors.


The length for a poster could be one or two pages, single-spaced.

Peer Review:

Submissions will be referred in a double-blind review process and should be anonymized.


Proposals for panels are invited on topics that explore emerging cutting-edge research and design, analyses of emerging trends, opinions on controversial issues, analyses of tools and techniques, or contrasting viewpoints from experts in complementary areas of research. Panels are not a substitute for aset of contributed papers; they must have a cohesive theme and promote lively discussions. Proposals should include an overview of the issues to be discussed and must also list panelists who have agreed to participate, indicating the qualifications and contributions of each.

Length: The maximum length for a panel proposal, including references, is 2pages, single-spaced; Submissions should be formatted according to the AM18Proposal Template.Peer Review: Panel proposals undergo single-blind review process and should not be anonymized.

Conference Website:






