

学术无界 学术无界 2023-10-24



本期期卷:Volume 155

发表日期:March 2022


Journal of Development Economics | Vol 155, March 2022 | ScienceDirect.com by Elsevier



目     录


How light is too light touch: The effect of a short training-based intervention on household poultry production in Burkina Faso


Jessica Leight, Josué Awonon, Abdoulaye Pedehombga, Rasmané Ganaba, Aulo Gelli



The joint effects of information and financing constraints on technology adoption: Evidence from a field experiment in rural Tanzania


Aurélie P. Harou, Malgosia Madajewicz, Hope Michelson, Cheryl A. Palm, ... Ray Weil



Big fish in thin markets: Competing with the middlemen to increase market access in the Amazon


Viva Ona Bartkus, Wyatt Brooks, Joseph P. Kaboski, Carolyn Pelnik



Small firms and the pandemic: Evidence from Latin America


Maria Elena Guerrero-Amezaga, John Eric Humphries, Christopher A. Neilson, Naomi Shimberg, Gabriel Ulyssea

关键词: COVID-19;小型企业;拉丁美洲


Endogenous inclusion in the Demographic and Health Survey anthropometric sample: Implications for studying height within households


Dean Spears, Diane Coffey, Jere R. Behrman



Land market distortions and aggregate agricultural productivity: Evidence from Guatemala


Braulio Britos, Manuel A. Hernandez, Miguel Robles, Danilo R. Trupkin



Productivity, non-compliance and the minimum wage


Eliane Badaoui, Frank Walsh



Hot Days, the ability to Work and climate resilience: Evidence from a representative sample of 42,152 Indian households

炎热的日子、工作能力和气候适应力:来自 42,152 个印度家庭的代表性样本的证据

Anthony Heyes, Soodeh Saberian



Unpacking a multi-faceted program to build sustainable income for the very poor


Abhijit Banerjee, Dean Karlan, Robert Osei, Hannah Trachtman, Christopher Udry



The role of food preferences in determining diet quality for Tanzanian consumers


Ellen McCullough, Chen Zhen, Soye Shin, Meichen Lu, Joanne Arsenault



Social protection amidst social upheaval: Examining the impact of a multi-faceted program for ultra-poor households in Yemen


Lasse Brune, Dean Karlan, Sikandra Kurdi, Christopher Udry



The impact of cash transfers on Syrian refugees in Lebanon: Evidence from a multidimensional regression discontinuity design


Nisreen Salti, Jad Chaaban, Wael Moussa, Alexandra Irani, ... Hala Ghattas



Trans-boundary air pollution spillovers: Physical transport and economic costs by distance


Shihe Fu, V. Brian Viard, Peng Zhang



When do refugees return home? Evidence from Syrian displacement in Mashreq


Lori Beaman, Harun Onder, Stefanie Onder



Does terrorism make people pessimistic? Evidence from a natural experiment


Shiqi Guo, Jiafu An



Import competition and vertical integration: Evidence from India


Joel Stiebale, Dev Vencappa



Refugee inflows, surplus farm labor, and crop marketization in rural Africa


Shunsuke Tsuda



Restricted access: How the internet can be used to promote reading and learning


Laura Derksen, Catherine Michaud-Leclerc, Pedro C.L. Souza



Winners and losers from agrarian reform: Evidence from Danish land inequality 1682–1895


Nina Boberg-Fazlić, Markus Lampe, Pablo Martinelli Lasheras, Paul Sharp



Financial access and women's role in household decisions: Empirical evidence from India's National Rural Livelihoods project


Anjini Kochar, Closepet Nagabhushana, Ritwik Sarkar, Rohan Shah, Geeta Singh



Can virtual replace in-person coaching? Experimental evidence on teacher professional development and student learning


Jacobus Cilliers, Brahm Fleisch, Janeli Kotze, Nompumelelo Mohohlwane, ... Tsegofatso Thulare



How light is too light touch: The effect of a short training-based intervention on household poultry production in Burkina Faso


Jessica Leight, Josué Awonon, Abdoulaye Pedehombga, Rasmané Ganaba, Aulo Gelli


This paper reports on the effects of a training-based intervention seeking to increase household engagement in poultry production in Burkina Faso, analyzing data from a large-scale cluster randomized trial in which 1798 households in 60 communes were observed over a period of three years. The intervention SELEVER — entailing a short series of trainings for households as well as capacity building for local animal health and credit services — had little effect on household poultry production and no effect on profits. There is some evidence of an increase in the utilization of poultry inputs and an associated reduction in poultry mortality, primarily for larger poultry producers; however, there is no evidence of any treatment effects for the smallest producers.

摘 要



The joint effects of information and financing constraints on technology adoption: Evidence from a field experiment in rural Tanzania


Aurélie P. Harou, Malgosia Madajewicz, Hope Michelson, Cheryl A. Palm, ... Ray Weil


Low investment in profitable technologies contributes to persistent poverty. Many farmers in developing countries invest too little in fertilizer despite evidence that fertilizer is profitable. This field experiment investigates a two-part explanation: (1) farmers are reluctant to invest without farm-specific evidence of profitability, possibly because of heterogeneous returns, and (2) information is not sufficient to increase investment because of financing constraints. Farmers in one arm of the experiment receive fertilizer recommendations based on tests of their soils, others receive recommendations paired with an input subsidy, and others receive only the input subsidy. Only farmers who receive recommendations and the subsidy increase fertilizer application and yields relative to the control group. The financing constraint may explain limited response to heterogeneous fertilizer recommendations. The approximate net benefit of increased yields, accounting for the full cost of inputs and soil tests, is equivalent to average wages for seven days of work.

摘 要



Big fish in thin markets: Competing with the middlemen to increase market access in the Amazon


Viva Ona Bartkus, Wyatt Brooks, Joseph P. Kaboski, Carolyn Pelnik


     Middlemen are ubiquitous in supply chains. In developing countries they help bring products from remote communities to end markets but may exert strong market power. We study a cooperative intervention which organizes together poor fishing communities in the Amazon — one of the poorest and most remote regions of the world — to purchase large boats in order to partially bypass middlemen and deliver their fish directly to market. We find that the intervention increases income by 27%, largely through an increase in price received, and also increases consumption. Moreover, the intervention is highly cost effective with the projected stream of income gains easily covering the cost of the investment. Finally, we formalize a model in which the market power of middlemen itself can create a poverty trap, which can be eliminated with cooperative investment.

摘 要



Small firms and the pandemic: Evidence from Latin America


Maria Elena Guerrero-Amezaga, John Eric Humphries, Christopher A. Neilson, Naomi Shimberg, Gabriel Ulyssea


This paper studies the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on small businesses between March and November 2020 using new survey data on 35,000 small businesses in eight Latin American countries. We document that the pandemic had large negative impacts on employment and beliefs regarding the future, which in turn predict meaningful economic outcomes in the medium-term. Despite the unprecedented amount of aid, policies had limited impact for small and informal firms. These firms were less aware of programs, applied less, and received less assistance. This may have lasting consequences, as businesses that received aid reported better outcomes and expectations about the future.

摘 要



Endogenous inclusion in the Demographic and Health Survey anthropometric sample: Implications for studying height within households


Dean Spears, Diane Coffey, Jere R. Behrman


Development economists study both anthropometry and intra-household allocation. In these literatures, the Demographic and Household Surveys (DHS) are essential. The DHS censors its anthropometric sample by age: only children under five are measured. We document several econometric consequences, especially for estimating birth-order effects. Child birth order and mothers’ fertility are highly correlated in the age-censored anthropometric subsample. Moreover, family structures and age patterns that permit within-family comparisons of siblings’ anthropometry are unrepresentative. So strategies that could separate birth order and fertility in other data cannot here. We show that stratification by mother’s fertility is important. We illustrate this by comparing India and sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Children in India born to higher-fertility mothers are shorter, on average, than children of lower-fertility mothers. Yet, later-born children in India are taller, adjusted for age, than earlier-born children of the same sibsize. In SSA, neither of these associations is large.

摘 要



Land market distortions and aggregate agricultural productivity: Evidence from Guatemala


Braulio Britos, Manuel A. Hernandez, Miguel Robles, Danilo R. Trupkin


Farm size and land allocation are important factors in explaining lagging agricultural productivity in developing countries. This paper examines the effect of land market imperfections on land allocation across farmers and aggregate agricultural productivity. We develop a theoretical framework to model the optimal size distribution of farms and assess to what extent market imperfections can explain non-optimal land allocation and output inefficiency. We measure these distortions for the case of Guatemala using agricultural census microdata. We find that due to land market imperfections aggregate output is 19% below its efficient level for both maize and beans and 31% below for coffee, which are three major crops produced nationwide. We also observe that areas with higher distortions show higher land price dispersion and less active rental markets. The degree of land market distortions across areas co-variate to some extent with road accessibility, ethnicity, and education.

摘 要



Productivity, non-compliance and the minimum wage


Eliane Badaoui, Frank Walsh


Many informal firms in developing countries would not be viable if they were to comply with the minimum wage law. This means the authorities have an incentive to turn a blind eye to non-enforcement in a substantial share of firms. We also survey enforcement mechanisms for the minimum wage across developing countries and find that worker complaints are an important element in determining whether firms will be inspected for non-compliance or not. We develop a theoretical monopsony model which rationalises the stylised facts we observe. For a given minimum wage, the government can choose a level of enforcement and penalties for non-compliance such that employment will not fall for any optimising firm, irrespective of their productivity. Low productivity firm’s optimal choice of employment and wage will be unaffected by the introduction of the minimum wage. High productivity firms comply so that wage and employment effects are non-negative for these firms.

摘 要



Hot Days, the ability to Work and climate resilience: Evidence from a representative sample of 42,152 Indian households

炎热的日子、工作能力和气候适应力:来自 42,152 个印度家庭的代表性样本的证据

Anthony Heyes, Soodeh Saberian


The ability of people to work underpins most economic outcomes. Using data from the nationally representative India Human Development Survey (IHDS-II), with pre-scheduling of interview locations ensuring plausibly random assignment of temperature treatment to respondent, we evidence the impact of short-term (within-month) high temperatures on self-evaluated ability to work, and how that impact depends on individual living conditions. Other things equal a hot day (one in which maximum daytime temperature exceeds 37.7 °C (100°F)) increases inability to work across the month by about 7%, or 1/20th of a day. Electricity to the home and cooler ownership have important but partial protective effects, we find no such evidence for piped water supply.

摘 要



Unpacking a multi-faceted program to build sustainable income for the very poor


Abhijit Banerjee, Dean Karlan, Robert Osei, Hannah Trachtman, Christopher Udry


A multi-faceted program comprising a grant of productive assets, training, unconditional cash transfers, coaching, and savings has been found to build sustainable income for those in extreme poverty. We focus on two important questions: whether a mere grant of productive assets would generate similar impacts (it does not), and whether access to a savings account with a deposit collection service would generate similar impacts (it does, but they are short-lived).

摘 要



The role of food preferences in determining diet quality for Tanzanian consumers


Ellen McCullough, Chen Zhen, Soye Shin, Meichen Lu, Joanne Arsenault


Consumer preferences can be leveraged to magnify the impacts of agricultural investments and interventions on diets for all consumers in an economy, not just farmers. Using nationally representative panel data from Tanzania, we estimate demand for 19 food groups using an Exact Affine Stone Index censored demand system, which is flexible, utility-theoretic, controls for unobserved heterogeneity, and accounts for bias arising from endogenous prices. We find strong links between growth in household expenditures and improved diet quality. Also, staple grain prices are important determinants of nutrient intake. For poor consumers, e.g., protein and iron intake are more sensitive to maize price changes than to changing prices of other foods that contain more protein and iron. We use simulations to show that cash transfers and price vouchers targeting staple grains, pulses & nuts, and starchy staples could be effective in shrinking gaps between recommended and actual dietary intake for poor consumers.

摘 要



Social protection amidst social upheaval: Examining the impact of a multi-faceted program for ultra-poor households in Yemen


Lasse Brune, Dean Karlan, Sikandra Kurdi, Christopher Udry


Social protection programs are needed more than ever during periods of social upheaval, but are also likely to be even harder to implement successfully. Furthermore, social upheaval makes measuring the impact of such policies all the more difficult. We study the impact of a multi-faceted social protection program, often referred to as a “Graduation” model program, in Yemen during a period of civil unrest. We are unable to measure outcomes for four years, thus much remains unknown about what transpired in the intermediary time. After four years we find positive impacts on savings behavior and asset accumulation, albeit substantially less than the amount the household originally received.

摘 要



The impact of cash transfers on Syrian refugees in Lebanon: Evidence from a multidimensional regression discontinuity design


Nisreen Salti, Jad Chaaban, Wael Moussa, Alexandra Irani, ... Hala Ghattas


This paper evaluates the impact of multipurpose cash assistance on refugee households, by relying on an original sampling design that allows tracing these impacts over multiple periods. Using two waves of household survey data collected in 2019 from economically vulnerable Syrian refugee households in Lebanon, we estimate the program impact of varying cash assistance durations including: discontinued recipients (received cash for 12 months then got discontinued in the next cash cycle), short-run cash recipients (12 months or less), long-run recipients (more than 12 months) and non-beneficiary eligible households. Using a sharp multidimensional regression discontinuity design, we find that most detected impacts materialize in the long-term cash group, indicating the importance of instituting longer-term cash cycles. Households in the long-run group had significantly higher levels of total household and food expenditures, higher access to residential housing and formal enrollment for children, and lower levels of child labor.

摘 要



Trans-boundary air pollution spillovers: Physical transport and economic costs by distance


Shihe Fu, V. Brian Viard, Peng Zhang


The economic costs of trans-boundary pollution spillovers versus local effects is necessary to evaluate centralized versus decentralized environmental policies. Directly estimating these for air pollution is difficult because spillovers are high-frequency and vary with distance while economic outcomes are usually measured with low-frequency and local pollution is endogenous. We develop an approach to quantify local versus spillover effects as a flexible function of distance utilizing commonly-available pollution and weather data. To correct for the endogeneity of pollution, it uses a mixed two-stage least squares method that accommodates high-frequency (daily) pollution data and low-frequency (annual) outcome data and can improve efficiency. We estimate spillovers of particulate matter smaller than 10 μg (PM10) on manufacturing labor productivity in China. A one μg/m3 annual increase in PM10 locally reduces the average firm's annual output by CNY 45,809 (0.30%) while the same increase in a city 50 km away decreases it by CNY 16,248 (0.11%). This effect declines rapidly to CNY 2847 (0.02%) for an increase in a city 600 km away and then slowly to zero at 1000 km. The results suggest the need for supra-provincial environmental policies or Coasian prices quantified under the approach.

摘 要



When do refugees return home? Evidence from Syrian displacement in Mashreq


Lori Beaman, Harun Onder, Stefanie Onder


This paper provides an empirical analysis of refugee returns to Syria. Since 2011, about 5.6 million Syrians – more than a quarter of the country’s pre-conflict population – have been registered as refugees. By mid-2018, only about 1.8 percent of them had returned to Syria voluntarily. This paper compiles a novel data set with administrative data for 2 million refugees, existing and new household surveys, a new conflict-events database, and nightlights data for Syria to analyze the correlates of these returns. A reduction in conflict intensity and an increase in luminosity in Syria increase the likelihood of spontaneous return. Moreover, the patterns of who returns and when differ between high and low conflict areas of Syria. Finally, we show there is a positive association between better conditions faced by refugees in exile and the likelihood of return to Syria.

摘 要



Does terrorism make people pessimistic? Evidence from a natural experiment


Shiqi Guo, Jiafu An


This paper uses a natural experiment to estimate the causal impact of low-casualty terrorist attacks on pessimistic beliefs in Africa. Distinct from fear, pessimism has been found to hinder optimal economic decisions and well-being. By comparing survey responses of people interviewed in the same area immediately before and after a terrorist attack, we find that terrorism increases pessimism about future living conditions by 11 percentage points. The effect is not driven by the direct damages of attacks or people's expectations of the national economy, and is stronger for attacks targeting religious figures and among respondents living in rural areas. Further analysis suggests that this effect tends to shift people to more accurate beliefs. Our results thus show that even low-casualty terrorist attacks have a substantial impact on people's beliefs.

摘 要



Import competition and vertical integration: Evidence from India


Joel Stiebale, Dev Vencappa


Recent theoretical contributions provide conflicting predictions about the effects of product market competition on firms’ organizational choices. This paper uses a rich firm-product-level panel data set of Indian manufacturing firms to analyze the relationship between import competition and vertical integration. Exploiting exogenous variation from changes in India’s trade policy, we find that foreign competition, induced by falling output tariffs, increases backward vertical integration by domestic firms. The effects are concentrated among firms with high productivity and in industries with relatively low initial levels of competition. In contrast, falling input tariffs seem to have countervailing effects on vertical integration incentives. We also provide evidence that vertical integration is associated with lower marginal costs and increasing markups at the firm-product level.

摘 要



Refugee inflows, surplus farm labor, and crop marketization in rural Africa


Shunsuke Tsuda


This paper sheds light on the structure of factor and output market frictions to investigate long-term effects of refugee inflows on host farmers. Combining a canonical agricultural household model, the natural experimental setting of mass refugee inflows into Tanzania in the early 1990s, and longitudinal panel data from the host economy, I show that refugee inflows cause market-specific gains and losses. Refugee inflows tighten the off-farm labor market participation constraint, implying an increase in surplus farm labor and labor market inefficiency. On the other hand, I observe a positive impact on the transition from subsistence to crop marketization. This transition is revealed to be primarily due to a reduction in fixed transaction costs around refugee camps, not due to an increase in consumption demand by refugees. While the overall impact on agricultural labor productivity is negative, the “surplus farm labor effect” and the “crop marketization effect” act in opposite directions.

摘 要



Restricted access: How the internet can be used to promote reading and learning


Laura Derksen, Catherine Michaud-Leclerc, Pedro C.L. Souza


Can schools use the internet to promote reading and learning? We provided Wikipedia access to randomly-selected students in Malawian boarding secondary schools. Students used the online resource broadly and intensively, and found it trustworthy, including for information about news and safe sex. We find a 0.10σ impact on English exam scores, and a higher impact among low achievers (0.20σ). Students used Wikipedia to study Biology, and exam scores increased for low achievers (0.10σ). Our results show that by restricting internet access to a source of engaging and accessible reading material, it is possible to encourage independent reading and affect educational outcomes.

摘 要



Winners and losers from agrarian reform: Evidence from Danish land inequality 1682–1895


Nina Boberg-Fazlić, Markus Lampe, Pablo Martinelli Lasheras, Paul Sharp


Pro-market and pro-farmer agrarian reforms enacted in eighteenth century Denmark laid the basis for rural development but we demonstrate that they also resulted in increased inequality. We investigate this using a novel parish-level database spanning more than two centuries. We identify the impact of land quality on inequality following the reforms by instrumenting with soil type and find increases in areas with more productive land. We propose and find evidence for a mechanism whereby agrarian reforms allowed areas with better soil quality to realize greater productivity gains. This in turn led to greater population increases, and a larger share of smallholders and landless laborers. Finally, we demonstrate the impact on the winners and losers: more unequal areas witnessed increases in top incomes, but greater emigration of the rural poor, to the United States in particular. Thus, the losers were able to vote with their feet, in stark contrast to those who might lose from similar reforms in developing countries today.

摘 要



Financial access and women's role in household decisions: Empirical evidence from India's National Rural Livelihoods project


Anjini Kochar, Closepet Nagabhushana, Ritwik Sarkar, Rohan Shah, Geeta Singh


Government programs supporting self help groups (SHGs) generally target women on the assumption that doing so enhances women's decision-making. The empirical evidence, however, is mixed. We advance and test one explanation: the loan amounts offered by most SHGs may be too small to impact women. Our analysis is based on SHGs developed under India's National Rural Livelihoods Mission, a program that supported both small loans from internal savings and larger loans through Community Investment Funds (CIFs). Exploiting variation in their phasing and amount, we document a large effect of CIFs on women's decision-making and on intra-household allocations.

摘 要



Can virtual replace in-person coaching? Experimental evidence on teacher professional development and student learning


Jacobus Cilliers, Brahm Fleisch, Janeli Kotze, Nompumelelo Mohohlwane, ... Tsegofatso Thulare


Virtual communication holds the promise of enabling low-cost professional development at scale, but the benefits of in-person interaction might be difficult to replicate. We report on an experiment in South Africa comparing on-site with virtual coaching of public primary school teachers. After three years, on-site coaching improved students’ English oral language and reading proficiency (0.31 and 0.13 SD, respectively). Virtual coaching had a smaller impact on English oral language proficiency (0.12 SD), no impact on English reading proficiency, and an unintended negative effect on home language literacy. The top-performing students consistently benefited most. Classroom observations show that on-site coaching improved teaching practices, while virtual coaching led to larger crowding-out of home language teaching time. Implementation and survey data suggest technology itself was not a barrier to implementation, but rather that in-person contact enabled more accountability and support.

摘 要

虚拟通信有望大规模实现低成本的专业发展,但面对面互动的好处可能难以复制。我们报道了南非的一项实验,该实验将现场辅导与公立小学教师的虚拟辅导进行了比较。三年后,现场辅导提高了学生的英语口语和阅读能力(分别为0.310.13 SD)。虚拟辅导对英语口语能力的影响较小(0.12 SD),对英语阅读能力没有影响,对母语素养有意想不到的负面影响。表现最好的学生一直受益最多。课堂观察表明,现场辅导改善了教学实践,而虚拟辅导导致家庭语言教学时间的挤出更大。实施和调查数据表明,技术本身并不是实施的障碍,而是面对面的接触使更多的问责制和支持成为可能。




Journal of Development Economics | Vol 155, March 2022 | ScienceDirect.com by Elsevier


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